Transfer money between accounts
If you don't see the account you want, look for it under Other Open Accounts or Closed Accounts.
2 On the transaction form at the bottom of the screen, click Transfer. Fill out all the fields in the form.
If you don't see transaction forms at the bottom of your screen, choose Transfer and the account name where you want to transfer money to in the category field of the transaction. If you have subcategories enabled, choose the account name in the subcategory field.
Why does my transfer show up in the account register twice?
When you make a transfer (To move money between accounts. You can enter a transfer by clicking the Transfer tab in the Account Register. You only need to enter the transaction once, and it will be recorded in both accounts. You can also enter a transfer by using the special category ôtransfer.ö), you only need to enter the transaction once to credit one account and debit the other.
On the view bar (The horizontal bar at the top of the Account Register, Pay Bills, Recently Paid Bills, Set up Bills & Deposits, Account Manager, Investments, and Categories and Payees places that lets you choose what is displayed in the list. Click the triangle to see the available options.), click the down-arrow , and then click Use Forms to Enter Transactions.
The transaction forms will appear below the Account Register.