Commands and Controls


This page lists the functions of each important control in TrayPlay's toolbar and menus.


On the toolbar, from left ro right:

Select the files you wish to have in your PlayList.
Remove the selected item(s) from the PlayList.
Toggle PlayList Play/Stop state. Once a PlayList is created or opened, you may play the entire list, or select the desired file(s) you wish to be played. Simply select the range of files and choose "Play" to define a range, or to play the entire list, just choose play.
Pause/Resume toggle of the currently playing media file. (Play will resume from current position.)
Toggle Mute/Un-Mute state.
HotKey Information
Describes the HotKey and function associations. A popup menu may be accessed at any time via a right-click to the file area for maximized speed, efficiency, and convenience.
Close and exit TrayPlay.


In the File menu:

New Playlist
Create a new PlayList file.
Load Playlist
Load an existing PlayList file.
Save Playlist
Save the current PlayList configuration.
Toggle PlayList Play/Stop state. Once a PlayList is created or opened, you may play the entire list, or select the desired file(s) you wish to be played. Simply select the range of files and choose "Play" to define a range, or to play the entire list, just choose play.
Pause/Resume toggle of the currently playing media file. (Play will resume from current position.)
Toggle Mute/Un-Mute state.
Seek Next/Previous
Play the Next or Previous file in your currently loaded PlayList configuration.


In the Edit menu:

Select the files you wish to have in your PlayList.
Remove the selected item(s) from the PlayList.
Move Up/Down
Move the currently selected file up or down in the PlayList rankings accordingly.


In the Options menu:

Loop Playlist
If checked, TrayPlay will play the playlist over and over until stopped or closed.
Always On Top
If checked, this option will cause CDH TrayPlay to remain ontop of other windows. Otherwise, the window state will be as normal.
Minimize as Tray icon
When selected, TrayPlay will become an icon on the Taskbar tray to conserve visible screen space.



About TrayPlay


What's New

System Requirements

Limitations of Unregistered Version

How to Register


TrayPlay Support


Using TrayPlay

Commands and Controls

