The geodetic collections were founded by Frantisek Fiala who had been creating his private collection since 1875. He donated the whole file comprising 250 geodetic instruments to the Technical Museum in 1910. Important acquisitions were eight drafting sets from the late 16th century from the workshop of Erasmus Habermel bought at the Muller auction in Amsterdam in 1911. In 1913 the Museum acquired the hereditaments of the Rozmital woodreeve and designer K. Gangloff. After the World War II, the Museum took over the collections of Prague Klementinum where an astronomical and meteorological observatory was located. The most important acquisition was taking over of 231 instruments from the Department of Geodesy of the Czech Technical University. The collection contains mainly geometric measuring instruments, cartographic drafting devices and geographic globes. The geodetic instruments fall into the period 1585-1970. The collection is quite extensive and counts almost 1300 objects. Unique instruments are, for instance, aids from the Habermel workshop from the turn of 16th-17th centuries. The oldest theodolite in the collection is the instrument of Heinrich Stolle. The half-circle instruments by D. Lusuerg, Richer, Langlois and Canivet and the theodolite by Dollond represent the most precious protractor instruments before 1800. The collection also contains some original designs of instruments made by professors of the Prague Technical University.
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