This section describes the functions in the WebPost API.
The functions for simple usage include:
WpDeleteSite | Deletes a friendly site name that has been configured. |
WpListSites | Retrieves a list of the friendly site names that the user has configured. |
WpPost | Posts a file name to the URL at a given site. If the URL and site name are set to NULL, the function starts a wizard that asks the user to choose or set up a URL and site. |
The function for advanced usage is:
WpBindToSite | Returns a COM object to the WebPost service provider that supports the given site name or URL. With this object, the application can call into the provider functions listed in WebPost SPI Functions. |
A fifth WebPost API function, WpPostFile, is OLE Automation-enabled and very similar to WpPost. The major difference is that WpPostFile can post only one file or directory at a time.
LONG WpBindToSite( IN HWND hwnd, IN LPTSTR lpszSiteName, IN LPTSTR lpszURL OPTIONAL, IN DWORD fdwFlags, IN DWORD dwReserved, OUT LPVOID *ppbObj );
Retrieves the address of a WebPost service provider object that can post Web pages to the specified site name or URL. The application can then call the provider functions directly. The function works only if the site exists.
LONG WpDeleteSite( IN LPTSTR lpszSiteName );
Deletes a site name that has been configured.
LONG WpListSites( IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbSites, OUT LPWPSITEINFO lpbSites, OUT LPDWORD lpcSites );
Retrieves information about the Internet sites that are already configured.
Posts a list of files or directories to an Internet site identified by the given site name or URL. If the site name and URL are NULL, the function invokes a wizard to let the user choose an existing or create a new Internet site.
If this parameter is not NULL, on return it will contain the site name that the files were posted to.
If this parameter is not NULL, the URL of the file copied, or the URL of the directory that the files were copied to, is returned in the buffer pointed to by this parameter.
Value | Meaning |
WPF_FIRST_FILE_AS_DEFAULT | Take the first file specified in the lppszLocalPaths list as the file that will be shown as the default page. |
WPF_MINIMAL_UI | Skip the pages where the input has been provided. For example, if lpszSiteName is specified, the wizard will not show the page for choosing the site name. |
WPF_NO_RECURSIVE_POST | If any element in the lppszLocalPaths array points to a directory, do not post files recursively. |
WPF_NO_WIZARD | Do not prompt the user for any input. This is relevant only if lpszSiteName has been created before. |
Suppose you have created a site named "My Web Site" that has a URL of "", and you want to post a file named "abcd.tmp" to "" as person.htm. The parameters for WpPost should be as follows:
lpszSiteName = "My Web Site" cLocalPaths = 1 lppszLocalPaths = {"c:\tmp\abcd.tmp"} lpszURL = ""
HRESULT WpPostFile( [in] long hwnd, [in] BSTR lpszLocalPaths, [in, out]long * lpcbSiteName, [in, out]BSTR * lpszSiteName, [in, out]long * lpcbURL, [in, out]BSTR * lpszURL, [in] long fdwFlags, [out] long *lpRetCode );
This function is for use with OLE Automation. It posts a file or directory to an Internet site identified by the given site name or URL. If the site name and URL are NULL, the function invokes a wizard to let the user choose an existing or create a new Internet site.
If this parameter is not NULL, on return it will contain the site name that the files were posted to.
If this parameter is not NULL, the URL of the file copied, or the URL of the directory that the files were copied to, returns in the buffer pointed to by this parameter.
Value | Meaning |
WPF_FIRST_FILE_AS_DEFAULT | Take the first file specified in lpszLocalPaths as the file that will be shown as the default page. |
WPF_MINIMAL_UI | Skip the pages where input has been provided. For example, when this flag is set and lpszSiteName is specified, the wizard will not show the page for choosing the site name. |
WPF_NO_RECURSIVE_POST | If lpszLocalPaths points to a directory, do not post files recursively. |
WPF_NO_WIZARD | Do not prompt the user for any input. This is relevant only if lpszSiteName points to a site that has been created before. |
This function can post only one file or directory at a time.
