This interface is an extension to IProvideClassInfo2 to provide various pieces of object-level information directly from the object (as opposed to using the registry or some other means that does not involve the object). As such it is intended to be a generic object-information interface. This interface also corrects the absence of an LCID in IProvideClassInfo::GetClassInfo.
Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown Methods Description
Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.
IProvideClassInfo Method Description
Returns the ITypeInfo interface for the objectÆs coclass type information.
IProvideClassInfo2 Method Description
Returns the GUID for the objectÆs outgoing IID for its default event set.
IProvideClassInfo3 Method Description
Provides a caller with easy access to a substantial amount of object information that generally exists or can be expressed at arrays of GUIDs and/or DWORDs.
GetClassInfoLocale Returns an LCID locale identifier for the specified type.
GetFlags Returns a DWORD containing up to 32 mutually-inclusive (generally) bit flags that are all related to the flag group identified by guidGroup.
See Also
GUIDKIND, IProvideClassInfo2::GetGUID