Returns a DWORD containing up to 32 mutually-inclusive (generally) bit flags that are all related to the flag group identified by guidGroup. This method is extensible as the owner of a particular group can add new bit flags at any time to that group (provided there are enough bits remaining) and that anyone can create a new group GUID and assign flags as desired.
This method is designed to handle many future uses of bit flags that have traditionally been limited to the MiscStatus bits as returned from IOleObject::GetMiscStatus. At the time of writing, only one group has been defined, FLAGID_Internet, with only one bit in that group, INTERNETFLAG_USESDATAPATH. This bit indicates that the object uses one or more data path properties to manage BLOB data storage. See INTERNETFLAG.
guidGroup, // Specifies the flag group requested by the caller
DWORD *pdwFlags // Receives a pointer to the flag values
[in] Unique identifier of the flag group desired by the caller.
[out] The address of the callerÆs variable in which to store the DWORD containing the bit flags associated with guidGroup.
Return Values
The DWORD was successfully returned in *pdwFlags.
The address in pdwFlags is not valid (such as NULL).
An unknown error occurred.
The guidGroup value does not correspond to a group known by this object.
The object supports no flag groups and therefore has no reason to implement this method.