Fast Plan v6.0 is an advanced CAD programme that uses many automated drawing functions, including the design rooms functions ( move, rotate, expand & shrink, auto aligning rooms), and expand / shrink base walls, that make good design and drawing extremely easy
Fast Plans will draw up to 3 floors and a site plan
draw house plan layouts FAST house layout plan

Specification :-
* a guide line to prompt you on what to do, when using any function *
* context help is available by pressing the F1 key

* automatic 2 to 4 line external wall drawing, self correcting at corners *
* external dimensions are automatic including overall dimensions *
* auto sensing distance when drawing internal walls *
* moveable design rooms - self aligning rooms, resize, move and fine tune *
* unlimited external walls *
* area calculations based on maximum 8 wall faces per side *
* three floors maximum, upper floors can be drawn with two button presses *
* cut in hanging & sliding doors, multiple doors and windows *
* rotate or mirror complete drawings *
* external and internal wall hatching *
* display with solid black walls, for flyers and advertising *
* get maximum room available senses largest space left for a new room *
* customisable options *
* save as a bitmap .BMP *
* site plan *
* display & print options, show / do not show dimensions, text size option *
* zoom fit on screen, zoom up, zoom by half *
* auto save option, auto scrolling *

This DEMO programme has a number of features locked out and limits on the number of walls, windows, rooms & doors you can draw in it.
*Locked out functions* :- site plan, save as bitmap .BMP and rotate / mirror complete drawing
*Functions with limits on use* :- external walls are limited to 6, windows & doors also 6), design & fixed rooms 4

Programme is best run with a screen resolution of 800 x 600 or more
First Time Users you need to read one of these:-
click on QUICK START for a very BASIC fast start
or EXAMPLES gives much more detailed explanations than quick start

Click on CONTENTS which is the information base for the help system and FUNCTION LIST to see how powerful this automated programme really is.

To close this, or any other help page, just click the cross ( X ) in the top left corner of the page