About Album

    Albums Album Closed are all placed in AlbumShelves. You can put different groups of images into different Albums, and put different groups of Albums into different AlbumShelves. An Album can hold 100 images at most.

Create New Album

    You can click New Album on PhotoFamily Toolbar to add new albums into selected shelf. You can also select New Album in the File menu or press Ctrl+N to add new albums. The Album icon Album Closed will be shown below the Shelf icon. The default Album name is "Album", you can click the album name to change it.


Operations with Album

  • Click: Select the Album and show all the photos in it in the Thumbnail Window. When an Album is selected, its icon should change from Album Closed to Album Opened.
  • Double-Click: Shift to Album View/Virtual Album interface.
  • Right-Click: Pop up a menu with the following items:
    1. View ---- Shift to Album View/Virtual Album interface, thus you can view all the images in the selected Album in a Virtual Album.
    2. Import ---- Import images into the selected album.
    3. Edit ---- Shift to PhotoEdit interface, so that you can edit the images in the selected Album.
    4. Print ---- Print all the images in the selected Album.
    5. Export to CD ---- Save a backup of this Album to a CD. It requires a CD-RW. See also CD Burn.
    6. Find ---- Find images in the selected Shelf or Album, see also Find Images.
    7. Delete ---- Move the selected Album, including all the images inside, to Recycle Bin.
    8. Rename ---- Change the Album name.
    9. Properties ---- Show and Modify the Album Properties


    Album Properties

        You can change the Alubm Properties and create your own style album. In the main UI, select Property in the pop-up menu after right-click an album, or select an album and click Properties on the PhotoFamily Toolbar.

    General Information

        The first page of Album Properties dialog box is General Information:

    General Information

    In this page, you can see seven items, namely:

    1. Name ---- The name of the album. Default name is Album.
    2. Photo ---- The number of the photos in this album.
    3. Size ---- Total size of all images in this album.
    4. Date ---- The date of creation.
    5. Note ---- The user description of this Album. You can add your personal informantion concerning this album into Note text-area.
    6. Music ---- If you want to add background music for this album, check the Music checkbox and then key in the path to your desired music file in the below input box (or click Browse to locate a music file).
    7. Sort ---- Select any of the three radioboxes to decide in which order you would like you photos to be sorted: by name, by size, or by date.

    Cover Settings

        The second page is the settings for Album Cover:

    Cover Settings

    In this page you can see four items, namely:

    1. Cover Image ---- The image you used as the album cover. The default cover is the first photo in this album. You can click the icon to change the cover.
    2. Cover Frame ---- The cover pattern you employed. You can click the icon to change it, PhotoFamily provides several patterns for you to choose.
    3. Album Name ---- The name of the album. Default name is Album. You can click the icon to change the album name.
    4. Cover Background ---- Here is the background texture of the Cover. You can click the icon to change it.
    5. Back Background ---- Here is the background texture of the Back. You can click the icon to change it.

    Page Settings

        The third page of this dialog box is Page Settings, there are two item and two checkboxes in this page:

    Page Settings

        Image Arrangement ---- From the Image Arrangement pull down list, you can select how many images you would like to view in one Virtual Album page: 1x1, 2x1, 2x2, 3x2. You can preview the layout in the preview window on the right.
        Page Background ---- From the Page Background pull down list, you can select a background texture image for Album inner pages.

        Set Indexed ---- If you check this checkbox, you will see the image index number at the top left corner of each image when you view the Virtual Album.
        Set Indexed by Name ---- If you check this checkbox, you will see the image file name at the foot of each image when you view the Virtual Album.

    Desktop Settings

        The fourth page of this dialog box is Desktop Settings, you can set the color or pattern of the stage on which your Album is placed:

    Desktop Settings

        Color ---- Check the Color radiobox, then click the color block below the radiobox, a color palette will appear. Pick any color you like, and press OK button to save settings.

        Image ---- Check the Image radiobox. In the preview window on the right, you can see many desktop patterns for you to select, just click to select one. If you don't like any of them, and want to add a desktop pattern of your own, click Add to browse for a new pattern in your harddisk; if you want to delete some patterns, select them and click Remove.

        When you've done all the settings, press OK to save the settings and close Propertise dialog; otherwise click Cancel to abort your settings and exit.