Upgrading your system to UnixWare 7

Upgrading networking

This guide covers the migration of these interfaces and protocols:

Upgrading network interface configuration

Configuration of network interface hardware in UnixWare 7 can be done at install time (for one network adapter only), or it can be performed at a later time by using the Network Configuration Manager as in SCO OpenServer Release 5.

Note the configuration details of the network adapter hardware (IRQ, I/O address range, memory address range, DMA channel) in your system so that you can configure your UnixWare 7 system with these values. For SCO UnixWare 2.1, note the details displayed by niccfg. For SCO OpenServer Release 5, note the details displayed by the Network Configuration Manager.

Upgrading TCP/IP

In UnixWare 7, TCP/IP is configured over a network interface using the Network Configuration Manager as in SCO OpenServer Release 5. You should note the hostname, domain name, IP address, netmask, broadcast address and frame type of the existing network interfaces so that you can configure these on your UnixWare 7 system. To obtain these values, run the Network Configuration Manager in SCO OpenServer Release 5, or run /etc/inet/menu in SCO UnixWare 2.1.

Files to migrate

You may need to copy over the file /etc/hosts from the SCO UnixWare 2.1 or SCO OpenServer Release 5 system. This contains information about the hostnames and IP addresses of localhost and other systems. It is recommended that you merge this information with the existing /etc/hosts file to avoid accidentally removing the localhost entry.

You may also need information from the /etc/tcp file on an SCO OpenServer Release 5 system such as the IP address of a statically configured default router. Look for an entry such as:

   /etc/route add default gateway 
In SCO UnixWare 2.1, the /etc/inet/menu command shows the IP address of the default router on the local network to which the interface is attached. (It also displays information about DNS name servers that should be used. See ``Upgrading DNS'' for more information.) In UnixWare 7, use the Network Configuration Manager to configure the default router that should be used with TCP/IP.

The /etc/tcp file on an SCO OpenServer Release 5 system and the /etc/inet/config file on an SCO UnixWare 2.1 system also contain information about which TCP/IP services should be configured in the /etc/inet/config file on your UnixWare 7 system. The /etc/inetd.conf file will also show what services were available through the inetd daemon. Again, you should only consult this file so that you can amend the /etc/inetd.conf file on your UnixWare 7 system. (Note that UnixWare 7 is bundled with TCP Wrappers which allow you to control who can access the services listed in /etc/inetd.conf.)

Upgrading DHCP or AAS from SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.4

If you configured the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or the Address Allocation Server (AAS) on your SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.4 system, you can migrate their daemon configuration files, /etc/inet/dhcpd.conf and /etc/inet/aasd.conf, to UnixWare 7. Both will work without additional modification.

DHCP and AAS were not available on previous versions of SCO OpenServer or SCO UnixWare.

Upgrading routing

This section discusses differences between UnixWare 7, SCO UnixWare 2.1 and SCO OpenServer Release 5, and how the upgrade of routing may be accomplished.


UnixWare 7 contains updated gated and routed daemons (named in.gated and in.routed) and an updated route command. Both gated and routed support RIP Version 1 and Version 2, and router discovery. The separate router discovery daemon, irdd, that was available in SCO OpenServer Release 5 does not exist in UnixWare 7.

The release of gated in UnixWare 7 (Version 3-5-7) is similar to the version in SCO OpenServer Release 5. It is significantly improved over the SCO UnixWare 2.1 version, which did not support either OSPF or RIPv2.

gated in UnixWare 7 supports RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, EGPv2, BGPv2-v4, and router discovery. The HELLO routing protocol was supported by the SCO UnixWare 2.1 gated, but it is not supported in either the SCO OpenServer Release 5 or UnixWare 7 versions of gated.

Updated support commands for gated in UnixWare 7 include gdc, ripquery and ospf_monitor. The commands ospf_monitor and gdc did not exist in SCO UnixWare 2.1.

routed in UnixWare 7 supports RIPv1, RIPv2, and router discovery. routed in SCO UnixWare 2.1 and SCO OpenServer Release 5 only supported RIPv1. A new support command, rtquery, allows you to query routing daemons in the manner of ripquery. Additionally, it provides additional control over routed, by allowing you to raise or lower the trace level for debugging.

gated conforms to the RFCs shown in the following table:

