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A hyperlink target implements the IHlinkTarget interface and gives out hyperlink references to its contents.

When to Implement

Implement this interface when you have an application that can be the target for a hyperlink. In other words, hyperlinks from other applications use this interface to determine how to find, display, and navigate to your target.

An existing OLE document application which supports OLE linking need only implement the IHlinkTarget interface on the same object that implements IPersistFile and IOleItemContainer. The application may also implement IPersistMoniker to support incremental rendering or asynchronous download as a persistence mechanism, rather than IPersistFile.

When to Use

You do not normally call these methods directly. When an end user selects a hyperlink through an applicationÆs user interface, the implementation of IHlink::Navigate calls these methods to determine how to display, locate, and navigate to the target.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods                Description                                           
Returns pointers to supported interfaces.             
AddRef                          Increments reference count.                           
Release                         Decrements reference count.                           

IHlinkTarget Methods         Description                                              
Establishes the current browse context for this hyperlink 
GetBrowseContext             Retrieves the current browse context within which this   
                             hyperlink target is currently running.                    
Navigate                     If the given location is not visible, navigates to and   
                             shows that position within the target.                    
GetMoniker                   Returns a moniker to the hyperlink target object.        
GetFriendlyName              Returns a friendly name for the given hyperlink location 
                             within this target.                                       

See Also

HlinkNavigate, HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker, HlinkSimpleNavigateToString, IHlink, IHlinkBrowseContext