Follow a To Do list: Monthly
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Follow these tips each month to use Money most effectively. If you keep your Money file updated on a weekly or daily basis, at month's end you can sit back and take a look at the big picture.
- Look at your reports and charts Go to the Reports & Charts place to learn about where your money goes, what your cash flow looks like, and how your income compares to your expenses. Customize reports and charts, and save them as favorites so they're easy to find each month. If you have the Money 99 Financial Suite, be sure to read your Monthly Report.
- Review your budget Print out a How I'm Doing on My Budget report, and make changes to your budget if necessary.
- If you're a Money 99 Financial Suite User, review your plans In the Lifetime Planner, look at your forecasts to see if you're on track. Update your goals and your debt reduction and savings plans if anything has changed.
- Balance your accounts to your paper statement If you've kept up on your data entry, balancing your accounts is easy รน especially if you use online statements.
- Prepare for taxes When you get your bank statement, staple any canceled checks for tax-deductible purchases to the corresponding receipts, which should already be categorized in envelopes or folders. This way, your documentation is neatly assembled should the IRS ever want to see it.
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