Museums Oriented on Technology and Collections of History of Technology in Bohemia and Moravia

Technicke muzeum Brno (Technical Museum of Brno)
Purkynova 99
612 00 Brno - Kralovo Pole

Documentation of technical development in the Czech lands, particularly in Moravia. Moreover, the museum is specialized to water sources and city public transit. Real-estate technical monuments are also administered by the museum. Collections are currently closed because of moving into new premises.

Postovni muzeum (Postal Museum)
Nove Mlyny 2
110 00 Praha 1

Collection of phone apparatuses.

Narodni zemedelske museum (National Museum of Agriculture)
Kostelni 44
170 OO Praha 7

Collections of agriculture and food technology.

Narodni zemedelske museum (National Museum of Agriculture)
Kacina Castle 15
285 31 Nove Dvory

The Museum of Czech contryside.

Narodni muzeum Praha (National Museum Prague)
Vaclavske nam. 68
110 00 Praha 1

Collection of about 30 gnomonic astronomical instruments from the 16th-18 century; collection of musical machines is permanently installed at the chateau of Horovice. Collection of musical instruments, musical machines, gramophone records, phonograph cylinders.

Umeleckoprumyslove muzeum Praha (Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague)
17. listopadu 2
110 01 Praha 1

Collection of about 50 gnomonic instruments from the 16th-19th century, the second largest collection after the National Technical Museum Prague, and 10 globes. Also collection of musical machines.

Podnikove muzeum Meopty Prerov (Company Museum of Meopta Prerov)
Horni namesti
750 58 Prerov

History and production programme of Meopta.

CVUT (Czech Technical University)
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Geodesy and Cartography
Thakurova 7
166 29 Praha 6

Collection of about 100 geodetic instruments from the turn of 19th and 20th centuries, incl. Bozek's chronometer (1886).

Vysoka skola banska Ostrava (Mining University Ostrava)
trida 17. listopadu 15
708 33 Ostrava - Svinov

Extensive exhibition of mineralogy, petrography and paleontology.

Vysoka skola banska Ostrava (Mining University Ostrava)
Department of Mining Surveying and Geodesy
17. listopadu
708 33 Ostrava

High-quality collection of mining geodetic technique.

Regionalni muzeum (Regional Museum of Mikulov)
692 15 Mikulov na Morave

Outstanding collection of scientific instruments from the 16th-19th century.

Slezske zemske muzeum Opava (Silesian Museum Opava)
Ostrozna 42
706 02 Ostrava 3

Large collection of musical machines and musical instruments.

Pivovarske muzeum (Museum of Brewing)
Veleslavinova 6
301 14 Plzen

Collections related to brewing industry.

Muzeum farmaceutickeho prumyslu SPOFA (Museum of Pharmaceutical Industry of SPOFA)
Husinecka 11a
130 00 Praha 3

Industrialization of pharmaceutical production.

Mestske muzeum Rtyne v Podkrkonosi (Town Museum of Rtyne)
542 33 Rtyne v Podkrkonosi

Exhibition of coal mining; a great part are exhibits from the National Technical Museum in Prague.

Okresni muzeum Kladno (District Museum Kladno)
Zamek 1
282 80 Kladno

Exhibition with a model of coal mine of real size.

Okresni muzeum Sokolov (District Museum Sokolov)
Zamecka 1
356 00 Sokolov

Tradition and present state of production in the region with an emphasis on coal mining.

Prachenske muzeum (District Museum of Pisek)
Velke nam. 114
397 24 Pisek

The exhibition also covers gold placering along Otava river.

Okresni muzeum Most (District Museum of Most)
Svermova ul.
434 00 Most

Exhibition in Litvinov on ore mining in Middle Ages and on local coal mining.

Muzeum ceskeho stribra (Museum of Czech Silver)
Barborska 28
284 00 Kutna Hora

Silver mining in medieval times, typical medieval adit.

Okresni muzeum Pribram (District Museum of Pribram)
Brezove Hory 293
263 02 Pribram VI

Open-air museum with steam engine, head frame and exhibition of history of mining, mineralogy, mining ethnography.

Regionalni muzeum Jilove u Prahy (Regional Museum at Jilove)
254 80 Jilove u Prahy

Gold mining in Bohemia.

Muzeum mesta Rudolfova (Town Museum of Rudolfov)
Adamovska ul.
373 71 Rudolfov

Exhibition in the town library devoted to mining ores in the town surroundings. A mining instructive path in the town neighbourhood.

Skanzen Mayrau (Open-air Museum Mayrau)
273 07 Vinarice u Kladna

Open-air museum where mining machine, uptake and coal mining are shown.

Vlastivedne muzeum mesta Stribra (Museum of Local History in Stribro)
349 01 Stribro

Exhibition "100 looks of quartz".

