Raw Native Interface Functions

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Raw Native Interface Functions     RNI


Raw Native Interface Functions

This reference describes the functions and structures defined in the native.h and nativcom.h header files (unless noted, prototype is found in native.h). These functions are used by the Raw Native Interface defined by the Microsoft® Virtual Machine for efficiently interfacing Java code with native code.

To learn how to use the API, see the overview information in Raw Native Interface.

The following functions are defined in native.h:
ArrayAlloc Creates an array of primitive type objects.
ArrayCopy Copies an array using the Java System.ArrayCopy method.
ClassArrayAlloc Creates an array of objects.
Class_GetAttributes Returns a combination of the ACC_XXX flags for a class as they appear in the Java class file.
Class_GetField Returns a handle to a field explicitly specified by name.
Class_GetFieldByIndex Returns a handle to a field specified by index.
Class_GetFieldCount Retrieves the total number of fields in the class, including super and static fields.
Class_GetInterface Retrieves an interface specified by index.
Class_GetInterfaceCount Retrieves the total number of interfaces that are implemented by the class.
Class_GetMethod Returns a handle to a method explicitly specified by name.
Class_GetMethodByIndex Returns a handle to a method specified by index.
Class_GetMethodCount Retrieves the total number of methods in the class, including super and static methods.
Class_GetName Retrieves the class name.
Class_GetSuper Retrieves the superclass name.
do_execute_java_method Calls a Java method or constructor.
exceptionClear Clears any pending exceptions.
exceptionDescribe Invokes printStackTrace on the pending exception.
exceptionOccurred Determines if an exception has occurred in the called Java method without exiting the native code.
exceptionSet Sets a pending exception.
execute_java_constructor Allocates a new Java object and invokes a constructor.
execute_java_constructorV Allocates a new Java object and invokes a constructor.
execute_java_dynamic_method Invokes a Java dynamic method.
execute_java_dynamic_method64 Invokes a Java dynamic method and returns a 64 bit int.
execute_java_dynamic_methodV Invokes a Java dynamic method using a va_list as a parameter instead of ellipses.
execute_java_interface_method Invokes a Java interface method.
execute_java_interface_method64 Invokes a Java interface method and returns a 64 bit int.
execute_java_interface_methodV Invokes a Java interface method using a va_list as a parameter instead of ellipses.
execute_java_static_method Invokes a Java static method.
execute_java_static_method64 Invokes a Java static method and returns a 64 bit int.
execute_java_static_methodV Invokes a Java static method using a va_list as a parameter instead of ellipses.
Field_GetXXX Retrieves the value of the specified field.
Field_GetOffset Returns the offset of dynamic fields in the class.
Field_GetStaticPtr Returns a pointer to the static data.
Field_SetXXX Sets the value of the specified field.
FindClass Retrieves a class object pointer for a named class.
FindClassEx Retrieves a class object pointer according to specified flags.
GCDisable Increments the block count and disables garbage collection.
GCDisableCount Disables the counting used by GCEnable and GCDisable.
GCDisableMultiple Increments the block count a specified number of times.
GCEnable Decrements the block count and enables garbage collection by the VM.
GCEnableCompletely Decrements the block count to zero and enables garbage collection by the VM.
GCFramePop Restores the GCFrame with current values for members of the structure.
GCFramePush Informs the VM garbage collector of a GCFrame to track.
GCFreeHandle Frees a "strong pointer" originally obtained using GCNewHandle.
GCFreePtr Frees a pointer originally allocated using GCGetPtr.
GCGetPtr Allocates a "weak" pointer for an object and updates it when GC occurs.
GCNewHandle Creates a "strong pointer" to an object.
GCSetObjectReferenceForHandle GC-safe method for updating contents of a handle.
GCSetObjectReferenceForObject GC-safe method for updating the fields in an object.
get_methodblock Retrieves a pointer to a method block structure containing the class name, method name, and parameter and return types of a method.
GetNativeMethodCallersClass Determines the class type of the caller.
GetNativeMethodCallersMethodInfo Gets information about the caller's method.
getPendingException Retrieves a pending exception.
HResultFromException Creates an HRESULT return type from a Java exception object.
is_instance_of Determines if an object is an instance of a specified class type.
is_subclass_of Determines if a class is a subclass of the second specified class type.
ImplementsInterfaceDetermines if a class type implements the interface represented by the second class type.
isInstanceOf Determines if a specified Java object is an instance of a particular class.
javaString2CString Copies the characters of the String object into a C string buffer.
javaStringLength Retrieves the length of the Java String object.
javaStringStart Returns a temporary pointer to the first character of the Java String object.
jio_snprintf Prints to a string with a buffer limit.
jio_vsnprintf Prints to a string with a buffer limit using a va_list macro for arguments.
makeJavaString Returns a string formatted as a Java String object.
makeJavaStringW Constructs a Java string from a Unicode C string.
makeJavaStringFromUtf8 Creates a new Java String object, initialized from a null-terminated, UTF8-formatted, C string.
MakeByteString Create and return a new array of bytes initialized from the C string.
Member_GetAttributes Returns a combination of the ACC_XXX flags for a field or method, as they appear in the Java class file.
Member_GetClass Retrieves the name of the class that the field or method is implemented in.
Member_GetName Retrieves the member name.
Member_GetSignature Retrieves the signature of the field or method.
monitorEnter Enters a synchronization object.
monitorExit Exits a synchronization object.
monitorNotify Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.
monitorNotifyAll Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.
monitorWait Waits to be notified by another thread of a change in this object.
Object_GetClass Retrieves the class that the object points to.
PrepareThreadForJava Thread entry function for calls into the VM.
RNIGetCompatibleVersion Exported by the DLL to allow the VM to check compatibility.
SignalError Creates a Java exception object, which is thrown once it returns from the native code.
SignalErrorHResult Creates a Java exception object from an HRESULT return type.
SignalErrorPrintf Creates a Java exception object and specifies format string for exception description to be printed when thrown.
UnprepareThreadForJava Thread exit function for calls into the VM.


