Bundled Functions

    PhotoFamily can communicates with most of popular application softwares. You can send an image from PhotoFamily to any of applications on Application Bar.

Application Bar

    This the Application Bar, it locates at the bottom of Thumbnail Window in PhotoFamily Main UI. The left four buttons this toolbar is fixed, their functions are:

Send to Web Select an image and then click this button, the image will be sent to your account on website www.iMira.com or www.ClubPhoto.com. For detailed information, please click here.
Send to PDA Send selected images to your PDA(Personal Digital Assistant). To do this you need to have your PDA properly connected to your PC, and you need to install application software Album To Go on your PC and PDA. For detailed information, please click here.
Send to E-mail Select an image or some images and then click this button, PhotoFamily will open your system default E-mail application and paste the images into a new blank mail. You can send your favourite images to your friends conveniently.
Send to Fax Select an image or some images and then click this button, PhotoFamily will call out your system default Fax application and paste the images into a new blank fax. You can easily fax them.

    The right part of this toolbar is an Application list. You can click and to move the application icons in the list (if you have more than 4 icons in the list). Select an image or some images and then click any of the application icons, the images will be sent to the corresponding application program for further process.

To add more application icons to the list, you can Right-Click Application Bar and select Add in the pop-up menu, a dialog will appear. Locate the executive file of the application which you want to add, then press Open button to add its icon to Application Bar. To remove an icon, just Right-Click on the icon, and select Remove in the pop-up menu.