Grafit a.s
Mine Cesky Krumlov
Chvalsinska ul.
381 11 Cesky Krumlov

Visit of the underground graphite mine which is still operating.

Hornicko-geologicky park (Park of Mining and Geology)
Hornicka 164
431 84 Medenec

Going down the iron-ore pit, exhibition of mineralogy, instructive path.

Muzeum tezby cinu (Museum of Tin Mining)
417 41 Krupka

Mining exhibition of the museum in Teplice.

Strojirny (Engineering Works)
Chroustovice u Berouna

The area includes a part of iron-ore mine with exhibits of mining technology.

Muzeum Vysociny (Museum of Bohemian-Moravian Highlands)
Masarykovo nam. 55
586 01 Jihlava

Silver mining.

Hornicke muzeum Ostrava (Museum of Mining Ostrava)
Dul Anselm Petrkovice
700 00 Ostrava

Documentation and presentation of mining in Ostrava-Karvina Mines.

OKD a.s.
District Mining Rescue Station
716 03 Ostrava-Radvanice

Exhibition of rescue technique from the collections of Mining department of NTM.

Muzeum Tesinska (Regional Museum of Tesin)
Hornicke muzeum
735 41 Petrvald

Exhibition of transport.

Ostravske muzeum (Ostrava Museum)
Masarykovo nam. 1
700 00 Ostrava

Exhibition of paleo-botany and mining, with emphasis on mining lamps.

Prumyslove muzeum Ostrava (Industrial Museum of Ostrava)
Cs. armady 94/413
Dul P. Cingr
715 00 Ostrava-Michalkovice

Documentation of evolution and preserving of industrial cultural heritage in the Ostrava agglomeration.

Dul Paskov (Paskov colliery)
739 43 Staric u Frydku-Mistku

The coal mine with the replica of mining operation for the coal output. Technical devices are presented in operation.

Muzeum strojiren POLDI (Museum of Engineering Works POLDI)
Hutska 3
272 01 Kladno

Development and production programme of metallurgy and mechanical engineering since founding of the firm in the mid-19th century.

Muzeum Vitkovic (Museum of Vitkovice)
Vystavni 99
706 02 Ostrava-Vitkovice

Development of Vitkovice Iron Works and the town.

Kovaci hamr (Hammer mill)
338 44 Dobriv

Technical monument - water drived hammer mill.

Slevarenske muzeum Komarov (Foundry Museum of Komarov)
Company Museum
a.s. Buzuluk Komarov
nam. Otty z Losu 15
267 62 Komarov

Permanent exhibition presents history of artistic iron casting in the Komarov Iron Works, especially in the 19th century.

Muzeum Blansko (Museum of Blansko)
Zamek 1
678 26 Blansko

Beginnings of iron-making in the region and collection of artistic cast-iron pieces produces in Blansko Iron Works in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Plynarenske muzeum (Museum of Gas Manufacture)
Prazska plynarenska a.s.
U plynarny 500
145 08 Praha 4 - Michle

History of gas supply in Prague.

Prazske vodarny (Prague Water Works)
Utvar VTEI
Archiv a muzeum
Narodni 13
112 65 Praha 1 - Stare Mesto

History of water supply in Prague

Ekotechnicke muzeum (Ecotechnical Museum)
Papirenska 6
160 00 Praha 6

Technical monument - sanitation sewerage with the original machinery and technological equipment. Visit by appointment only.

Vlastivedne muzeum Olomouc (Museum of Local History in Olomouc)
Detached exhibition at the castle Stenberk
Nam. Republiky 5
771 73 Olomouc

Large collection of clocks exhibited at the castle Stenberk, parts of the original Olomouc horologe are shown in the Museum of Local History Olomouc)

Muzeum Skoda Plzen (Museum of Skoda Plzen)
Korandova 4
316 00 Plzen 16

Company museum presenting history and production of the Plzen company Skoda, including heavy-current electric engineering.

Mestska elektrarna Pisek (City Powerhouse Pisek)
Podskali 159
397 19 Pisek

Technical monument - water powerhouse in service with the exhibition of the city lighting and electrification.

Elektrarna Vydra (Powerhouse Vydra)
Cenkova Pila
341 94 Srni u Susice

Exhibition of the development of energetics in Sumava Mountains.

Pametni sin dr. Frant Krizika (Memorial Hall of Frantisek Krizik)
Krizikova 86
340 34 Planice

Native house of Frantisek Krizik with a small exhibition.

Pamatnik Prokopa Divise (Memorial of Prokop Divis)
Part of Town Museum in Zamberk-Helvikovice
Csl. armady 472
564 01 Zamberk

Exhibition in the Divis's native house.

