Using Inbox
Inbox is located on the lower left corner of PhotoFamily Main UI. You can drag-and-drop images, Albums and AlbumShelves into it. Through Inbox, you can complete various tasks with PhotoFamily.
Import Images
Locate your images files in My Computer area, you can view their thumbnails in the Thumbnail Window. Select the images which you wish to put into your newly created album, drag-and-drop them to the Inbox , the Inbox icon should then change to
. Double-click the Inbox to open it, you will see an image list in the Thumbnail Window.
Right-click an image file in Inbox, select Send to Album in the pop-up menu, a dialog box will appear:
Select an Album into which you want to put that image, and click to import the image to the album, otherwise click
to cancel the operation.
Store Your Images
You can drag-and-drop your favourite/personal AlbumShelves, Albums and Images to Inbox, so that you can find them more quickly. Images in Inbox cannot be viewed directly, you have to send them to an Album when you want to view them.
Double-click to open Inbox and show its contents in Thumbnail Window in List mode. Right-click the Inbox to get a pop-up menu with the following items: