Vallen Freeware
Very useful tools
Vallen Freeware are useful tools for different purposes. Vallen Freeware is available either from the internet or from the Vallen AE-Suite CD-ROM in the folder '\Freeware'.
Please check the internet at for regular updates.
You are authorized to use Vallen Freeware, and of course any kind of feedback is highly welcome.
Note: There is no official support for Vallen Freeware tools.
For details regarding the different tools please see the documentation belonging to each tool respectively.
Vallen Freeware is coming as is, without any warranty regarding functionality or reliability. Vallen-Systeme GmbH disclaims all warranties for Vallen Freeware. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damage arising out of the use or inability to use Vallen Freeware.
Vallen-Systeme GmbH reserves the right to modify, withdraw, or start selling Vallen Freeware tools without prior notice.