Mestske muzeum Prelouc (Town Museum of Prelouc)
nam. Rude armady
535 01 Prelouc

Tape recorders produced in Tesla Prelouc.

Zapadoceske muzeum (West-Bohemian Museum)
Kopeckeho sady 15
316 00 Plzen

Sound recording and reproduction.

Mestske muzeum Litovel (Town Museum Litovel)
B. Nemcove 199
784 01 Litovel

Gramophones produced in Tesla Litovel.

Skoda Auto Muzeum (Museum of Cars Skoda)
V. Klementa 294
293 60 Mlada Boleslav

About forty exhibited vehicles document the history of car production in Mlada Boleslav since beginnings.

Muzeum Mestske hromadne dopravy (Museum of City Public Transit)
Patockova 4
162 00 Praha 6

Exhibition of development of the city public transit is located in the historical tram depot and is oriented to tram transport.

Letecke muzeum (Museum of Aeronautics)
Historical Institute of Czech Army
Klebly airport
197 00 Praha 9-Kbely

Exhibition of about 120 aeroplanes documenting history of Czech aviation.

Jihoceske muzeum (South Bohemian Museum)
Dukelska 1
370 51 Ceske Budejovice

Documentation of the horse railway from Ceske Budejovice to Linz (Austria).

Expozice ceske motocyklove vyroby (Exhibition of Czech motorcycle production)
Statni hrad Kamen
394 13 Kamen u Pacova

Exhibition of over 30 motorcycles documenting the history of domestic production of motorcycles.

Zeleznicni muzeum, vytopna Jaromer (Railway Museum, locomotive shed Jaromer)
Nadrazni 222
551 01 Jaromer

Steam locomotives and historical railway carriages.

Vagonarske muzeum Moravskoslezske vagonky (Carriage Museum of the Moravian-Silesian Carriage Factory)
Panska 229
742 13 Studenka

History of railway carriages from the times of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy till today.

Technicke muzeum Tatra (Technical Museum of Tarta)
Janackovy sady 226
742 21 Koprivnice

Exhibition of over 60 passenger cars and lorries documenting production in the factory since 1897.

Muzeum Bozeny Nemcove (Museum of Bozena Nemcova - also Textile Museum)
Maloskalicka 123
552 03 Ceska Skalice II

In addition to national-history collection, the museum documents the history of textile production in the region and textile machines are also shown.

Krkonosske muzeum (Museum of Krkonose)
514 01 Jilemnice 75

History of weaving.

Mestske muzeum As (Town Museum of As)
Mikulasska 3
352 01 As

Textile industry in North-West Bohemia.

Rukavicarske muzeum (Museum of Glove-Making)
Dvorakova 275
263 01 Dobris

Glove making.

Kloboucnicke muzeum (Museum of Millinery)
Castle of Zerotin
ul. 28. rijna 12
741 00 Novy Jicin


Muzeum krajky (Museum of Lace Work)
Vilimkova 88
517 54 Vamberk

Collection of lace works from traditional local home production.

Vychodoceske muzeum Pardubice (East-Bohemian Museum Pardubice)
Zamek 1
531 34 Prardubice

Collection of household technique.

Muzeum Sumavy v Susici (Sumava Mountains Museum in susice) nam. Svobody 40
342 01 Susice

Exposition of the matches' production, glass exposition.

Muzeum knihy (Museum of Book)
Exposition of National Museum
591 01 Zdar nad Sazavou

Collection devoted to book culture and letterpress.

Muzeum skla (Museum of Glass)
512 46 Harrachov-Novy svet

Glass production in North Bohemia.

Muzeum skla (Museum of Glass)
tr. kpt. Jarose
360 06 Karlovy Vary - Dvory

Glass production in West Bohemia.

Muzeum technickeho skla (Museum of Technical Glass)
285 06 Sazava

Technical glass making.

Muzeum skla a bizuterie (Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery)
Jiraskova 4
466 00 Jablonec nad Nisou

Glass production.

Obuvnicke muzeum (Museum of Shoe Making)
760 00 Zlin

Domestic shoe-making industry.

Papirenske muzeum (Museum of Paper Production)
788 15 Velke Losiny

Paper production

Muzeum silnic a dalnic (Museum of Roads and Motorways)
594 01 Velke Mezirici

Construction of motorways in Czechoslovak Republic, bridges.

Narodni galerie v Praze - Sbirka architektury (National Gallery in Prague - Collection of Architecture)
Veletrzni palac
Dukelskych hrdinu 47
170 00 Praha 7 - Holesovice

Post-war architecture (plans, models, photographs)

Muzeum mesta Brna - Oddeleni architektury (Museum of City of Brno - Department of Architecture)
Spilberk 1
662 24 Brno

Between-wars and post-war architecture in Brno (plans, models, vistas of Brno, photographs).

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