Windows Conferencing API
Conference Types, Structures, and Constants
Conference Error Codes
typedef DWORD CONFERR;The return value of a conferencing function can be any one of the following values:
Error Code Description CONFERR_ACCESS_DENIED Access to an object (file, user, etc.) was denied. CONFERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The buffer pointed to by a parameter is not large enough for the operation CONFERR_ENUM_COMPLETE Enumeration complete CONFERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND The file was not found CONFERR_FILE_RECEIVE_ABORT The receiving of the file was canceled. CONFERR_FILE_SEND_ABORT The file send was canceled CONFERR_FILE_TRANSFER There was a problem transferring the file CONFERR_INVALID_ADDRESS The address is invalid or not found CONFERR_INVALID_BUFFER The buffer pointed to by a parameter is not valid for read/write. CONFERR_INVALID_HCONF The hConf parameter is not valid. CONFERR_INVALID_HWND The value passed to ConferenceShareWindow is not a valid hwnd CONFERR_INVALID_OPERATION The requested operation is not valid at this time. CONFERR_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the calling parameters is incorrect. CONFERR_NO_APP_SHARING Application Sharing is not currently available CONFERR_NOT_SHARED The application window is not currently shared CONFERR_NOT_SHAREABLE The application window can not be shared CONFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY A function could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the operation. CONFERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND The path was not found CONFERR_RECEIVE_DIR There was a problem with the receive directory CONFERR_SUCCESS The function completed the requested operation successfully CONFADDR
typedef struct tagConfAddr { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwAddrType; union { DWORD dwIp; PTSTR psz; }; } CONFADDR;A CONFADDR structure describes the address of another machine.
- dwSize
- Specifies the total size of the structure in bytes.
- dwAddrType
- Specifies the type of address following this member. This can be one of the following:
CONF_ADDR_IP dwIp holds the IP address CONF_ADDR_MACHINENAME psz is the name of a machine on the local network CONF_ADDR_PSTN psz is the TAPI canonical telephone number CONF_ADDR_UNKNOWN neither dwIp nor psz are used - dwIp
- The IP address as a set of 4 bytes.
- psz
- A pointer to the address as a null-terminated string. The definition of this depends upon the dwAddrType field.
See also ConferenceConnect
typedef struct tagConfDest { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwUserId; DWORD dwReserved; GUID guid; } CONFDEST;A CONFDEST structure defines a destination node within a conference.
- dwSize
- Specifies the structure size in bytes.
- dwFlags
- Specifies the destination flags for the transfer. When receiving the CONFN_DATA_SENT or CONFN_DATA_RECEIVED notifications, this will be set to one of the following:
CONF_DF_BROADCAST data was broadcast to everyone in the conference CONF_DF_PRIVATE data was sent from one peer to another - dwUserId
- Specifies a unique user identification code. If this is 0, it implies everyone in the conference.
- guid
- Specifies a unique application identifier GUID. The fields of this structure can be set to 0, if not required.
See also ConferenceSendData, ConferenceSendFile GUID
typedef struct tagConfFileInfo { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwFileId; DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwFileSize; DWORD dwReserved2; DWORD dwBytesTransferred; DWORD dwFileAttributes; FILETIME ftCreationTime; FILETIME ftLastAccessTime; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; TCHAR szFileNameSrc[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFileNameDest[MAX_PATH]; } CONFFILEINFO;A CONFFILEINFO structure describes a file in the process of being transferred.
- dwSize
- Specifies the structure size in bytes.
- dwFileId
- Specifies a unique identifier for the file.
- dwFileSize
- Specifies the size of the file, in bytes.
- dwBytesTransferred
- Specfies the number of bytes that have been transferred.
- dwFileAttributes
- Specifies the DOS file attributes.
- ftCreationTime
- Specifies the creation time/date of the file.
- ftLastAccessTime
- Specfies the last time/date the file was accessed.
- ftLastWriteTime
- Specifies the last time/date the file was modified.
- szFileNameSrc
- Specifies the original file name.
- szFileNameDest
- Specifies the destination file name. This is only valid for the receiving process and may be not be the same as the original file name
See also ConferenceGetInfo, ConferenceSendFile ConferenceCancelTransfer
typedef struct tagConfGuid { DWORD dwSize; GUID guid; LPCTSTR pszApplication; LPCTSTR pszCommandLine; LPCTSTR pszDirectory; } CONFGUID;A CONFGUID structure specifies the parameters passed to CreateProcess when an active conference receives a notification to invoke the application associated with the guid.
