1/ What are the prices of EuroTel mobile phones?

2/What are the prices for calling (and other services) charged by EuroTel?

3/ What is the present signal coverage for EuroTel GSM Global system?

4/ What is the present signal coverage for EuroTel Classic (NMT)?

5/ What area (how many percent of people ) is EuroTel planning to cover and when?

6/ How many units do I have on my SIM card?

7/ Is it possible to by a mobile phone for the use of EuroTel GSM Global network abroad and to use a EuroTel SIM card in it?

8/Do you buy out old, used phones ?

9/ Is it possible to exchange a Eurotel Classic mobile phone for a EuroTel GSM Global one?

10/Is it possible to use somehow EuroTel Classic devices in the Eurotel GSM Global network (after modification, etc.)?

11/ Where can I find out the phone number of another EuroTel mobile phone user ?

12/For how long will stay EuroTel Classic network in operation?

13/ In which countries outside the Czech Republic can I make phone calls?

14/ What do I need to do when I found out that my SIM card has been stolen ?

15/ Is it possible to misuse mobile phones ?

16/ You have not found an answer to your question ?

Answers to your frequently asked questions

1/ What are the prices of EuroTel mobile phones ?
Detailed prices are included in The Price List of Mobil phones
EuroTel GSM Global and EuroTel Classic.

2/ What are the prices for calling (and other services) charged by EuroTel ?
Detailed prices are included in The Price List of
EuroTel GSM Global and EuroTel Classic services .

3/ What is the present signal coverage for EuroTel GSM Global system?
By October 1997 aprox.
81% of the area of CR was covered by the EuroTel GSM Global signal.The coverage is still being expanded.

4/ What is the present signal coverage for EuroTel Classic (NMT) ?
By October 1997 approx.
96% of the area of CR was covered by the EuroTel Classic signal.The coverage is still being expanded.

5/ What area ( how many percent of people) is EuroTel planning to cover and when?
EuroTel is planning to permanently increase the present coverage of both systems in order to satisfy its customers in a short amount of time.For you - our clients, the company of EuroTel wants to reach the coveraga of approximately 90 - 95% in both systems within the next two years.

6/ How many units do I have on my SIM card?
IM card does not include any units. It comprises the necessary identification data about a customer and other technical data.A SIM card is inserted into the mobile phone and enables its connection in the Eurotel GSM Global cellular network. Together with the SIM card you will receive PIN and PUK numbers. These numbers enable the activation of your own SIM card and prevent its misuse by other people.

7/ Is it possible to buy a mobile phone for the use of EuroTel GSM Global network abroad and to use a EuroTel SIM card in it?
Yes, it is possible. But we recommend to choose carefully the type of phone which enables you to use all functions which the EuroTel GSM Global network offers.GSM mobile phones do not require national homologation provided that they are approved in the appropriate MoU (Association of GSM operators) documents.

8/ Do you buy out old, used phones ?
Buying (and resale) of used devices is not possible in EuroTel direct distribution offices.But you can try to contact some
accredited dealers which may offer this kind of service

9/ Is it possible to exchange a Eurotel Classic mobil phone for a EuroTel GSM Global one?
his service is not available yet.

10/ Is it possible to use somehow EuroTel Classic devices in the Eurotel GSM Global network (after modification, etc.)?
No, it is not possible. It is necessary to use different types of phones in the Classic and GSM Global systems.

11/ Where can I find out the phone number of another EuroTel mobile phone user?
Call our Customer Service -(+ 420) 2 / 6701 6701, on a mobile phone dial *11 (for free).

12/ For how long will stay EuroTel Classic network in operation?
The present EuroTel Classic network can basicly stay in operation for an unlimited amount of time.The present quality of coverage and capacity will be expanded upon needs and wishes of our clients. A good example of this can be seen in other countries where several different systems co-exist at the same time. Each of them offers its customers different advantages and it only depends on the customer which one he will choose.

13/ In which countries outside the Czech Republic can I make phone calls ?
With all countries in which the GSM Global network works and which our clients are interested in, EuroTel concludes inter connection agreements, which allow our clients to use their SIM cards in the given.For more information see
international roaming.

14/ What do I need to do when I find out that my SIM card has been stolen stolen?
Immediately call EuroTel Customer Service - ( + 0420) 2 / 6701 6701, on a mobile phone dial *11 (for free). Your phone number will be deactivated and you will be informed what to do next.

15/ ¨Is it possible to misuse mobile phones?
In the EuroTel Classic network EuroTel has introduced effective countermeasures against such activities - the implementation of SIS security systems and use of PIN codes.The EuroTel GSM Global network is protected as well using the most up-to-date security systems.

16/ You have not found an answer to your question?
Contact our company EuroTel Praha on our e-mail address