Upload Images

    It would be a nice idea to share your wonderful photos with thousands of millions of people on Internet! You can use PhotoFamily to upload image(s) to some websites, it's convenient!

    Locate the image(s) you want to upload, drag-and-drop it(them) to Send to Web on the Application Bar on the bottom of main UI, a dialog will appear:


    From the pull-down list you should select to which website you want to upload. We provide two selections: www.clubphoto.com and www.imira.com(www.imira.com.tw). The latter is referred as Ulead Tool in the pull-down list.

    If you choose Club Photo and click OK, another dialog will appear:
Club Photo Sign-in    If you have registered on Club Photo website and got your own account, just fill in the entryboxes to sign in. If you don't have account on Club Photo website, you can click Click here to obtain a new membership on the lower left corner of this dialog to go to Club Photo website to sign up for a new account. If you access to Internet through a proxy server, please enter necessary information in Proxy Settings page. After you've filled all the entryboxes, press OK button to proceed.
    UploadingThen the dialog shown on the right will appear. Select an Album in the upper pull-down list, and press Start Uploading button on lower right corner to start uploading. If you don't have any Album in your Club Photo account, press New Album to create one.

Ulead Tool    If you choose Ulead Tool in the pull-down list, the dialog will change into the one on the left.
    Press to open another dialog (shown below) to sign in on iMira website. If you don't have any account currently on iMira website, press Create New Account on iMira button to sign up a new account on iMira Website. Then press OK to complete upload procedure.Sign in