This helper API can be used to navigate a hyperlink given a hyperlink object and an optional hyperlink frame object.
IHlink *
phl, //The hyperlink to navigate to
IHlinkFrame * phlFrame, //The hyperlink frame of the hyperlink container.
DWORD grfHLNF, //Navigation flags
IBindCtx * pbc, //Bind context object interface pointer
IBindStatusCallback * pbsc, //Bind status callback object interface pointer
IHlinkBrowseContext * phlbc //Browse context object interface pointer
[in] Pointer to the IHlink interface on the hyperlink to navigate to.
[in] Pointer to the IHlinkFrame interface of the hyperlink container. May be NULL if the hyperlink container does not have a hyperlink frame.
[in] Value taken from the HLNF enumeration.
[in] IBindCtx interface pointer to the bind context to use for any moniker binding performed during the navigation. May not be NULL.
[in] IBindStatusCallback interface pointer to the bind status context to use for any asynchronous moniker binding performed during the navigation. May be NULL, in which case the caller is not interested in progress notification, cancellation, pausing, or low-level binding information.
[in] Pointer to the IHlinkBrowseContext interface pointer to use for this navigation. The browse context includes history information in which this navigation is logged, if !(grfHLNF & HLNF_CREATENOHISTORY).
HlinkNavigate encapsulates the following common sequence of calls:
if (phlFrame)See AlsophlFrame->Navigate(grfHLNF, pbc, pbsc, phl);
else if (phl)
phl->Navigate(grfHLNF, pbc, pbsc, phlbc);
IHlinkBrowseContext, IHlink::Navigate, IHlinkFrame::Navigate, IHlinkTarget::Navigate