In the folder list, select the newsgroup you want to post a message to.
On the toolbar, click the Compose Message button.
To send your message to additional newsgroups, click the Tools menu, and then click Select Newsgroups. Click a newsgroup in the list, and then click Add. You can choose from all newsgroups or only newsgroups you subscribe to.
Type the subject of your message. Outlook Express cannot post a message that does not contain a subject.
Compose your message, and then click the Post Message button on the toolbar.
You can post a single message to multiple newsgroups only if all newsgroups are on the same news server. To post a message to newsgroups on other news servers, create a separate message for each news server.
To cancel a message after it is sent, select the newsgroup where you posted it, click the Compose menu, and then click Cancel Message. Canceling a message does not remove it from a newsgroup user's computer if the user downloaded the message before it was canceled.