HObject* __cdecl ArrayAlloc(int type, int cItems);

Creates an array of primitive type objects.

Return Value:

Returns an allocated object array.

type Primitive data type as defined in native.h. The following types are supported:
T_BOOLEAN A Boolean object.
T_BYTE A Byte object.
T_CHAR A Character object.
T_CLASS A Class object.
T_DOUBLE A Double object.
T_FLOAT A Float object.
T_INT An Integer object.
T_LONG A Long object
T_SHORT A Short object.
cItems Number of items in the array.


void __cdecl ArrayCopy(HObject *srch, long src_pos, HObject *dsth, 
        long dst_pos, long length);

Copies an array using the Java System.ArrayCopy method.

srch Source object.
src_pos Starting position in the source object array to copy.
dsth Destination object.
dst_pos Position in the destination object array to copy to.
length Number of objects in the array to copy.


int __cdecl   Class_GetAttributes(ClassClass *cls);

Retrieves a combination of the ACC_XXX flags for a class as they appear in the Java class file.

Return Value:

Returns attributes flags.

cls Address of the class object.


The following attributes are defined for use in a Java class file and can be retrieved using this function:
Flag Value
ACC_FINAL 0x0010
ACC_SYNCH 0x0020
ACC_SUPER 0x0020


struct fieldblock * __cdecl Class_GetField(ClassClass *cls, const char *name);

Retrieves a handle to a field explicitly specified by name. This handle is needed to get any further information about the field.

Return Value:

Returns a pointer to the field block.

cls Address of the class object. Use FindClass to determine.
name Name of the field in the class.


struct fieldblock * __cdecl Class_GetFieldByIndex(ClassClass *cls, unsigned index);

Retrieves a handle to a field specified by index.

Return Value:

Returns a field block pointer.

cls Address of the class object. Use FindClass to determine.
index Index value of the field in the class. The index must be between 0 and the field count (returned from Class_GetFieldCount) minus 1, inclusive.


unsigned __cdecl  Class_GetFieldCount(ClassClass *cls);

Retrieves the total number of fields in the class, including super and static fields.

Return Value:

Returns the number of fields.

cls Address of the class object. Use FindClass to determine.


This function is intended to be used with Class_GetFieldByIndex to enumerate fields on a class.


ClassClass * __cdecl   Class_GetInterface(ClassClass *cls, unsigned index);

Retrieves an interface specified by index.

Return Value:

Returns a pointer to a class interface object.

cls Address of the class object. Use FindClass to determine.
index Index value of the interface in the class. The index must be between 0 and the interface count (returned from Class_GetInterfaceCount) minus 1, inclusive.


unsigned __cdecl            Class_GetInterfaceCount(ClassClass *cls);

Retrieves the total number of interfaces implemented by the class.

Return Value:

Returns the number of interfaces.

cls Address of the class object. Use FindClass to determine.


struct methodblock* __cdecl Class_GetMethod(ClassClass *cls, const char *name, const char *signature);

Retrieves a handle to a method explicitly specified by name. This handle is needed to get any further information about the method.

Return Value:

Returns a handle to a method in the given class specified by name and signature.

cls Address of the class object. Use FindClass to determine.
name Name of the method in the class.


struct methodblock* __cdecl Class_GetMethodByIndex(ClassClass *cls, unsigned index);

Retrieves a handle to a method specified by index.

