Setting Class Builder Options

Visual J++ allows you to set various options to customize the functionality of Class Builder.

To set Class Builder options

  1. On the Tools menu, click Class Builder Options.

  2. In the Class Builder Options dialog box, select or clear the following options:
    Option Description
    Filter list box entries Selected by default. Class Builder does not display the following types of methods and member variables:
    • On the Extends tab, the inherited methods that have been overridden. The Inherited Methods list no longer displays those methods that have been added to the Local Overrides list.

    • On the Methods tab, the inherited methods that have not been overriden, the methods associated with properties and events, and the initForm method that was inserted by the Designer.

    • On the Member Variables tab, the member variables associated with properties and events, and with any controls on the form.
    Include call to super in overrides Selected by default. When you override an inherited method, a call to the superclass method is automatically added to the definition.
    Include TODO comments in new methods Selected by default. //TODO comments are inserted into method definitions to indicate where you need to add some code.
    Add interface methods in abstract classes Selected by default. When an abstract class implements an interface, all interface methods are added to the class. (Abstract classes are not required to provide definitions for the methods of implemented interfaces.)
    Remove interface methods when removing an interface Cleared by default. If your class implements an interface and you later remove this interface, the interface methods will not be removed; these methods will remain as methods defined by your class.
    Automatically update ClassInfo when superclass changes Selected by default. If you are exposing your class as a WFC control and you specify a different superclass, the ClassInfo is automatically updated with the new superclass information.

  3. Click OK to save your settings.