Here are two examples that show how to use this function with Visual Basic®.
Example 1:
Dim wpo as New WPObj.WPObj wpo.WpPostFile <etc.>
Example 2:
Dim wpo as Object Set wpo = CreateObject("WPObj.Application") wpo.WpPostFile <etc.>
typedef struct tagWPSITEINFO { DWORD dwSize; DWORD fdwFlags; LPTSTR lpszSiteName; LPTSTR lpszSiteURL; } WPSITEINFO, *LPWPSITEINFO;
Contains information about a site on the World Wide Web.
Value | Meaning |
WPSF_NEEDS_COMMIT | Posting occurs during the Commit function. |
WPSF_CAN_BROWSE_DIR | Browsing directories is supported. |
WPSF_CONNECTED_TO_NETWORK | Connected to the network. |
WPSF_LOGGED_IN_TO_SERVER | Logged in to the server. |
WebPost service provider DLLs are OLE COM servers that do the actual work of posting files to Internet sites. They provide the functions described in this section. The WebPost functions, and the wizard, route the request to one of the providers based on the site name or URL and use the provider functions to post the files.
Each provider DLL exports the WppBindToSite function, which takes a site name or URL and an interface identifier, and returns a pointer to the interface. The WpBindToSite function uses the WppBindToSite function to obtain the address of an interface, and then passes the address back to the caller. Each provider also exports the WppListSites function, which lists all the Internet sites that the provider can post to.
LONG WppBindToSite( IN HWND hwnd, IN LPCTSTR lpszSiteName OPTIONAL, IN LPCTSTR lpszURL OPTIONAL, IN REFIID riid, IN DWORD fdwFlags, IN DWORD dwReserved, OUT PVOID *ppvObj );
Retrieves the address of an interface if the provider DLL owns the site name or the URL.
Value | Meaning |
WPF_FORCE_BIND | The provider should return successfully for the function no matter what the lpszURL value is. |
LONG WppDeleteSite( IN LPTSTR lpszSiteName );
Deletes a site name that has been configured.
LONG WppListSites( IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbSites, OUT LPWPSITEINFO lpbSites, OUT LPDWORD lpcSites );
Retrieves information about the Internet sites managed by this provider. The WpListSites function calls this function for each provider, aggregates the results, and returns them to the caller.
A WebPost SPI provides the interface functions described in this section. There should be an ANSI version and a Unicode version of each interface. Please refer to the Wpspi.h file for details.
Allows the provider DLLs to plug pages into the wizard invoked by the WpPost function.
As input to this function, the low-order word is the dialog identifier of the next page of the last page of the provider, and the high-order word is the dialog identifier of the previous page of the first page of the provider. If the high-order word is zero, the provider's first page is the first page of the wizard (for the WPF_MINIMAL_UI case). The Back button should be disabled using PropSheet_SetWizButtons. If the low-order word is zero, the provider's last page is the last page of the wizard. The Next button should be changed to the Finish button using PropSheet_SetWizButtons.
As output from this function, the low-order word is the dialog identifier of the provider's last page, and the high-order word is the dialog identifier of the provider's first page. If the provider has no pages, they should return zero as the page identifier.
As an example, in setting up a new site the wizard would provide the friendly site name and the site's URL, and the provider DLLs would handle the rest of the site setup. The dialog identifier of the provider wizard page should be a value between the value of IDD_WEBPOST_PROVIDER_FIRST and IDD_WEBPOST_PROVIDER_LAST.
Ensures that all the files posted to this server with the PostFiles function are actually written to the Internet server.
DeleteFile(IN LPCTSTR lpszFile);
Deletes the given file from the destination site.
FindClose(IN HANDLE hSearchHandle);
Closes the specified search handle.
The FindFirstFile and FindNextFile functions use the search handle to locate files with names that match a given name.
