Change lot allocations for an investment
If you assign the wrong lot (A block of stock or mutual fund shares purchased at the same time. For example, if you purchase 100 shares of Litware, Inc. on January 10, and 50 shares of Litware, Inc. on January 11, you would own two lots of Litware, Inc. When securities are sold, Money will assume a FIFO (First In, First Out) sale flow. Therefore, if you later sold 50 shares of Litware, Inc., Money will assume half the first lot has been sold.) when you're selling shares, you can change the lot allocation in the Allocate Lots dialog box.
1 Go to the Account Register for the investment account in which you sold the shares.
If you don't see the account you want, look for it under Other Open Accounts or Closed Accounts.
2 Highlight the transaction with the lot assignment you want to change. The shares could be closed through either a Sell, Remove Shares, or Cover Short transaction.
In the Allocate Lots dialog box, Money lists the lots available for this investment.
If you make a selection other than FIFO (first in, first out), you must notify your broker in writing of your lot specification so the brokerage sells the lots you designate.