Performance Monitor Counters
MIB Definitions

Microsoft® Internet Information Servers exposes a rich set of service activity metrics through Performance Monitor and SNMP. These metrics (referred to as counters for Performance Monitor and as MIB variables for SNMP) show current configuration information, current activity, activity high-water marks (the largest recorded values for current activities), and total or cumulative counts of operations. Cumulative and high-water mark counters are always measured since service startup. The table below lists all counters exposed by Microsoft Internet Information Server. Counters are organized into sections for the service measured (Internet Information Server counters apply to all services).

Internet Information Server
Cache HitsTotal (since service startup) number of times a file-open, directory-listing, or service-specific object's request was found in the IIS cache
Cache Hits % Ratio of cache hits to all cache requests
Cache Misses Total (since service startup) number of times a file-open, directory-listing, or service-specific object's request was not found in the cache
Cache Size The configured maximum size of the shared HTTP, FTP, and Gopher memory cache
Cache Used The current number of bytes containing cached data in the shared memory cache (this includes directory listings, file handle tracking, and service-specific objects)
Cached File Handles The current number of open file handles cached by all of the Internet Information Server services
Current Blocked Async I/O Requests The current number of async I/O requests blocked by bandwidth throttling
Directory Listings The current number of cached directory listings cached by all of the Internet Information Server services
Measured Async I/O Bandwidth Usage The measured bandwidth in bytes of async I/O averaged over one minute.
Objects The current number of objects cached by all of the Internet Information Server services (includes file-handle tracking objects, directory-listing objects, and service-specific objects)
Total Allowed Async I/O Requests Total (since service startup) async I/O requests allowed by bandwidth throttling
Total Blocked Async I/O Requests Total (since service startup) async I/O requests blocked by bandwidth throttling
Total Rejected Async I/O Requests Total (since service startup) async I/O requests rejected by bandwidth throttling
FTP Server
Bytes Received/sec The rate at which data bytes are received by the FTP server
Bytes Sent/sec The rate at which data bytes are sent by the FTP server
Bytes Total/sec Rate of total bytes transferred by the FTP server (sum of bytes sent and received)
Connection Attempts Total number (since service startup) of connection attempts that have been made to the FTP Server
Current Anonymous Users Current Number of anyonymous users currently connected to the FTP server
Current Connections Current number of connections to the FTP server (sum of anonymous and non-anonymous users)
Current Non-anonymous Users Number of non-anonymous users currently connected to the FTP server
Files Received Total files received by (uploaded to) the FTP server since service startup
Files Sent Total files sent by (downloaded from) the FTP server since service startup
Files Total Total files transferred by the FTP server (upload and download) since service startup
Logon Attempts The total number of logon attempts that have been made against the FTP server since service startup
Maximum Anonymous UsersLargest number (since service startup) of anonymous users simultaneously connected to the FTP server
Maximum Connections Largest number of simultaneous connections to the FTP server
Maximum Non-anonymous UsersLargest Number (since service startup) of non-Anonymous users simultaneously connected to the FTP server
Total Anonymous UsersTotal number of anonymous users that have ever connected to the FTP server since service startup
Total Non-anonymous UsersTotal number of non-anonymous users that have ever connected to the FTP server since service startup
Gopher Server
Aborted Connections Total number of connections aborted due to error or over-the-limit requests made to the Gopher server
Bytes Received/sec The rate at which data bytes are received by the Gopher
Bytes Sent/sec the rate that data bytes are sent by the Gopher server
Bytes Total/sec Total rate at which bytes are transferred by the FTP server (sum of bytes sent and received)
Connection Attempts Total number (since service startup) of connections attempted against the Gopher service
Connnections in Error Total number of connenctions (since service startup) that resulted in errors when processed by the Gopher server
Current Anonymous Users Number of anyonymous users currently connected to the Gopher server
Current Connections Number of connections to the Gopher server (sum of anonymous and non-anonymous users)