FindFirstFile( IN LPCTSTR lpszSearchFile, OUT LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData, OUT LPHANDLE lpSearchHandle );
Searches a directory for a file whose name matches the specified file name on the destination site identified by this object. It examines subdirectory names as well as file names.
FindNextFile( IN HANDLE hSearchHandle, OUT LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData, );
Continues a file search from a previous call to the FindFirstFile function.
GetError( OUT LPDWORD lpdwErrorType, OUT LPDWORD lpdwErrorCode, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbError, OUT LPTSTR lpszError );
Retrieves additional information about an error.
GetParam( IN LPCTSTR lpszParameter, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbValue, OUT LPTSTR lpszValue );
Retrieves the configuration parameters for this site.
GetSiteInfo( OUT LPWPSITEINFO lpbSite, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbSite );
Retrieves the site information for the current object.
NetworkConnect( IN LPCTSTR lpszUserName, IN LPCTSTR lpszPassword );
Connects to the Internet. If the site uses a dial-up connection, this function starts the dial-up connection (configured during the site setup).
Disconnects from the Internet (hang-up if a dial-up connection was used).
PostFiles( IN DWORD cLocalPaths, IN LPTSTR *lppszLocalPaths, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbURL, IN OUT LPTSTR lpszURL OPTIONAL, IN DWORD fdwFlags );
Posts files to the specified URL on the destination site identified by this object.
If this parameter is not NULL, the URL of the copied file, or the URL of the directory that the files were copied to, is returned in the buffer pointed to by this parameter.
Value | Meaning |
0 | Post files, invoking the wizard if necessary. |
WPF_FIRST_FILE_AS_DEFAULT | Take the first file specified in the lppszLocalPaths list as the file that will be shown as the default page. |
WPF_MINIMAL_UI | Skip the introduction page in the wizard. |
WPF_NO_RECURSIVE_POST | If any element in the lppszLocalPaths array points to a directory, do not post files recursively. |
WPF_NO_WIZARD | Do not prompt the user for any input. |
For more information, see the description of WpPost.
ServerLogin( IN LPCTSTR lpszUserName, IN LPCTSTR lpszPassword );
Logs the user on to the Internet server. The given user name and password are for the Internet server. They may or may not be the same as those used for the NetworkConnect function.
Logs the user out of the Internet server.
SetParam( IN LPCTSTR lpszParameter, IN LPCTSTR lpszValue );
Sets a configuration parameter for a given site.
Every WebPost service provider must support the following parameters:
#define WPCP_HOMEPAGE_URL "HomepageURL"
A query of this parameter should return the home page for the given site. For example, for running NCSA's httpd server, the home page will usually be "".
Here are the parameters supported by the default service provider (Defwpp.dll):
#define WPCP_BASEURL "BaseURL"
A query of this parameter should return the root URL for the given user. For example, for running NCSA's httpd server, it will usually be "".
#define WPCP_BASEPATH "BasePath"
A query of this parameter should return the corresponding file path for the above WPCP_BASEURL parameter. For example, for running NCSA's httpd server, it will usually be "public_html".
More parameters are to be defined at a later date.
The WebPost SDK files include Wpapi.h, Wpspi.h, Wpguid.h, Webpost.lib, and this document, Webpost.doc. Wpobj.h and Wpobj.tlb are for OLE Automation programmers.
The WebPost executable files in the SDK CD include Wpwiz.exe, Webpost.dll, and Defwpp.dll. The Wpwiz.exe file is a simple utility that calls the WpPost function. The Webpost.dll file provides the WebPost API functions. The Defwpp.dll file provides the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the default provider that can post files to NCSA's httpd server. By default, it posts files using the ftp protocol to the public_html subdirectory under the user's home directory and verifies them with the http protocol using the wininet interface. It also lets the user identify a dial-up connection to the Web site and can connect to the Internet server over this dial-up connection.