  SCO OpenServer
Release 5
SCO UnixWare
Release 2.1
UnixWare 7 Description
RFC 891 Yes Yes Yes DCN local network protocols
RFC 904 Yes Yes Yes EGP specification
RFC 911 Yes Yes Yes EGP gateway
RFC 1058 Yes Yes Yes RIPv1 specification
RFC 1163 RFC 1267 Yes RFC 1267 BGP specification
RFC 1164 RFC 1268 Yes RFC 1268 BGP application
RFC 1253 Yes Yes OSPFv2 MIB
RFC 1256 Yes Yes Router discovery
RFC 1267 Yes Yes BGP-3 specification
RFC 1268 Yes Yes BGP-3 application
RFC 1269 Yes Yes BGP-3 managed objects
RFC 1389 Yes Yes RIPv2 MIB
RFC 1403 Yes BGP OSPF interaction
RFC 1583 Yes Yes OSPFv2 specification
RFC 1723 Yes Yes RIPv2 specification

            SCO          SCO UnixWare   UnixWare 7   Description 
            OpenServer   Release 2.1 
            Release 5 
 RFC 891    Yes          Yes            Yes          DCN local network protocols 
 RFC 904    Yes          Yes            Yes          EGP specification 
 RFC 911    Yes          Yes            Yes          EGP gateway 
 RFC 1058   Yes          Yes            Yes          RIPv1 specification 
 RFC 1163   RFC 1267     Yes            RFC 1267     BGP specification 
 RFC 1164   RFC 1268     Yes            RFC 1268     BGP application 
 RFC 1253   Yes                         Yes          OSPFv2 MIB 
 RFC 1256   Yes                         Yes          Router discovery 
 RFC 1267   Yes                         Yes          BGP-3 specification 
 RFC 1268   Yes                         Yes          BGP-3 application 
 RFC 1269   Yes                         Yes          BGP-3 managed objects 
 RFC 1389   Yes                         Yes          RIPv2 MIB 
 RFC 1403                               Yes          BGP OSPF interaction 
 RFC 1583   Yes                         Yes          OSPFv2 specification 
 RFC 1723   Yes                         Yes          RIPv2 specification 
routed conforms to the RFCs shown in the following table:

  SCO OpenServer
Release 5
SCO UnixWare
Release 2.1
UnixWare 7 Description
RFC 1058 Yes Yes Yes RIPv1 specification
RFC 1256 Yes Router discovery
RFC 1723 Yes RIPv2 specification

            SCO          SCO UnixWare   UnixWare 7   Description 
            OpenServer   Release 2.1 
            Release 5 
 RFC 1058   Yes          Yes            Yes          RIPv1 specification 
 RFC 1256                               Yes          Router discovery 
 RFC 1723                               Yes          RIPv2 specification 

Configuring routing

UnixWare 7 does not provide a graphical manager for configuring routing. The Network Client Manager does include support for the traceroute and ping commands but not for configuring routing.

You can use the Network Configuration Manager to configure a default router.

Files to migrate

In UnixWare 7, as in SCO UnixWare 2.1, all routing configuration files are located in /etc/inet, rather than in /etc as in SCO OpenServer Release 5.

Configuration files are:

gated configuration file

routed configuration file
The following sample files are provided in /etc/inet for gated configuration:

BGP configuration

EGP configuration

OSPF configuration

RIP configuration

Migrating gated and routed files to UnixWare 7

For gated, changes are required to /etc/inet/gated.conf. Some keywords recognised by gated in SCO OpenServer Release 5 have changed and affect the default behaviour. In particular, a new aggregate keyword may be required as route aggregation was always enabled in SCO OpenServer Release 5. Additionally, more extensive tracing is provided; see gated.conf(4tcp) for further details).

The gdc checkconf command is useful for checking the integrity of the gated.conf file. It should be run in multi-user mode (that is, with networking running). Otherwise, it will be unable to pick up valid network interfaces to use.

For routed, the /etc/inet/gateways configuration file supports many more command keywords. In particular, the no_rdisc keyword can be used to disable router discovery (enabled by default). See routed(1Mtcp) for details.

The gdc and rtquery commands provide the ability to dump a snapshot of the routing daemon's routing table and interface list to a log file for debugging purposes.

The files /var/adm/syslog and /var/adm/log/osmlog are used to log messages by default.

Upgrading DNS

UnixWare 7 is shipped with BIND Version 4.9.6, and includes a number of bug fixes, security fixes security fixes and new features over versions of BIND that shipped with SCO UnixWare 2.1 and SCO OpenServer Release 5.

