Version: 1.2.2
Release date: 16 August 2002
License type: Professional
End User License Agreement (EULA)
The license file (license.key , located in the license directory) is only valid for <oXygen/> XML Editor 1.2.2.
After you install the kit you should copy the license file to the application install folder.
Installing on Windows C:\Program Files\Oxygen1.2.2
Installing on Unix /home/userName/Oxygen1.2.2
Installing on MacOS X /Applications/Oxygen1.2.2
The printable version of the <oXygen/> UserGuide: userGuide.pdf (PDF, 210KB)
The <oXygen/> kits are located in the kits directory and are grouped by platform and by inclusion of Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
System Requirements
A Pentium class system with 64 MB of RAM and 50 MB free disk space is recommended.
JVM 1.3 or later (if you get the installation kit without Java VM).
Windows Instructions:
After downloading, double-click oxygen.exe .
If you do not have a Java virtual machine 1.3 or later installed, be sure to download the package above which includes one.
Linux Instructions:
After downloading open a shell and, cd to the directory where you downloaded the installer.
If you have downloaded the installation kit without Java VM make sure you have in your PATH enviorment variable
the correct location of the JRE. Make sure that older JREs (like 1.0.6) are not listed in PATH.
At the prompt type: sh ./oxygen.bin .
Mac OS X Instructions:
After downloading, double-click oxygen .
Requires Mac OS X 10.0 or later
The compressed file should be recognized by Stuffit Expander and should automatically be expanded after downloading.
If it is not expanded, you can expand it manually using StuffIt Expander 6.0 or later.
Copy the license file you have received by email in the expanded folder. You can rename and move the folder to /Applications/Oxygen1.2.4
If you have problems, please contact technical support.
All Platforms Instructions:
After downloading unzip the oxygen archive.
On Windows run oxygen.bat .
On Unix or MacOS X run .
You must have installed a Java virtual machine 1.3 or later.
InstallAnywhere is a registered trademark of Zero G Software, Inc., Mac OS X is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., Solaris and Java are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other marks are properties of their respective owners.