Order of License for PACT Software




Manage your PC with PACT Ghosts 98!
The Ghosts

Copy and rename in one step: PACT 2ndBackup 98! 2ndBackup
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP 98! DeskTOP
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpToRegKey
Open System Folders Quicker with PACT Quicky 98! Quicky
Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout 98! SaveDTLayout
Set File and Date per Shortcut on Folders - PACT SetFileDate 98 SetFileDate
Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent with PACT SetTextColor 98! SetDTextColor
Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT Set Window Pos 98! SetWindowPos
Shutdown with one click, start backup before. PACT Shutdown 98! Shutdown
Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer 98! Timer



Online Articles



Visual C Tricks
Learn Typewriting
Dream PC
Link Collection







  Microsoft Certified Professional



PACT supports
Walker's Watchguard
Citizens for Cycles


Online Registration

You can purchase PACT Software online at Register Now! is a partner of Windows95.com.,
a partner of Windows95.com. RegisterNow provides secure, encrypted credit card transactions and verification in real time. You will receive your Product ID immediately per e-mail. To connect to RegisterNow, click below on the program you want to order:


Order per Email, Phone, Fax, or Mail

Please print out this page, or copy the text into your e-mail program, complete the form and send it back per e-mail, PGP encrypted e-mail, fax, or mail. Your order will be processed immediately after approval. To receive your Product ID as quick as possible, please provide a valid e-mail address. Thank you!

(Order Form Text Version)


Order of License for PACT Software

E-mail order@pact1.com, PACT Software, Philip Ahrens, Ladenburger St. 26, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Phone +49 6221 451591, Fax +49 6221 451593.

Manage your PC with PACT Ghosts 98! PACT Ghosts 98 $49 $170 $750 $1950
Copy and rename in one step: PACT 2ndBackup 98! PACT 2ndBackup 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP 98! PACT DeskTOP 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! PACT JumpToRegKey 98   $14 $49 $170 $750
Open System Folders Quicker with PACT Quicky 98! PACT Quicky 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout 98! PACT Save Layout 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent with PACT SetTextColor 98! PACT SetTextColor 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT Set Window Pos 98! PACT SetWindowPos 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Shutdown with one click, start backup before. PACT Shutdown 98! PACT Shutdown 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer 98! PACT Timer 98 $14 $49 $170 $750

(US Dollar, prices guaranteed through October, 1998. US$14 = EURO12.50 = GBú8.50 = FRF85.00 = DM25.00.)

Name / Company _____________________________________

Street ______________________________________________

City ZIP State _______________________________________

Country ____________________________________________

E-mail Address _______________________________________

[  ] Bank assigned to Dresdner Bank Germany, BLZ 672 800 51, Konto 4 815 348
[  ] Cash included, notes only
[  ] Check included, made in DM, drawn on a German bank
[  ] Check included, added US$10 foreign bank transfer fees
[  ] Visa    [  ] Master/Euro    [  ] American Express    [  ] Diners

We accept Visa Card, Master/Eurocard, American Express, and Diners Club.We accept Visa Card, Master/Eurocard, American Express, and Diners Club.We accept Visa Card, Master/Eurocard, American Express, and Diners Club.We accept Visa Card, Master/Eurocard, American Express, and Diners Club. 

Name on Credit Card ____________________________________

Card Number ____________________ Expiration Date _________

Date ______________  Signature __________________________

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PGP Public Key here and on every key server: MIT.EDU, PGP.NET
PGP Key Fingerprint for pa@pact1.com:
59 DA 0A 1E 1D CE 58 3B  12 BD 16 68 36 A7 75 24


Manage your PC with PACT Ghosts 98!  Manage your Desktop with PACT Ghosts 98!  



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