Return Value:

Returns a method block pointer.

cls Address of the class object. Use FindClass to determine.
index Index value of the method in the class. The index must be between 0 and the method count (returned from Class_GetMethodCount) minus 1, inclusive.


unsigned __cdecl            Class_GetMethodCount(ClassClass *cls);

Retrieves the total number of methods in the class, including non-static super methods.

Return Value:

Returns the number of methods.

cls Address of the class object. Use FindClass to determine.


This function is intended for use with Class_GetMethodByIndex to enumerate methods in a class.

This function returns the total count of all members, not just the count of those declared in the class specified. To find declared members, you must enumerate methods and call Member_GetClass on each to determine where the method is implemented.


const char * __cdecl        Class_GetName(ClassClass *cls);

Retrieves the class name.

Return Value:

Returns class name.

cls Address of the class object.


ClassClass * __cdecl        Class_GetSuper(ClassClass *cls);

Retrieves the superclass.

Return Value:

Returns the superclass.

cls Address of the class object.


HObject* __cdecl ClassArrayAlloc(int type, int cItems, char *szSig);

Creates an array of objects.

Return Value:

Returns an allocated object array.

type Type of objects in the array. The following types are supported:
T_BOOLEAN A Boolean object.
T_BYTE A Byte object.
T_CHAR A Character object.
T_CLASS A Class object (use szSig to specify the class).
T_DOUBLE A Double object.
T_FLOAT A Float object.
T_INT An Integer object.
T_LONG A Long object.
T_SHORT A Short object.
cItems Number of elements in the array to allocate.
szSig Signature of the class if type is T_CLASS. (For example, "java/awt/Rectangle".)


long __cdecl do_execute_java_method(ExecEnv *ee, void *obj, char *method_name, 
        char *signature, struct methodblock *mb, bool_t isStaticCall, ...);

Calls a Java method.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.

ee Placeholder for execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. This parameter should be set to NULL.
obj Object pointer.
method_name Name of the method to invoke. Set to NULL if using a method block.
signature Types of parameters passed to the constructor. See execute_java_dynamic_method for a description of signature characters. Pass NULL if using a method block.
methodblock Address of the cached method block data structure. Use get_methodblock to retrieve this. The underlying structure of the method block is not defined; it is used only to prevent accidental type misuse using the alternative, PVOID.
isStaticCall True if calling a static method, or false otherwise.


This is a helper function for the execute_java_static_method and execute_java_dynamic_method functions. It can be used when making repeated calls to a method to avoid the overhead of name lookup on each call. Note that invoking a Java method can cause garbage collections.

The following example demonstrates calling this function for repeated access to the Rectangle.move method:

struct {
    Hjava_awt_Rectangle *phRectangle;
} gc;

struct methodblock *pmb = get_methodblock(gc.phRectangle, "move", "(II)V");

for (i=0; i < 10; i++)
  do_execute_java_method(NULL, gc.phRectangle, NULL, NULL, pmb, FALSE, x, y);


void __cdecl exceptionClear(ExecEnv *ee);

Clears any pending exceptions.

ee Placeholder for execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.


void __cdecl exceptionDescribe(ExecEnv *ee);

Invokes printStackTrace on the pending exception.

ee Placeholder for execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.


bool_t __cdecl exceptionOccurred(ExecEnv *ee);

Determines if an exception has occurred in the called Java method without exiting the native code.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if an exception occurred, or FALSE otherwise.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.


void exceptionSet(ExecEnv *ee, HObject *phThrowable);

Sets the pending exception. Calling exceptionSet(ee, NULL) produces the same result as calling exceptionClear(ee).

Return Value:

No return value.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.
phThrowable A pointer to the exception to set.


HObject* __cdecl execute_java_constructor(ExecEnv *ee, char *classname, 
        ClassClass *cb, char *signature, ...);

Allocates a new Java object and invokes a constructor.

ee Placeholder for execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. This parameter should be set to NULL.
classname Name of the class if the cb parameter is NULL. Use forward slashes (/) instead of dots as package delimiters. (For example, "java/lang/System".)
cb Address of the class object. Use NULL and provide classname if not known.
signature Types of parameters passed to the constructor. See execute_java_dynamic_method for a description of signature characters. The return type for all constructors, 'V', is automatically appended and should not be specified.


HObject* __cdecl execute_java_constructorV(ExecEnv *ee, const char *classname,
        ClassClass *cb, const char *signature, va_list args);

Allocates a new Java object and invokes a constructor. This method accepts a va_list argument list as a paramenter instead of ellipses.

ee Placeholder for execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. This parameter should be set to NULL.
classname Name of the class if the cb parameter is NULL. Use forward slashes (/) instead of dots as package delimiters. (For example, "java/lang/System".)
cb Address of the class object. Use NULL and provide classname if not known.
signature Types of parameters passed to the constructor. See execute_java_dynamic_method for a description of signature characters. The return type for all constructors, 'V', is automatically appended and should not be specified.
args Additional arguments.


long __cdecl execute_java_dynamic_method(ExecEnv *ee, HObject *obj, char 
        *method_name, char *signature, ...);

Invokes a Java dynamic method.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.
obj Address to the Java object containing method.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters and return type of the method (see below) .