- dwSize
- Specifies the structure size in bytes.
- guid
- Specifies the unique application identifier GUID.
- pszApplication
- Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the module to execute. The string should specify the full path and filename of the module to execute. If pszApplication is NULL, the module name must be the first white space-delimited token in the pszCommandLine string.
- pszCommandLine
- Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the command line to execute. The pszCommandLine field can be NULL. In that case, the function uses the string pointed to by pszApplication as the command line.
- pszDirectory
- Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the current drive and directory for the process. The string must be a full path and filename that includes a drive letter. This field may be NULL.
See also ConferenceSetInfo, ConferenceLaunchRemote,
typedef struct tagConfInfo { DWORD dwSize; HCONF hConf; DWORD dwMediaType; DWORD dwState; DWORD cUsers; DWORD dwGCCID; TCHAR szConferenceName[CONF_MAX_CONFERENCENAME]; } CONFINFO;A CONFINFO structure defines the current conference settings.
- dwSize
- Specifies the structure size in bytes.
- hConf
- The handle for the conference.
- dwMediaType
- Specifies the media type. This may be a combination of one or more of the following:
CONF_MT_DATA Data conference CONF_MT_AUDIO Audio is available CONF_MT_VIDEO Video is available Use CONF_MT_ALL to specify all supported types.
- dwState
- Specifies the current conference state. This may be one of the following:
CONF_CS_INVALID This is not a valid state CONF_CS_INITIALIZING The conference is being initialized CONF_CS_ACTIVE The conference is active CONF_CS_STOPPING The conference is being terminated - cUsers
- The number of users in the conference.
- The GCC conference identifier.
- szConferenceName
- Specifies the null terminated name of the conference.
See also ConferenceGetInfo ConferenceConnect
typedef struct tagConfNotify { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwUser; DWORD dwFlags; CONFNOTIFYPROC pfnNotifyProc; GUID guid; } CONFNOTIFY;A CONFNOTIFY structure specifies the notification callback routine for a process in a conference.
- dwSize
- Specifies the structure size in bytes.
- dwUser
- Available for use by the application. This is passed back to the notification callback as the dwUser parameter.
- dwFlags
- Reserved for future use
- pfnNotifyProc
- Specifies the address of the notification callback routine.
- guid
- Specifies the unique application identifier GUID. A null guid (all zeros) should be used unless the application intends to send or receive data using ConferenceSendData. If a non-zero guid is specified, then the callback will receive notifications of incoming data.
An application must fill out the dwSize and pfnNotifyProc fields of this structure.
See also ConferenceGetInfo, ConferenceConnect, ConferenceSendData, ConfNotifyProc
typedef struct tagConfRecDir { DWORD dwSize; TCHAR szRecDir[MAX_PATH]; } CONFRECDIR;A CONFRECDIR structure describes the default directory for received files.
- dwSize
- Specifies the structure size in bytes.
- szRecDir
- Specifies the full path of the default directory for received files.
Note there is only one current receive directory for the local machine and it is saved across sessions.
See also ConferenceGetInfo, ConferenceSendFile
typedef struct tagConfUserInfo { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwUserId; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwReserved; TCHAR szUserName[CONF_MAX_USERNAME]; } CONFUSERINFO;A CONFUSERINFO structure describes a single user in a conference.
- dwSize
- Specifies the structure size in bytes.
- dwUserId
- Specifies a unique value to identify a user within a conference.
- dwFlags
- This may be a combination of any of the following:
CONF_UF_DATA The user is in the data conference CONF_UF_AUDIO The user is participating in the audio conference CONF_UF_VIDEO The user is displaying a video image CONF_UF_LOCAL This indicates the local user - dwReserved
- Reserved for future use. This must be 0.
- szUserName
- The null terminated string representing the user's name.
See also ConferenceGetInfo
typedef struct _GUID { unsigned long Data1; unsigned short Data2; unsigned short Data3; unsigned char Data4[8]; } GUID;The GUID structure holds a globally unique identifier (GUID), which identifies a particular object class and interface. This identifier is a 128-bit value. For more information about GUIDs, see the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation or the OLE Programmer's Reference
Use the guidgen.exe utility to generate new values.
typedef HANDLE HCONF;This identifies a conference.
A NULL hConf implies the default conference, if one is available.
typedef HANDLE HCONFNOTIFY;This identifies a conferencing notification callback.
This is returned by ConferenceSetNotify to identify a specific callback and must be passed to ConferenceRemoveNotify.
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