Current Non-anonymous Users Number of non-anonymous users currently connected to the Gopher server
Directory Listings Sent Total number of directory listsings sent by the Gopher server since service startup
Files SentTotal number of files sent by the Gopher server since service startup
Gopher Plus RequestsThe total number of Gopher Plus requests received by the Gopher server since service startup
Logon AttemptsThe toal number of logon attempts made by the Gopher server since service startup
Maximum Anonymous UsersMaximum number of anonymous users simultaneously connected to the Gopher server since service startup
Maximum Connections Maximum number of simultaneous connections to the Gopher server since service startup
Maximum Non-anonymous Users The maximum number of non-anonymous users simultaneously connected to the Gopher server since service startup
Searches Sent The total number of searches perfromed by the Gopher server since service startup
Total Anonymous UsersTotal number of anonymous uses that have connected to the FTP server since service startup
Total Non-anonymous UsersTotal number of non-anonymous users that have connected to the FTP server since service startup
HTTP Server
Bytes Received/secThe rate at which data bytes are received by the HTTP server
Bytes Sent/secThe rate that data bytes are sent by the HTTP server
Bytes Total/secTotal rate of bytes transferred by the HTTP server (sum of bytes sent and received)
CGI RequestsThe total number of CGI requests executed since service startup; Common Gateway Interface (CGI) requests invoke custom gateway executables (.exe) which the administrator can install to add forms processing or other dynamic data sources
Connection AttemptsThe number of connection attempts that have been made to the HTTP server
Connections/secThe rate at which HTTP requests are currently being handled
Current Anonymous UsersThe number of anyonymous users currently connected to the HTTP service
Current CGI RequestsThe current number of CGI requests simultaneously being prcessed by the HTTP server (includes WAIS index queries)
Current ConnectionsThe cyurrent number of connections to the HTTP server (sum of anonymous and non-anonymous users)
Current ISAPI Extension Requests The current ISAPI extension requests simultaneously being processed by the HTTP server
Current Non-anonymous UsersNumber of non-anonymous users currently connected to the HTTP server
Files ReceivedThe total files received by (uploaded to) the HTTP server since service startup
Files SentThe total files sent by (downloaded from) the HTTP server since service startup
Files TotalThe total files transferred by the HTTP server since service startup
Get RequestsThe total number of HTTP "GET" requests received by the HTTP server; GET requests are generally used for basic file retrievals or image maps, though they can be used with forms
Head RequestsThe total number of HTTP "HEAD" requests received by the HTTP server; HEAD requests generally indicate that a client is querying the state of a document they already have to see if it needs to be refreshed
ISAPI Extension RequestsThe total number of HTTP ISAPI extension requests received by the HTTP server; ISAPI Extension Requests are custom gateway Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll), which the administrator can install to add forms processing or other dynamic data sources
Logon AttemptsThe number of logon attempts that have been made by the HTTP server
Maximum Anonymous UsersThe largest number of anonymous users simultaneously conected to the HTTP server since service startup
Maximum BGI RequestsThe largest number of BGI requests simultaneously processed by the HTTP server since service startup
Maximum ISAPI Extension RequestsThe largest number of ISAPI extension requests simultaneously processed by the HTTP server since service startup
Maximum ConnectionsThe largest number of users simultaneously conected to the HTTP server since service startup
Maximum Non-Anonymous UsersThe largest number of non-anonymous users simultaneously conected to the HTTP server since service startup
Not Found ErrorsThe number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found; generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client
Other Request MethodsThe number of HTTP requests that are not GET, POST, or HEAD methods; may include PUT, DELETE, LINK, or other methods suported by gateway applications
POST RequestsThe number of HTTP requests using the POST method; generally used for forms or gateway requests
Total Anonymous UsersThe total number of anonymous users that have ever connected to the HTTP server since service startup
Total Non-anonymous UsersTotal number of non-anonymous users that have ever connected to the HTTP server since service startup