The signature parameter specifies the parameters and return type of the method by enclosing the character codes for parameter types in parentheses, followed by the character code for the return type. The following table shows the mapping of types to signature characters:
Character Java Type
[ array
Z boolean
B byte
C char
D double
F float
I int
J long
L object
S short
V void

Arrays must be followed by the array type. For example, "[C" for a character array. For multidimensional arrays, repeat "[" for the number of dimensions. For example, "[[Z" signifies a two-dimensional boolean array.

For objects, the signature is followed by the object class name and ends with a semicolon (;). For example, the signature for the a Rectangle object is "Ljava/awt/Rectangle;"

The following example uses this function to call the Rectangle.move method with two integer parameters to the method, x and y:

long lrval = execute_java_dynamic_method(NULL, phRectangle, "move","(II)V", x, y);


int64_t __cdecl execute_java_dynamic_method64(ExecEnv *ee, HObject *obj, char 
        *method_name, char *signature, ...);

Invokes a Java dynamic method. This method is equivalent to the execute_java_dynamic_method except it returns a 64 bit value instead of a 32 bit long.

Return Value:

A 64 bit value.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.
obj Address to the Java object containing method.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters and return type of the method.


int64_t __cdecl execute_java_dynamic_methodV(ExecEnv *ee, HObject *obj, const char
        *method_name, const char *signature, va_list args);

Invokes a Java dynamic method. This method is equivalent to the execute_java_dynamic_method except it returns a 64 bit value instead of a 32 bit long, and accepts a va_list argument list as a parameter.

Return Value:

A 64 bit value.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.
obj Address to the Java object containing method.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters and return type of the method.
args Additional arguments.


long __cdecl execute java_interface_method(ExecEnv *ee, HObject *pobj, ClassClass j_interface,
 const char *method_name, const char *signature, ...);

Invokes a Java interface method.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.
pobj Address to the Java object containing method.
j_interface A java class interface.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters and return type of the method.


int64_t __cdecl execute java_interface_method64(ExecEnv *ee, HObject *pobj, ClassClass j_interface,
 const char *method_name, const char *signature, ...);

Invokes a Java interface method. This method is equivalent to the execute_java_interface_method, except it returns a 64 bit value instead of a 32 bit long.

Return Value:

A 64 bit value.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.
pobj Address to the Java object containing method.
j_interface A java class interface.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters and return type of the method.


int64_t __cdecl execute_java_interface_methodV(ExecEnv *ee, HObject *pobj,
        ClassClass j_interface, const char *method_name, const char *signature, va_list args);

Invokes a Java interface method. This method is equivalent to the execute_java_interface_method, except it returns a 64 bit value instead of a 32 bit long and accepts a va_list argument list as a a parameter.

Return Value:

A 64 bit value.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.
pobj Address to the Java object containing method.
j_interface A java class interface.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters and return type of the method.
args Additional arguments.


long __cdecl execute_java_static_method(ExecEnv *ee, ClassClass *cb, 
        char *method_name, char *signature, ...);

Invokes a Java static method.

ee Placeholder for execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Pass NULL.
cb Address of the class object, obtained with the FindClass function.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters passed to the constructor. For a description of signature characters, see execute_java_dynamic_method.


int64_t __cdecl execute_java_static_method64(ExecEnv *ee, ClassClass *cb, 
        char *method_name, char *signature, ...);

Invokes a Java static method. This method is equivalent to the execute_java_dynamic_method, except it returns a 64 bit value instead of a 32 bit long.

Return Value:

A 64 bit value.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Pass NULL.
cb Address of the class object, obtained with the FindClass function.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters passed to the constructor. For a description of signature characters, see execute_java_dynamic_method64.


int64_t __cdecl execute_java_static_methodV(ExecEnv *ee, ClassClass *cb,
        const char *method_name, const char *signature, va_list args);

Invokes a Java static method. This method is equivalent to the execute_java_dynamic_method, except it returns a 64 bit value instead of a 32 bit long, and accepts a va_list argument list as a parameter.

Return Value:

A 64 bit value.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Pass NULL.
cb Address of the class object, obtained with the FindClass function.
method_name Name of the method to be called.
signature Types of parameters passed to the constructor. For a description of signature characters, see execute_java_dynamic_method64.
args Additional arguments.