Configuring DNS

DNS may be configured using the DNS Manager. However, if you migrate configuration files from SCO OpenServer Release 5 or SCO UnixWare 2.1, the DNS Manager may not be able to understand their structure or naming conventions. In this case, you must edit the files yourself.

DNS files to be migrated from SCO OpenServer Release 5

The file /etc/named.boot must be relocated as /etc/inet/named.boot. Similarly, any configuration files in the /etc/named.d hierarchy should be relocated below /etc/inet/named.d. You may also need to edit the files to correct any pathnames such as those specified by the directory directive. You do not need to copy over the cache hints file (see root.cache(4tcp)) as one is provided with the system (/etc/inet/named.d/db.cache). If necessary, you can use the DNS Manager to update this file.

Remove any hostresorder line in the resolver configuration file, /etc/resolv.conf. In UnixWare 7, name resolution order and methods are controlled using entries in /etc/netconfig. It is recommended that you do not edit this file directly. Use the Network Client Manager to configure entries in this file.

Migrating DNS files

The recommended upgrade path is to use the DNS Manager to configure a caching-only nameserver.

Next, configure any zones that the system serves as a primary name server. Use the ndc restart command to restart named. Check the contents of /var/adm/syslog and /var/adm/log/osmlog for any named errors. You may notice that hostnames containing an underbar (``_'') character are logged as this is an illegal character for an Internet hostname. You should rename these hosts if possible.

Finally, configure any zones that the system serves as a secondary or stub name server and restart named. Check the logs again and check that the zone data has been written to the correct files.

The interpretation of a decimal point in the SOA serial number has changed. Previous versions of BIND would interpret 1.234 as 1000234 instead of 1234. The recommended serial number format is YYYYMMDDNN where YYYY is the year, MM is the month (01-12), DD is the day (01-31), and NN is the serial number of the change during that day (00-99) This allows you to make 100 changes a day until the year 4294.

Upgrading NIS

The version of NIS in UnixWare 7 is based on that in SCO UnixWare 2.1. No significant changes have been made to NIS since SCO UnixWare 2.1 shipped. NIS in UnixWare 7 does not support the copy-only servers that could be configured in SCO OpenServer Release 5's version of NIS.

Configuring NIS in UnixWare 7

NIS may be configured using ypinit as in SCO UnixWare 2.1. Alternatively, you can use the Network Client Manager to configure a NIS client.

Migrating NIS files to UnixWare 7

In UnixWare 7 and SCO UnixWare 2.1, NIS files are located in the /var/yp hierarchy rather than in the /etc/yp hierarchy which SCO OpenServer Release 5 uses.

NIS master and slave servers should set up /etc/passwd and /etc/group files using the Account Manager as normal but the copies of these files that are used to generate the corresponding NIS maps can be located elsewhere if the DIR variable is redefined in /var/yp/Makefile.
Run ypinit with the appropriate option on all systems that need to use NIS:

Configure a master server.

-s master
Configure a slave server specifying the master.

Configure a client. Alternatively, use the Network Client Manager.
Finally, on NIS clients, add escapes (+:) to files such as /etc/passwd and /etc/group so that they can access the corresponding NIS maps.

Upgrading UUCP

The SCO UnixWare 2.1 UUCP subsystem is carried forward to UnixWare 7. For SCO OpenServer Release 5 users, there are new API's, dials(3N) and cs_connect(3N), which are used to dial out to remote systems. The SCO OpenServer Release 5 modem dialers (based on atdialer) have been carried forward to UnixWare 7. This allows for the configuration of over 900 different modems.

UnixWare 7 includes support for ISDN BRI adapters and call service handling. Both of these features are proprietry to SCO.

Configuring UUCP

To configure entries for modems and ISDN adapters in the /etc/uucp/Devices file, use the Hardware menu under the WAN view of the Network Configuration Manager.

To configure call services and filters defined in the files /etc/ics/Callfilter and /etc/ics/Callservices, select Call Services RIGHT ARROW Incoming in the WAN view of the Network Configuration Manager.

To configure entries for remote systems in the /etc/uucp/Systems file, select Call Services RIGHT ARROW Outgoing in the WAN view of the Network Configuration Manager.

Files to migrate

For SCO OpenServer Release 5, the following files should be moved to /etc/uucp:




These files should not need modification.

