Getting Started with Outlook Express

With an Internet connection and Microsoft Outlook Express, you can exchange e-mail messages with anyone on the Internet and join any number of fascinating newsgroups.

The Internet Connection Wizard will guide you through establishing a connection with one or more mail or news servers. You will need the following information from your Internet service provider (ISP) or local area network (LAN) administrator:

The following topics tell you how to start receiving and sending e-mail, in addition to how to view and join newsgroups. After you get started, youÆll find there are many ways to tailor Outlook Express to your requirements. Look in the Help Contents for ideas.

Basic setup

Adding a mail and/or news server

Switching between mail and newsreading

Using Outlook Express from your Web browser

Getting started with e-mail

Importing mail messages from other programs

Importing an address book from another program

Creating and sending e-mail

Reading e-mail

Getting started with newsreading

Viewing newsgroups

Subscribing to newsgroups

Posting messages to a newsgroup