__int32 __cdecl             Field_GetValue(HObject *obj, struct fieldblock * field);
__int64 __cdecl             Field_GetValue64(HObject *obj, struct fieldblock * field);
float __cdecl                  Field_GetFloat(HObject *obj, struct fieldblock * field);
double __cdecl              Field_GetDouble(HObject *obj, struct fieldblock * field);
#define Field_GetBoolean(obj,field)     ((bool_t)       Field_GetValue(obj,field))
#define Field_GetByte(obj,field)        ((signed char)  Field_GetValue(obj,field))
#define Field_GetChar(obj,field)        ((unicode)      Field_GetValue(obj,field))
#define Field_GetShort(obj,field)       ((short)        Field_GetValue(obj,field))
#define Field_GetInt(obj,field)                         Field_GetValue(obj,field)
#define Field_GetLong(obj,field)                        Field_GetValue64(obj,field)
#define Field_GetObject(obj,field)      ((HObject*)     Field_GetValue(obj,field))
#define Field_GetFloat(obj,field)                       Field_GetFloat(obj,field)
#define Field_GetDouble(obj,field)                      Field_GetDouble(obj,field)

Retrieves the value of the specified field.

Return Value:

Returns a value of a type determined by the function.

obj Address of the object that the field belongs to.
field Field block of the field.


These functions operate on static or non-static fields, including both of the component object model (COM) MapsTo fields and the fields in Java objects.


unsigned __cdecl Field_GetOffset(struct fieldblock * field);

Returns the offset of dynamic fields in the class.

Return Value:

Returns the offset of the field relative to the object for non-static fields. Returns 0 for static fields.

field Field block of the field. The underlying structure of field block is not defined; it is used only to prevent accidental type misuse using the alternative, PVOID.


Note that this function accounts for the 'MSReserved' value at the top of structures generated by msjavah. This means you can just add this value to the base of the object to get to the data.


PVOID __cdecl  Field_GetStaticPtr(struct fieldblock * field);

Returns an address of the static data.

Return Value:

Returns an address to the data for static fields, or NULL for non-static fields.

field Field block of the field. The underlying structure of field block is not defined; it is used only to prevent accidental type misuse using the alternative, PVOID.


void __cdecl                Field_SetValue(HObject *obj, struct fieldblock * field, __int32 value);
void __cdecl                Field_SetValue64(HObject *obj, struct fieldblock * field, __int64 value);
void __cdecl                Field_SetFloat(HObject *obj, struct fieldblock * field, float value);
void __cdecl                Field_SetDouble(HObject *obj, struct fieldblock * field, double value);
#define Field_SetBoolean(obj,field,value)               Field_SetValue(obj,field,(bool_t)(value))
#define Field_SetByte(obj,field,value)                  Field_SetValue(obj,field,(signed char)(value))
#define Field_SetChar(obj,field,value)                  Field_SetValue(obj,field,(unicode)(value))
#define Field_SetShort(obj,field,value)                 Field_SetValue(obj,field,(short)(value))
#define Field_SetInt(obj,field,value)                   Field_SetValue(obj,field,value)
#define Field_SetLong(obj,field,value)                  Field_SetValue64(obj,field,value)
#define Field_SetObject(obj,field,value)                Field_SetValue(obj,field,(__int32)(value))
#define Field_SetFloat(obj,field,value)                 Field_SetFloat(obj,field,value)
#define Field_SetDouble(obj,field,value)                Field_SetDouble(obj,field,value)

Sets the value of the specified field.

obj Address of the object that the field belongs to.
field Field block of the field.


These functions operate on static or non-static fields, including both of the COM MapsTo fields and the fields in Java objects.


ClassClass* __cdecl FindClass(ExecEnv *ee, char *classname, bool_t resolve);

Retrieves a class object pointer for a named class.

Return Value:

Returns a pointer to the class.

ee Placeholder for execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Set this parameter to NULL.
classname Name of the class to locate.
resolve Ignored. Classes found will always be ignored.


Use this function to get a pointer to a class, named by classname. This pointer can be used in the execute_java_static_method function to identify the class.


ClassClass* __cdecl FindClassEx(char *pszClassName,DWORD dwFlags);

Retrieves a class object pointer for a named class, according to the specified flags.

Return Value:

Returns a pointer to the class.

pszClassName Name of the class to locate.
dwFlags One of the following flags:
FINDCLASSEX_NOINIT If the class is a system class, will prevent the classes static initializer from running.
FINDCLASSEX_IGNORECASE Will perform a case-insensitive validation of the class name, as opposed to the case-sensitive validation that normally occurs.
FINDCLASSEX_SYSTEMONLY Will only look for the named class as a system class.


This method is similar to the FindClass method, but accepts arguments to control the class load operation.


int     __cdecl GCDisable();

Increments the block count and disables garbage collection.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.


Use this function to disable garbage collection after you have enabled it using GCEnable.


int     __cdecl GCDisableCount();

Disables the counting used by GCEnable and GCDisable.

