Research an investment using Microsoft Investor
You can research any stock or mutual fund in your portfolio by connecting online to the Microsoft Investor Web site from within Money. Investor provides comprehensive investment information including news releases, market summaries, commentary and analysis, and online trading.
1 On the navigation bar (The strip at the top of the Money screen where you can click to go to the different areas in Money.), click Investments.
Money will go online and connect to Investor Research. You might be asked to start your Internet browser (A program that lets you interact with other computers via Web pages on the Internet.).
Note that the stock or mutual fund must have a symbol associated with it in Money before you can get related information from Microsoft Investor.
Is there a shortcut to get to Investor Research?
In the Investment Portfolio, right-click the investment you want to research to bring up the menu. Point to Microsoft Investor, and then click Company Facts.