Debugging Mixed Client and Server Script

See Also

Many ASP pages contain both client and server script. You can set breakpoints in both client and server script, and as each script executes, it can call the debugger at breakpoints.

Note    It is highly recommended that you do not use Active Desktop mode of Internet Explorer 4.0 when you are debugging.

Before you can debug script in ASP pages, you must enable debugging.

To enable script debugging in ASP pages

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the project and choose Properties to display the Property Pages dialog box.

  2. Choose the Launch tab.

  3. Under Server script, choose Automatically enable ASP server-side debugging on launch.

Note   To debug script in ASP pages, you must be running version 4.0 or later of Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).

When you set a breakpoint in client script in a page that contains both server and client script, the debugger tracks the breakpoint even though the position of the breakpoint can change significantly in the file after server script has executed. If server script causes the client script to be written several times into the page, the debugger tracks each breakpoint separately.

You can set breakpoints in server script, client script, or both. If you set breakpoints in both, the debugger will stop at the server script breakpoints first. When you continue to run, the page is sent to the browser, and the debugger will then stop at breakpoints in client script.

To debug pages containing both client and server script

  1. In Visual InterDev, set breakpoints in the lines of client and server script that you want to debug.

  2. Make the page your project's start page. In the Project Explorer, right-click the page and choose Set as Start Page.

  3. From the Debug menu, choose Start.

    The server script executes and stops at any breakpoint you have set there.

  4. Step through the server script as needed.

    When you step out of server script, the page will continue executing until it gets to another server script. When the debugger has finished with server script, the server sends the page to the browser, which displays it.

  5. If necessary, trigger the event (such as a button click) that will run the client script you want to debug.

    The debugger stops at the breakpoint and displays the version of the page that is being processed by the browser.

When you are debugging pages that contain both server and client script, remember that server script can potentially insert HTML text and client script into the page. For example, a few lines of server script can dynamically create a large table out of database information, or can write or rearrange client script on the page. After processing the page, the server removes the server script. As a consequence, the page being processed by the browser can look quite different than it does in the Visual InterDev editor with both server and client script in it. For details about how server script is processed, see Understanding Script Processing.

Debugging Embedded Server Script

A special case occurs when you want to debug server script that appears inside a block of client script. In the following, server script first extracts a value from a form and stores it in a variable. Later, inside the block of client script, a block of embedded server script dynamically inserts the value of the variable into a client statement:

<%loginName = = Request.Form("loginName")%>
<!-- HTML text here -->

Sub ShowWelcome
   txt = <%=loginName%>
   MsgBox("Welcome, " & txt)
End sub

Note   When you write server script inside of client script, the editor does not follow color-coding convention for server script.

If you set a breakpoint on the line with the embedded server script, it is not clear whether you want the debugger to stop on the server script (<%=loginName%>) or later in the client script (txt = ). Visual InterDev therefore offers you two options:

The default is client breakpoint only. To stop both times, you enable a debugger option.

To enable breakpoints for embedded server script

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Options, and then open the Debugger node.

  2. Choose the option Set breakpoints on embedded server script.

When you are running the debugger and it breaks on embedded server script, it does not stop directly on the line containing the server script. Instead, it stops on the line of client script or HTML that immediately follows the preceding line of server script. In some cases, this can cause the breakpoint to appear many lines before the embedded server script.

For example, if you set a breakpoint on the embedded server script (<%=loginName%>) in the following example, the debugger will stop on the <HTML> tag.

<%loginName = = Request.Form("loginName")%>
Sub ShowWelcome
   txt = <%=loginName%>
   MsgBox("Welcome, " & txt)
End sub

This behavior occurs because when the server is processing the page, it ignores anything that isn't server script. The server doesn't "see" the lines of HTML and client script that precede the embedded server script. To the server, the beginning of the line containing the embedded server script is therefore the one immediately following the preceding line of server script.

To move to the embedded server script, use the debugger's Step Into command.