Track lots using the Lot wizard
When you create a transaction to sell investment shares, Money uses the Lot wizard to let you specify which lot of shares you want to sell. If you own multiple lots (A block of stock or mutual fund shares purchased at the same time. For example, if you purchase 100 shares of Litware, Inc. on January 10, and 50 shares of Litware, Inc. on January 11, you would own two lots of Litware, Inc. When securities are sold, Money will assume a FIFO (First In, First Out) sale flow. Therefore, if you later sold 50 shares of Litware, Inc., Money will assume half the first lot has been sold.) of the investment, Money sells the first shares you acquired, using the FIFO (first-in, first-out) (An assumption that investments are sold in the same order theyÆre purchased so that when you sell shares, you sell the first shares you bought so that the first shares in your account are the first shares. Money uses FIFO lot tracking as its default.) method unless you specify a different lot.
1 Go to the Account Register for the investment account in which you want to enter a sell transaction.
If you don't see the account you want, look for it under Other Open Accounts or Closed Accounts.
2 Click New in the transaction forms below the register.
If you don't want to sell shares from the first lot of shares you acquired, click Yes in the Lot wizard to specify shares from a different lot, and then click Next.
If you make a selection other than FIFO (first in, first out), you must notify your broker in writing of your lot specification so the brokerage sells the lots you designate.
What if I always want to sell the first lot of shares I acquired (FIFO)?
If you want to turn off the Lot wizard, enter a sell transaction. When the Lot wizard comes up, check I want all of my investment sales to be tracked as FIFO. Click Finish. From then on, Money will close the shares you first acquired, removing the oldest shares of this investment from your account first.
If you later want to turn the Lot wizard back on, go to the Tools menu, select Options, and then click Investments. Under Investment Options, uncheck Track all investments as FIFO (first acquired).
How can I use lots to maximize or minimize my capital gain on a stock sale?
In the Allocate Lots dialog box, click Maximize Gain or Minimize Gain. Money will automatically select the appropriate lots of the investment to either maximize or minimize the capital gain youÆll earn from the sale.