Return Value:

Returns the current count.


Used for diagnostic purposes. Since the use of GCEnable and GCDisable requires a counter, this provides a way to verify that the count is what is expected.


void    __cdecl GCDisableMultiple(int cDisable);

Increments the block count a specified number of times.

cDisable Number of times to increment the block count.


This function is useful when you have previously called GCEnableCompletely to allow garbage collection on all referenced objects, but later want to reinstate the block count with one call. The following example shows enabling garbage collection around a sleep call.

    int nEnable = GCEnableCompletely();
    Sleep( (int) millis );


int     __cdecl GCEnable();

Decrements the block count and enables garbage collection by the VM.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.


When calling a native function from within Java, garbage collection is blocked by default. If the native function call is going to take some time, you can enable garbage collection with this call. However, you should first use the GCFramePush function to allow the garbage collector to track any Java objects that you care about during garbage collection.


int     __cdecl GCEnableCompletely();

Decrements the block count to 0 and enables garbage collection by the VM.

Return Value:

Returns the block count before entering this function.


This function enables garbage collection, regardless of the number of calls previously made to GCDisable, incrementing the block count.


void    __cdecl GCFramePop(PVOID pGCFrame);

Restores the GCFrame with current values for members of the structure.

pGCFrame Address of a garbage collection frame that references a structure with Java objects that are being tracked.


void    __cdecl GCFramePush(PVOID pGCFrame, PVOID pObjects, 
                DWORD cbObjectStructSize);

Informs the VM garbage collector of a GCFrame to track.

pGCFrame Address of a garbage collection frame referencing the pObjects structure.
pObjects Structure containing the Java objects to track during garbage collection.
cbObjectStructSize Size of pObjects structure.


The garbage collector initializes the structure referenced by pObjects to NULL.


void __cdecl GCFreeHandle(HObject **pphobj);

Frees a strong pointer, originally obtained using GCNewHandle.

pphobj Pointer to a pointer to be freed.


void __cdecl GCFreePtr(HObject **pphobj);

Frees a garbage collection pointer originally obtained using GCGetPtr.

pphobj Pointer to a pointer to be freed.


HObject** __cdecl GCGetPtr(HObject *phobj);

Allocates a "weak" pointer for an object, and then updates it when garbage collection occurs.

Return Value:

Returns an address to a pointer to a Java object handle.

phobj Address of a Java object.


Given a pointer to an object, this function allocates and returns the address of that object pointer, and then updates the contained pointer when GC occurs. Note that if the object gets freed during GC, the value of the contained pointer will be NULL. A "weak" pointer is different from a "strong" pointer (as allocated by GCNewHandle). A weak pointer will not block garbage collection (removal) of the referenced object, but a strong pointer will. (Strong pointers are scanned like any other object during GC; weak pointers are updated after the GC has been completed.)


HObject** __cdecl GCNewHandle(HObject *phobj);

Creates a "strong pointer" to an object.

Return Value:

Returns an address to the object pointer.

phobj Object that is be referenced.


Using this function is similar to placing an object in a GCFrame; however, strong pointers can be stored statically across calls. A strong pointer prevents the object from being collected as garbage, whereas a weak pointer only tracks the object's movement.


void __cdecl GCSetObjectReferenceForHandle (HObject** handle, HObject* phobj);

GC-safe method for updating the contents of a handle.

Return Value:

No return value.

handle The result of calling GCGetPtr for a weak pointer or GCNewHandle for a strong handle.
phobj The new object pointer.


If handles are not updated using a GC-safe method, the VM will fault during the next GC.


void __cdecl GCSetObjectReferenceForObject (HObject** location, HObject* phobj);

GC-safe method for updating the fields in an object.

Return Value:

No return value.

location Pointer to a field of an object.
phobj The new object pointer.


The safest method to set a field in an object is to use the Field_SetValue method. If objects are not updated using a GC-safe method, the VM will fault during the next GC.


struct methodblock* __cdecl get_methodblock(HObject *pjobj, char *method_name, 
        char *signature);

Retrieves a pointer to a method block structure containing the class name, method name, and parameter and return types of a method.

Return Value:

Returns a handle to a method in the given object specified by name and signature. This is useful for functions like do_execute_java_method, which can use this information directly instead of having to look it up.

pjobj Address of the structure.
method_name Name of the method to invoke.
signature Types of parameters passed to the constructor. For a description of signature characters, see execute_java_dynamic_method.


ClassClass * __cdecl GetNativeMethodCallersClass();

Determines the class type of the caller.

Return Value:

Returns a pointer to the class type of the caller.


struct methodblock* __cdecl GetNativeMethodCallersMethodInfo();

Retrieves information about the caller's method.

Return Value:

Returns a method block pointer.


