Dynamic Information InterfacesUse these interfaces to retrieve information about objects. IRemoteObject : IUnknownThe IRemoteObject hierarchy provides bound access to objects of different types. "Object" does not necessarily refer to an instance of a class; it refers to an instance of any type. The information obtained from an IRemoteObject is valid only during the lifetime of the actual object that it represents. GetTypeHRESULT GetType(IRemoteField **ppType) SetBreakpointHRESULT SetBreakpoint(void) ClearBreakpointHRESULT ClearBreakpoint(void) IRemoteBooleanObject : IRemoteObjectProvides run-time access to the value of a Boolean variable. GetValueHRESULT GetValue(JAVA_BOOLEAN *pvalue) SetValueHRESULT SetValue(JAVA_BOOLEAN value) IRemoteXXXObject : IRemoteObjectIRemoteByteObject : IRemoteObject IRemoteCharObject : IRemoteObject IRemoteDoubleObject : IRemoteObject IRemoteFloatObject : IRemoteObject IRemoteIntObject : IRemoteObject IRemoteLongObject : IRemoteObject IRemoteShortObject : IRemoteObject Each of the preceding interfaces contains type-safe methods for getting and setting the values of objects of built-in types. They follow the same pattern as the IRemoteBooleanObject interface. // // Java primitive types // typedef unsigned char JAVA_BOOLEAN; typedef signed char JAVA_BYTE; typedef unsigned short JAVA_CHAR; typedef double JAVA_DOUBLE; typedef float JAVA_FLOAT; typedef signed long JAVA_INT; typedef signed __int64 JAVA_LONG; typedef signed short JAVA_SHORT; IRemoteArrayObject : IRemoteObjectProvides access to array objects. GetElementObjectsHRESULT GetElementObjects(IEnumRemoteObject **ppEnum) GetSizeHRESULT GetSize(ULONG *pcElements) GetElementValuesHRESULT GetElementValues(IEnumRemoteValue **ppEnum) IEnumRemoteObject : IUnknownEnumerates objects. NextHRESULT Next(ULONG celt, IRemoteObject *rgelt[], ULONG *pceltFetched) SkipHRESULT Skip(ULONG celt) ResetHRESULT Reset(void) CloneHRESULT Clone(IEnumRemoteObject **ppEnum) GetCountHRESULT GetCount(ULONG *pcelt) IEnumRemoteValue : IUnknownEnumerates values. SkipHRESULT Skip(ULONG celt) ResetHRESULT Reset(void) CloneHRESULT Clone(IEnumRemoteObject **ppEnum) GetCountHRESULT GetCount(ULONG *pcelt) IEnumRemoteBooleanValue : IEnumRemoteValueEnumerates Boolean values. NextHRESULT Next(ULONG celt, JAVA_BOOLEAN rgelt[], ULONG *pceltFetched) IEnumRemoteXXXValue : IEnumRemoteValueIEnumRemoteByteValue : IEnumRemoteValue IEnumRemoteCharValue : IEnumRemoteValue IEnumRemoteDoubleValue : IEnumRemoteValue IEnumRemoteFloatValue : IEnumRemoteValue IEnumRemoteIntValue : IEnumRemoteValue IEnumRemoteLongValue : IEnumRemoteValue IEnumRemoteShortValue : IEnumRemoteValue Each of the preceding interfaces contains type-safe methods for enumerating values of built-in types. They follow the same pattern as the IEnumRemoteBooleanValue interface. IRemoteContainerObject : IRemoteObjectProvides access to container objects (FIELD_KIND_METHOD or FIELD_KIND_CLASS). GetFieldObjectHRESULT GetFieldObject(IRemoteField *pField, IRemoteObject **ppFieldObject) IRemoteClassObject : IRemoteContainerObjectProvides access to class objects. GetDerivedMostTypeHRESULT GetDerivedMostType (IRemoteClassField **ppDerivedMostField)
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