For SCO UnixWare 2.1, you will need to migrate:









The Devices file may need modifying to reflect the device naming scheme used by UnixWare 7. See ``Serial device node naming conventions'' in SCOhelp for details.

Upgrading the FTP server

The FTP servers in SCO OpenServer Release 5 and UnixWare 7 are based on the Washington University FTP server, wu-ftpd. The UnixWare 7 version is based on the latest version (2.4). It includes additional features and many bug fixes compared to the SCO OpenServer Release 5 version.

The FTP server in SCO UnixWare 2.1 is not based on wu-ftpd and lacks many of the features of the SCO OpenServer Release 5 and UnixWare 7 servers.

The FTP servers in SCO OpenServer Release 5, SCO UnixWare 2.1 and UnixWare 7 conform to RFC 959. Only the SCO OpenServer Release 5 and UnixWare 7 versions conform to RFC 1123.

Configuring the UnixWare 7 FTP server

The FTP server in UnixWare 7 may be configured using the FTP Server Manager.

Files to migrate

The following files need to be migrated from SCO UnixWare 2.1:



The following files need to be migrated from SCO OpenServer Release 5:




/etc/ftpconv becomes /etc/ftpconversions

Procedure for migrating FTP files

Any user names added to the SCO OpenServer Release 5 or SCO UnixWare 2.1 /etc/ftpusers file should be added to the UnixWare 7 /etc/ftpusers file in order to continue to deny access to those users.

Any shells added to the SCO OpenServer Release 5 or SCO UnixWare 2.1 /etc/shells file should be added to the UnixWare 7 /etc/shells file in order to continue to allow access to a user who has one of those shells as their login shell. The pathnames of some entries may need changing to match the location of the shell in the filesystem hierarchy of UnixWare 7.

Any conversions added to the SCO OpenServer Release 5 /etc/ftpconv file should be added to the UnixWare 7 /etc/ftpconversions file, changing the pathname of the conversion utility where appropriate.

The syntax of some entries in /etc/ftpaccess has changed:

Upgrading NFS

NFS in UnixWare 7, SCO OpenServer Release 5 and SCO UnixWare 2.1 is based on Version 2. Configuration of NFS and the automounter in UnixWare 7 is similar to SCO UnixWare 2.1 but substantially different from SCO OpenServer Release 5.

NFS in UnixWare 7 and SCO UnixWare 2.1 does not include the spongy mount or transport over TCP features of NFS in SCO OpenServer Release 5.

automount in SCO OpenServer Release 5 automatically consults the NIS auto.master map unless the -m option is specified on the command line. It does not consult the /etc/auto.master file unless this is also specified using the -f option. automount in UnixWare 7 and SCO UnixWare 2.1 reads the /etc/auto.master file unless you override the pathname using the -f option. It does not consult the NIS auto.master map unless the following line is included in the /etc/auto.master file on the client:


Configuring NFS in UnixWare 7

A filesystem is made available for mounting by NFS clients by adding share(1Mnfs) entries to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file. You can invoke the entries in this file by executing the following command:

. /etc/dfs/dfstab

You can mount NFS filesystems on NFS clients using the Filesystem Manager.

Files to migrate

The following table shows approximate equivalences between NFS configuration files in SCO OpenServer Release 5 and UnixWare 7:

SCO OpenServer
Release 5
UnixWare 7 Description
/etc/default/filesys /etc/vfstab Used by client to define filesystem to be mounted
/etc/exports /etc/dfs/dfstab Used by server to define filesystems that clients can mount
/etc/auto.master /etc/auto.master Lists initial automount configuration. The information may also be obtained as a map from an NIS server
/etc/auto.home List direct and indirect automount configuration. The information may also be obtained as map(s) from an NIS server

 SCO OpenServer         UnixWare 7         Description 
 Release 5 
 /etc/default/filesys   /etc/vfstab        Used by client to 
                                           define filesystem 
                                           to be mounted 
 /etc/exports           /etc/dfs/dfstab    Used by server to 
                                           define filesystems 
                                           that clients can 
 /etc/auto.master       /etc/auto.master   Lists initial 
                                           configuration.  The 
                                           information may 
                                           also be obtained as 
                                           a map from an NIS 
 /etc/auto.direct       /etc/auto.home     List direct and 
 /etc/auto.indirect                        indirect automount 
                                           configuration.  The 
                                           information may 
                                           also be obtained as 
                                           map(s) from an NIS 
If migrating from SCO OpenServer Release 5, use the information in the configuration files to configure your UnixWare 7 system. Do not copy the /etc/default/filesys and /etc/exports files to their equivalents as the format of these files is not the same as in UnixWare 7. The following options which are supported by mount in SCO OpenServer Release 5 are not supported in UnixWare 7: exec, noexec, trunc, notrunc, tcp, and spongy. It is recommended that you enter the information in /etc/default/filesys using the Filesystem Manager.

