Album Cover

    You can define your own Virtual Album's looks by changing the settings in Album Properties dialog.

Album-cover Image

    Click Album-cover Image in the Cover Settings page in Album Properties dialog, you will get:

Album-cover Image

    Here you can set any of the images in the current Album as your Album Cover. In the Index column you can see the index number of every image, and in the Image column you can see the image file names. In the Preview Window on the right, you can preview the selected image.

Album-cover Frame

    Click Album-cover Frame in the Cover Settings page in Album Properties dialog, you will get:

Album-cover Frame

    PhotoFamily provides several frames for you to choose in Album Cover layout. You can click to choose a frame and preview the frame effect in the right Preview Window.

Album Name

    Album name will also be shown on the Album cover. To change Album name, you can use Rename command in the right-click menu, or you can click Album Name in the Cover Settings page in Album Properties dialog and get:

Album Name

    Here you can type in the new Album name, choose font-face and font-size in the pull-down lists, select a font-style (B for Bold, I for Italic, U for Underline) and decide in which color your would like the letters to be.

Album-cover Texture

    PhotoFamily provides several Album-cover background patterns for you to choose. Click the upper Album-cover Background in the Cover Settings page in Album Properties dialog, you will get:

Album-cover Background

    Just click to choose a pattern, and you can preview the background in the Preview Window on the right.

Album-back Texture

    You can also define Album-back background patterns. Click the lower Album-back Background in the Cover Settings page in Album Properties dialog, you will get:

Album-back Background

    Just click to choose a pattern, and you can preview the background in the Preview Window on the right.


    When you have done all the settings in the Album-cover Properties dialog box, click OK to save your settings and go back to Album Properties dialog; otherwise click Cancel to abort your settings and go back.