HObject *getPendingException(ExecEnv *ee);

Retrieves a pending exception.

Return Value:

Returns the pending exception; if no exception is pending, NULL is returned.

ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Pass NULL.


HResult __cdecl HResultFromException(OBJECT* exception_object);

Creates an HRESULT return type from a Java exception object. This function prototype is found in the nativcom.h header file.

Return Value:

An HRESULT type.

exception_object The exception object to covert to an HRESULT.


BOOL is_instance_of(JHandle *phobj, ClassClass *dcb, ExecEnv *ee);

Determines whether the specified object phobj can be cast to the specified class type dcb.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if the object can be cast to the class type; otherwise, returns false.

phobj A pointer to an object.
dcb A class type.
ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Pass NULL.


BOOL is_subclass_of(ClassClass *cb, ClassClass *dcb, ExecEnv *ee);

Determines whether the class type cb is a subclass of type dcb.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if the class is a subclass of dcb; otherwise, returns false.

cb The class type that is being tested.
dcb The class type to test against.
ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Pass NULL.


BOOL ImplementsInterface(ClassClass *cb, ClassClass *icb, ExecEnv *ee);

Determines whether the class type cb implements the interface represented by the icb class type.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if the class implements the specified interface.

cb The class type to test.
icb The class type that represents an interface to test against.
ee Placeholder for the execution environment, which is not needed by the Microsoft VM. Pass NULL.


BOOL __cdecl isInstanceOf(JHandle *phobj, char *classname);

Determines if a specified Java object is an instance of a particular class.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if the handle is an instance of the class, or FALSE otherwise.

pohobj Address of the Java handle.
classname Name of the Java class.


char* __cdecl javaString2CString(Hjava_lang_String *s, char *buf, int buflen);

Retrieves the characters of the Java String object into a C string buffer.

Return Value:

Returns the address of the C string.

s Java String object.
buf C string buffer.
buflen Length of the C string buffer.


Use this function in place of the JDK makeCString function which is unsupported by the Microsoft Raw Native Interface. No allocation occurs with his function.


int __cdecl javaStringLength(Hjava_lang_String *s);

Retrieves the length of the Java String object.

Return Value:

Returns the number of characters in the string.

s Java String object.


unicode * __cdecl javaStringStart (HString *string);

Returns a temporary pointer to the first character of the Java String object. It is important that you use this method rather than try to manipulate RNI structures that handle string types. The Microsoft VM for Java handles strings differently in certain situations, and strings may be stored with multiple objects.

Return Value:

Returns a string pointer.

string The String handle to reference.


Note that this pointer may change following garbage collection.


int __cdecl jio_snprintf(char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, ...);

Prints to a string with a buffer limit.

Return Value:

Returns the length of the string after printing to it.

str String to print to.
count Limit of the number of characters to print.
fmt Format string (see sprintf).


int __cdecl jio_vsnprintf(char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list  args);

Prints to a string with a buffer limit using a va_list macro for arguments.

Return Value:

Returns the length of the string after printing to it.

str String to print to.
count Limit of the number of characters to print.
fmt Format string (see sprintf).
args Argument list.


Hjava_lang_String* __cdecl makeJavaString(char *str, int len);

Constructs a Java string from a given ANSI C character buffer, converting it to UNICODE.

Return Value:

Returns a string formatted as a Java String object.

str C string to convert.
len Number of characters in the C string, excluding the terminating NULL.


Hjava_lang_String* __cdecl makeJavaStringW( unicode *pszwSrc, int cch );

Constructs a Java string from a Unicode C character buffer.

Return Value:

Returns a string formatted as a Java String object.

pszwSrc C string to convert.
cch Number of characters in the C string, excluding the terminating NULL.


Hjava_lang_String* __cdecl makeJavaStringFromUtf8(const char *pszUtf8);

Creates a new Java String object, initialized from a NULL-terminated, UTF8-formatted, C string.

Return Value:

Returns a string formatted as a Java String object.

pszUtf8 Initialization string.


Unlike the other RNI string conversion functions, makeJavaStringFromUtf8 does not require a character count but does requires NULL termination of the UTF8 string.


HArrayOfByte* __cdecl MakeByteString(char *str, long len);

Creates a new array of bytes initialized from the C string.

Return Value:

Returns the converted byte string.

str C string to convert.
len Number characters in the string, excluding the terminating NULL character.


int __cdecl   Member_GetAttributes(PVOID member);

Retrieves a combination of the ACC_XXX flags for a field or method, as appears in the Java class file.

Return Value:

Returns attributes flags.

member Method or field block of the member.


ClassClass * __cdecl  Member_GetClass(PVOID member);

Retrieves the name of the class that the field or method is implemented in.

Return Value:

Returns the name of a class.

member Address of a method or field block.


const char * __cdecl        Member_GetName(PVOID member);

Retrieves the method or field name.