The information in the /etc/exports file can be added to /etc/dfs/dfstab as follows:

  1. Edit a copy of /etc/exports. Each line, other than comment lines that start with a ``#'' character, should start off with the following format:
    pathname	-options	# comment 
    Change each line so that it has the following format:
    share -Fnfs -o "options" [-d "comment"] pathname 
    The description specified by the -d option is optional. The access option in SCO OpenServer Release 5 is not supported by UnixWare 7. Replace each access option with ro (read-only) or rw (read and write) to define the read permissions for each client explicitly. Note that netgroup entries are supported. For example, consider the following lines in a copy of the /etc/exports file from an SCO OpenServer Release 5 system:
    /usr       -access=clients              #export to netgroup clients 
    /usr/local                              #export to the world 
    /usr2      -access=hermes:zip:tutorial  #export to only these machines 
    /usr/sun   -root=hermes:zip             #give root access only to these 
    /usr/new   -anon=0                      #give all machines root access 
    /usr/bin   -ro                          #export read-only to everyone 
    /usr/stuff -access=zip,anon=-3,ro       #several options on one line 
    This would be converted to:
    share -Fnfs -o "rw=clients"             /usr 
    share -Fnfs -d "export to the world"    /usr/local 
    share -Fnfs -o "rw=hermes:zip:tutorial" /usr2 
    share -Fnfs -o "root=hermes:zip"        /usr/sun 
    share -Fnfs -o "anon=0"                 /usr/new 
    share -Fnfs -o "ro"                     /usr/bin 
    share -Fnfs -o "rw=zip,anon=-3,ro"      /usr/stuff 

  2. Copy this file to the end of /etc/dfs/dfstab on the UnixWare 7 NFS server.

  3. Run the following command to make the filesystems available for clients to mount:

    . /etc/dfs/dfstab

The automount configuration files may be copied across but you may have to edit them to fix compatibility differences. UnixWare 7 has a single file auto.home (and correspondingly named map) which combines the function of auto.direct and auto.indirect. It is possible to configure separate NIS maps by editing /var/yp/Makefile but you may find it simpler to combine auto.direct and auto.indirect. You will also need to change any NIS map entries such as ``+auto.direct'' and ``+auto.indirect'' to ``+auto.home'' if clients obtain these maps using NIS.

Upgrading NTP

SCO UnixWare 2.1 included version 2.3 of NTP which conforms to RFC 1119 and retains compatibility with RFC 1059. SCO OpenServer Release 5 included version 3.2 of NTP and UnixWare 7 includes version 3.5f of NTP. These conform to RFC 1305 and retain compatibility with RFC 1119 and RFC 1059.

NTP configuration

NTP clients may be configured using the Network Client Manager.

NTP servers are configured by editing the file /etc/inet/ntp.conf. Configuration of NTP servers does not differ substantially between SCO UnixWare 2.1, SCO OpenServer Release 5 and UnixWare 7 except for the following points:

Files to migrate

The default NTP configuration file in SCO OpenServer Release 5 is /etc/ntp.conf. The default NTP configuration file in SCO UnixWare 2.1 is /etc/inet/ntp.conf as in UnixWare 7. In addition, you will need to copy over files containing authentication keys. You should also create any log files such as those used for writing drift measurements and other statistics. The pathnames of these files will be defined in the ntp.conf file.

Upgrading NetWare and IPX/SPX

IPX/SPX in SCO OpenServer Release 5 is based on NWU Version 3.1. IPX/SPX in SCO UnixWare 2.1 is based on NWU Version 4.10. IPX/SPX in UnixWare 7 is based on Netware 4.10a.

NOTE: Configuration of networking stacks in UnixWare 7 should only be performed using the Network Configuration Manager.

