Using Class Builder, you can choose which interfaces are implemented by your class. When you add an interface to the list of implemented interfaces, Class Builder inserts declarations into your class for each interface method.
To implement an interface
Start Class Builder and make sure your class is selected by Class Builder. For information on how to do this, see Starting Class Builder.
Click the Implements tab in Class Builder. The Implemented Interfaces list displays all interfaces that are currently implemented by your class.
To add an interface to the list, click Add.
In the Select Interface dialog box, select an interface from the drop-down list. If the interface you want to implement is not listed, enter the name of the interface in the edit box portion of the list. Note, however, that this class is not added to the list for subsequent use.
Click OK. Class Builder inserts declarations for all interface methods into your class, where you can add your implementation.
When an interface is selected from the Implemented Interfaces list, the Interface Methods list displays all methods that are defined by that interface.
To remove an implemented interface, select the interface from the Implemented Interfaces list and click Remove. Any interface methods that were inserted into your file may or may not be removed. For more information, see Setting Class Builder Options.