Return Value:

Returns the method or field name.

member Address of a method or field block.


const char * __cdecl Member_GetSignature(PVOID member);

Retrieves the signature of the field or method.

Return Value:

Returns a signature.

member Address of a method or field block.


void __cdecl monitorEnter(unsigned int object);

Enters a synchronization object.

Return Value:

No return value.

object Synchronization object (cast as an int) to enter.


You can use the ObjectMonitorEnter macro to automatically cast the synchronization object to an int and call this method.


void __cdecl monitorExit(unsigned int object);

Exits a synchronization object.

Return Value:

No return value.

object Synchronization object (cast as an int) to exit.


You can use the ObjectMonitorExit macro to automatically cast the synchronization object to an int and call this method.


void __cdecl monitorNotify(unsigned int object);

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

Return Value:

No return value.

object Synchronization object (cast as an int).


You can use the ObjectMonitorNotify macro to automatically cast the synchronization object to an int and call this method. This method is the native equivalent of the Java.lang.Object.notify method.


void __cdecl monitorNotifyAll(unsigned int object);

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

Return Value:

No return value.

object Synchronization object (cast as an int).


You can use the ObjectMonitorNotifyAll macro to automatically cast the synchronization object to an int and call this method. This method is the native equivalent of the Java.lang.Object.notifyAll method.


void __cdecl monitorWait(unsigned int object);

Waits to be notified by another thread of a change in this object.

Return Value:

No return value.

object Synchronization object (cast as an int).


You can use the ObjectMonitorWait macro to automatically cast the synchronization object to an int and call this method. This method is the native equivalent of the Java.lang.Object.wait method.


ClassClass * __cdecl    Object_GetClass(HObject *obj);

Retrieves class that the object points to.

Return Value:

Returns a class object pointer.

obj Class object to retrieve.


BOOL __cdecl PrepareThreadForJava(PVOID pThreadEntryFrame);

Thread entry function for calls into the VM.

Return Value:

Returns true if successful; otherwise, returns false.

pThreadEntryFrame An instance of a thread entry frame. This pointer is maintained by the VM and the same pointer should be used in UnprepareThreadForJava when exiting the VM.


This method prepares a Java thread for entering the VM so that calls can be safely made from the thread to native methods.

The following code sample demonstrates the use of invocation APIs:

//  Demonstrates the use of the PrepareThreadForJava and UnprepareThreadForJava
//  invocation APIs.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <native.h>

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
    ThreadEntryFrame threadEntryFrame;
    ClassClass *pClass;

    //  Call this API before calling into the Microsoft VM to allow it
    //  to allocate any per-thread structures and to do any first-time
    //  initialization. After return from this call, Java objects may be
    //  accessed or RNI APIs may be called.
    if (PrepareThreadForJava(&threadEntryFrame)) {

        pClass = FindClass(NULL, "TestClass", TRUE);

        if (pClass != NULL) {
            execute_java_static_method(NULL, pClass, "someMethod", "()V");
        } else {
            printf("Failed to find class!\n");

        //  Detaches the "entry frame" from this thread.  After return from this
        //  call, it is no longer safe to directly touch Java objects or call
        //  RNI APIs.

    } else {
        printf("Failed to initialize thread!\n");


DWORD __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl RNIGetCompatibleVersion();

Allows the VM to determine if the dynamic link library (DLL) is compatible.

Return Value:

Returns the version used by the DLL (defined as RNIVER in native.h).


All raw native interface DLLs must export this function to enable compatibility-checking by the VM.


void __cdecl SignalError(struct execenv *ee, char *ename, char *DetailMessage);

Creates a Java exception object, which is thrown upon returning from the native code.

ee Placeholder for executive environment, which is not needed. This parameter should be NULL.
ename Name of a valid Throwable exception class or subclass.
DetailMessage Message to display with the exception. Can be set to NULL.


void __cdecl SignalErrorHResult(HRESULT theHRESULT);

Creates a Java exception object from an HRESULT return type. This function prototype is found in the nativcom.h header file.

Return Value:

No return value.

theHRESULT The standard return value that indicates whether a function call is a success.


void __cdecl SignalErrorPrintf( char *ename, char *pszFormat, ...);

Creates a Java exception object and specifies a format string for exception description to be printed when thrown.

ename Name of a valid Throwable exception class or subclass.
pszFormat Format string. See C printf function.


VOID __cdecl UnprepareThreadForJava(PVOID pThreadEntryFrame);

Thread exit function for calls into the VM.

Return Value:

Returns true if successful; otherwise, returns false.

pThreadEntryFrame An instance of a thread entry frame. This pointer is maintained by the VM and is the same pointer used in PrepareThreadForJava when entering the VM.


This method should be called from any thread when exiting the VM.

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