Gemini supports NetWare over IP (NWIP) by tunneling IPX/SPX packets over IP. At least one NetWare server must be configured to run as a Domain SAP/RIP Server (DSS). See ``NWIP configuration parameters'' in SCOhelp for more information.

Configuring IPX/SPX stacks

Use the Network Configuration Manager to configure IPX/SPX. Using nwcm or editing the configuration files by hand is not recommended.

IPX/SPX files to be migrated

From SCO OpenServer Release 5, configuration information in the file /etc/ipx.d/NPSConfig may need to be migrated.

From SCO UnixWare 2.1, configuration information in the file /etc/netware/nwconfig may need to be migrated.

The information in these files should be migrated to /etc/netware/nwconfig on your UnixWare 7 system.

Migrating files to UnixWare 7

The configuration file /etc/netware/nwconfig contains configuration information for all NetWare components including the IPX/SPX stack. This section refers only to IPX/SPX stack configuration.

The contents of the SCO OpenServer Release 5 configuration file /etc/netware/nwconfig differ significantly from the file /etc/ipx.d/NPSConfig in UnixWare 7, whereas the contents of the /etc/netware/nwconfig file in SCO UnixWare 2.1 are very similar.

WARNING: Do not copy the stack related sections of the config file from one system to another. For example, do not copy lines such as the following:
   lan_N_adapter = "/dev/netn" 

Upgrading NetBIOS

A in-kernel implementation of NetBIOS was not originally available in SCO UnixWare 2.1 from SCO. The version of NetBIOS in UnixWare 7 is based on the in-kernel NetBIOS in SCO OpenServer Release 5 with the following enhancements:

Configuring NetBIOS in UnixWare 7

NetBIOS in UnixWare 7 is not configurable using the Network Configuration Manager. It is necessary to edit the file /etc/inet/nb.conf instead. However, as the default behavior of NetBIOS is to run over all available interfaces, this is not usually necessary unless you want to configure name resolution via nominated WINS servers.

NetBIOS files that must be migrated

The only NetBIOS file that needs to be migrated is /etc/default/netbios to /etc/inet/nb.conf.

Procedure for migrating NetBIOS configuration files

There are several differences in the parameters that can be configured in /etc/default/nbconf and /etc/inet/nb.conf. The following parameter has been enhanced for UnixWare 7:

This allows you to specify the IP addresses of the interfaces to be used. Set this to the null string ("") if all available interfaces are to be used.
The following parameters are new for UnixWare 7:

Specify name resolution methods and order.

Specify a primary WINS server.

Specify a secondary WINS server.
See netbios(1Mtcp) for more information.

The following parameters are no longer valid in UnixWare 7:



These parameters should be deleted.

Upgrading PPP

PPP has changed extensively in UnixWare 7. It supports the following new features:

PPP in UnixWare 7 does not support SNMP Managed Objects for LCP or IP (RFC 1471 and RFC 1473) which were supported in SCO OpenServer Release 5 and SCO UnixWare 2.1.

Configuring PPP

Most of the PPP configuration files in SCO OpenServer Release 5 and SCO UnixWare 2.1 are replaced by a single file which should not be edited by hand. The contents of the file may be changed using the PPP Manager or the ppptalk(1M) command. You can also use the PPP Internet Connection Manager to set up simple outgoing PPP configurations.

Pools of available IP addresses may be configured using the Address Allocation Manager in UnixWare 7. The UUCP Systems and Devices files may be configured from the WAN view of the Network Configuration Manager. Packet filter definitions may be configured using the Packet Filter Manager.

Upgrading PPP

PPP configuration was very similar in SCO OpenServer Release 5 and SCO UnixWare 2.1. Both versions of PPP used configuration files whose formats were almost identical. The following table shows the equivalence between these configuration files and data definition statements that are internal to ppptalk in UnixWare 7:

Feature configured SCO OpenServer
Release 5 file
SCO UnixWare
Release 2.1 file
UnixWare 7
PPP endpoints /etc/ppphosts /etc/inet/ppphosts bundle
Authentication database /etc/pppauth /etc/inet/pppauth auth
Third-party framing drivers /etc/pppstack link
IP address pool /etc/ppppool /etc/addrpool protocol
Packet filters /etc/pppfilter /etc/inet/pppfilter protocol

