Amiglobe 98 is a world atlas and database.
With Amiglobe 98 you can navigate in the world map, and get precise figures and information about 200 countries.
Four projections are available: flat, Lambert's, Mercator's or spherical. You can zoom everywhere on the map, Amiglobe 98 shifts the detail level according to the zoom level.
You can select a country,browse information about it, and make comparison with other countries.
Amiglobe 98 includes new features from v1.00. (updated data, easy zoom and map dragging, etc...)
All known bugs have been corrected .
Amiglobe 98 is cardware. If you like this software, you can send me a nice postcard (see: author).
If you use Amiglobe 98 for the first time, the simple guided tour will certainly help you.