Order License for PACT Software

English (US$)
Deutsch (DM)

What's new on

PACT 12Ghosts 98 - Secure, Fast and Easy.



All Ghosts now on version 98.10.2!

2ndBackup - Ultimate Security for Your Important Data. 2ndBackup
Save and Copy Windows Profiles - PACT ProfileCopy 98! ProfileCopy
Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout 98! Save Layout
Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer 98! Timer

Just Do It
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpReg
Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent with PACT SetTextColor 98! SetTextColor
PACT Shell Extension: Add user defined context menu commands! ShellX
Shutdown with one click, start backup before. PACT Shutdown 98! Shutdown

Make it Easy
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP 98! DeskTOP
Open System Folders Quicker with PACT Quicky 98! Quick Menu
Date and Time always on TOP! ShowTime
     & ClipNotes New!
Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT WinBzzzz 98! WinBzzzz

Download PACT 12Ghosts 98 Download 1.1 MB
Order License for PACT Software How to Order
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49 Ideas of Silence
Learn Typewriting
Link Collection


Code Talk

Windows NT
My Visual C Tricks
PGP & Outlook
Outlook & VBA
My Dream PC
Excel 4.0 Macros



Philip Ahrens
Some Ideas
About PACT


Did you find what you were looking for? E-mail Philip Ahrens.


Microsoft Certified Professional

ClubWin Team #3 NT Workstation
Team #3 NT Workstation


PACT supports
Walker's Watchguard 
Citizens for Cycles


Toll Free Order Phone 1-877-353-7297
Toll Free Order Fax 1-888-353-7276

Order Online per Internet
Order per E-mail, Fax, or Mail
Upgrades to 12Ghosts or Multi-License Paks



Register Now is a partner of WinFiles.com and Softseek.com.Order Online

You can purchase PACT software online at RegisterNow!, a service of Universal Commerce, Inc., which also happens to be a partner of WinFiles.com (aka Windows95.com) and Softseek.com. RegisterNow! provides secure, encrypted credit card transactions and verification in real time. You will receive your license key per e-mail within seconds. To connect to RegisterNow! select one of the following links:

License includs all 98.x and 99.x updates!


Order per E-mail, Fax or Mail

Please print out this page or copy the text into a new e-mail, complete the form and send it back per e-mail, fax, mail, or PGP encrypted e-mail. Your order will be processed immediately after approval. To receive your license number as soon as possible, please provide a valid e-mail address. Thank you!

(Text order form)


Order License for PACT Software

Universal Commerce, Inc.
ATTN Orders
PO Box 1816
Issaquah, WA 98027
Web http://www.regnow.com/
E-mail orders@regnow.com
Order Phone 1-425-392-2294
Order Fax 1-425-392-0223
Number of Users: Single
5 for 2
5 User
25 for 4
25 User
Site License
All Ghosts together -
This is 12 for 2½!!!
$35 $70 $140 $280
PACT 12Ghosts 98/99        
One of the Ghosts $14 $30 $60 $120
PACT 2ndBackup 98/99        
PACT DeskTOP 98/99        
PACT JumpReg 98/99        
PACT ProfileCopy 98/99        
PACT Quick Menu 98/99        
PACT Save Layout 98/99        
PACT SetTextColor 98/99        
PACT ShellX 98/99        
PACT ShowTime 98/99        
PACT Shutdown 98/99        
PACT Timer 98/99        
PACT WinBzzzz 98/99        

US Dollar, prices guaranteed through 1998. License includs all 98.x and 99.x updates! US$14.00 = Can$20 = YEN1900 = EURO12.50 = GB£8.50 = FRF85.00 = Lir25000 = SFR20.00 = öS170.00 = DM25.00. $35.00 = DM62.00. Charges made to the current exchange rate!

Name, Company ________________________________________

E-mail Address ________________________________________

Street ________________________________________________

City, State, ZIP ________________________________________

Country _______________________________________________

Phone ______________________ Fax ______________________

O   Cheque made out to Universal Commerce, Inc. in US$, drawn on a US bank, with the product name in the memo field
O   Cash included in notes only
O   Bank assigned to Philip Ahrens PACT, Dresdner Bank Heidelberg, Germany, SWIFT DRESDEFF 672, BLZ 67280051, Account No 4815348
O   Company purchase on invoice, per fax/mail only to Philip Ahrens PACT, Ladenburger Str. 26, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Fax +49-6221-451591
      Cards accepted by RegisterNow!
O   Visa Card  
O   Master/Euro Card  
O   American Express Card  
O   Discover Card  

Name on Card __________________________________________

Number ________________________ Expiration Date __________

Date _______________ Signature __________________________

How did you hear about PACT Software?




PGP Public Key here and on every key server: MIT.EDU, PGP.NET
PGP Key Fingerprint for pa@pact.de:
59 DA 0A 1E 1D CE 58 3B  12 BD 16 68 36 A7 75 24


Upgrades to 12Ghosts or Multi-License Paks

We now offer upgrades to 12Ghosts or Multi-License Paks. The price for all upgrades is the difference between the product you have and the product you'd like. For example:

One of the Ghosts => 12Ghosts: $35 - $14 = $21
Single User License => 5 Users License: $70 - $35 = $35
12Ghosts, 5 User License => Site License: $280 - $70 = $210

Since we need to verify your current license status, we can only accept upgrade orders directly to PACT Software. E-mail upgrade@12Ghosts.com, Phone +49-6221-451591, Fax +49-6221-451591, or mail to Philip Ahrens PACT, Ladenburger Str. 26, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Note, if you previously purchased your license online we would need your payment information again.


English (US$)
Deutsch (DM)

Toll Free Order Phone 1-877-353-7297
Toll Free Order Fax 1-888-353-7276

Order Online per Internet
Order per E-mail, Fax, or Mail
Upgrades to 12Ghosts or Multi-License Paks


Secure, Fast and Easy. PACT 12Ghosts 98!  12 Windows 95/98/NT Utilities - Secure, Fast and Easy.



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