 Feature configured            SCO OpenServer   SCO UnixWare          UnixWare 7 
                               Release 5 file   Release 2.1 file      definitions 
 PPP endpoints                 /etc/ppphosts    /etc/inet/ppphosts    bundle 
 Authentication database       /etc/pppauth     /etc/inet/pppauth     auth 
 Third-party framing drivers   /etc/pppstack                          link 
 IP address pool               /etc/ppppool     /etc/addrpool         protocol 
 Packet filters                /etc/pppfilter   /etc/inet/pppfilter   protocol 

The following table shows equivalences between parameters in the ppphosts file in SCO UnixWare 2.1 or SCO OpenServer Release 5 and parameters that can be configured using ppptalk in UnixWare 7:

ppphosts parameter ppptalk parameter ppptalk definition
accm accm protocol = lcp
attach bundle_tag bundle
auth protocol auth
authtmout authtmout bundle | global
bypassframing No equivalent
clocal No equivalent
conf maxcfg protocol = ccp | ip | lcp
debug debug bundle | link | protocol
filter bringup
protocol = ip
flow flow link
forcefarip peeropt = force protocol = ip
forcenearip localopt = force protocol = ip
getfarip peeropt = any protocol = ip
getnearip localopt = any protocol = ip
idle maxidle bundle
local localaddr protocol = ip
mask netmask protocol = ip
maxslot vjmaxslot protocol = ip
mru mru protocol = lcp
nak maxfail protocol = ccp | ip | lcp
name peerauthname bundle | global
noaccomp acfc = no protocol = lcp
noslotcomp vjslotcomp = no protocol = ip
noipaddr localopt = any
peeropt = any
protocol = ip
nomgc magic = no protocol = lcp
noprotcomp acfc = no protocol = lcp
novj vjcompress = no protocol = ip
old No equivalent
providefarip peeropt = prefer protocol =ip
providenearip localopt = prefer protocol =ip
proxy proxyarp protocol = ip
remote peeraddr protocol = ip
reqtmout reqtmout protocol = ccp | ip | lcp
retry No equivalent
rfc1172addr No equivalent
sh_hook exec protocol = ip
speed No equivalent
staticdev dev link
term maxterm protocol = ccp | ip | lcp
uucp remotesys bundle

 ppphosts parameter   ppptalk parameter   ppptalk definition 
 accm                 accm                protocol = lcp 
 attach               bundle_tag          bundle 
 auth                 protocol            auth 
 authtmout            authtmout           bundle | global 
 bypassframing        No equivalent 
 clocal               No equivalent 
 conf                 maxcfg              protocol = ccp | ip | lcp 
 debug                debug               bundle | link | protocol 
 filter               bringup             protocol = ip 
 flow                 flow                link 
 forcefarip           peeropt = force     protocol = ip 
 forcenearip          localopt = force    protocol = ip 
 getfarip             peeropt = any       protocol = ip 
 getnearip            localopt = any      protocol = ip 
 idle                 maxidle             bundle 
 local                localaddr           protocol = ip 
 mask                 netmask             protocol = ip 
 maxslot              vjmaxslot           protocol = ip 
 mru                  mru                 protocol = lcp 
 nak                  maxfail             protocol = ccp | ip | lcp 
 name                 peerauthname        bundle | global 
 noaccomp             acfc = no           protocol = lcp 
 noslotcomp           vjslotcomp = no     protocol = ip 
 noipaddr             localopt = any      protocol = ip 
                      peeropt = any 
 nomgc                magic = no          protocol = lcp 
 noprotcomp           acfc = no           protocol = lcp 
 novj                 vjcompress = no     protocol = ip 
 old                  No equivalent 
 providefarip         peeropt = prefer    protocol =ip 
 providenearip        localopt = prefer   protocol =ip 
 proxy                proxyarp            protocol = ip 
 remote               peeraddr            protocol = ip 
 reqtmout             reqtmout            protocol = ccp | ip | lcp 
 retry                No equivalent 
 rfc1172addr          No equivalent 
 sh_hook              exec                protocol = ip 
 speed                No equivalent 
 staticdev            dev                 link 
 term                 maxterm             protocol = ccp | ip | lcp 
 uucp                 remotesys           bundle 

Migrating PPP configuration files

It is not feasible to migrate the PPP configuration files from SCO UnixWare 2.1 and SCO OpenServer Release 5 to UnixWare 7. You should make backup copies of the files, and refer to these for configuration information when setting up PPP on your UnixWare 7 systems.

© 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.