"America's Funniest Home Hypermedia"
The Useless Pages is proud to announce
Go straight to the Latest Useless Stuff
Paul's quotes:
- "There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."
-- Bertrand Russell
- "The things you think are useless, I can't understand."
-- Steely Dan
Executive Producer: Paul Phillips. Director: Steve Berlin.
(Brought to you by the letter 'Q' and the number
The discovery that someone had typed in his entire 30K CD collection for
WWW consumption prompted me to generate the useless pages page. I have
since found that this 30K list is a pale imitation of far more useless
efforts -- see below. Since you're wasting your time even now, the useless
pages page is first on the list of useless pages.
I don't mean to preclude those outside the Americas from being
considered useless. Actually, they're quite well represented.
I just thought the subtitle was amusing.
I summoned the all powerful deity known as "Perl"
to aid me in tracking changes to the Useless Pages. Witness the
Useless Updates page and save
yourself some time, which you can then waste on more useless pages.
Painstakingly alphabetized structure!
- 1,000,000
- Check it out -- we have reached one
million hits.
- Accolades
- We've garnered an award or two!
Of course the real work is done by those people typing in CD lists and
attaching hot tubs to the Web, but I'll take all the credit.
- Acknowledgements
- Thanks to everyone
that has contributed so far! I guess I'm not taking all the credit
after all.
- Blink
- In a fit of creativity, I have built my own monument to Uselessness.
Do you use Netscape like 62% of the web browsing population? If so,
come try to decipher my secret message regarding
blink. If not, don't bother. Really.
- Contest!
- Useless Contest III!
- Disclaimer
- "Useless" in this context doesn't mean poorly done or of no value
at all, it just means that there isn't any point in making these things
available on the web. If you see a page and think "Good God, WHO CARES?"
you have found a likely submission. If you see your own pages here, don't
come after me with a pickaxe, I didn't choose all these personally. (I have
been amazed at the number of people that submit their own pages for
inclusion. Research into that phenomenon is left for a future project.)
Furthermore, some of these pages are intentionally useless: that is, they
poke fun at their own subject matter. Some aren't. If you can tell which
is which, you're one up on me.
- Hall of Fame!
- Now available for your perusal:
The Useless Hall of Fame.
Do not overlook the other worthy pages in your rush to see who
has attained this lofty position!
- Interactivity Uselessness
- The wise people at IRsociety have
seen fit to create
chat room devoted to the Useless Pages. Far
be it for me to question its usefulness! If you haven't tried this web chat
thing before, now may be the time. Since you're here, you obviously don't
have anything worthwhile to do.
Here is a
of a chat session they hosted, with Steve doing the yacking.
- International Appeal
- I have this thing about seeing the pages written about in other
languages, so I have devoted space
for this questionable collection of quotes from around the world.
- Job security
- At my fantastic boss's behest now that the Useless
pages are getting over 70,000 hits per week, please visit
Primus and
consider hiring us for your Internet and WWW needs. Heck, if I can
grind our server to a halt with pages built in my spare time, just
think what I can do when I really try! I used to say "useless boss"
rather than fantastic, but I decided I like getting paid.
- One Book
- As long as I'm subjecting our server to all this traffic, let
me drop in a plug for the non-useless
One Book list,
and solicit your submission. Spend some time today doing something
- Other Sources of Uselessness
- If you've enjoyed this page, you'll also enjoy
A list of sites that have grown too
big to list here so they get their own sub-page.
- Retirement
- NEW format!
After pages have duly served their time, they are farmed out to
the land of retired Useless pages.
Visit them, lest they wither and die from lack of love.
- Statistics
- Wondering how much
these pages get? Wonder no more.
- Submissions
- Want to submit a useless page for inclusion? Please read my
notes on submissions first.
- The Useful Pages!
- We at Primus do useful work too. You should come and see it.
And now that your appetite has been whetted, the main course:
Useless Pages
and friends:
Useless Site of the Week:
Published in Viz
I don't understand this at all. He goes through all the trouble of
listing everything in a publication that regularly prints comics
like "Buster Gonads and his Unfeasibly Large Testicles" or "Jonny
Fartpants", and then he edits it "in interest of good taste."
Useless Home Page of the Week:
Jon's Home Page
I was recently flamed for putting the Soundex Code cgi script on the
Useless Pages. They were right - there is a lot of stuff on this page
a LOT more useless than THAT!
- ^Gaber^uoko
"Jabberwocky" translated into Esperanto - a concept so pointless,
this is the first Gopher page to make The Useless Pages!
- The
1994 Baseball Season Simulation
They're wrong. I think the Cubs would have won the world series.
- All Things Blue
Which pretty much somes up how I felt after looking at this page.
- Bas
van Fraassen's Published Works
I can hardly wait for the list of his UNPUBLISHED works!
- The
Beckman Institute Second Floor Toilet
You can never be too rich or have too much toilet humor.
- Blinking Binary
Ooooh, this page is painful!
- Bonus!
- Byron's Home Page
This is what happens if you read "Wired" too much.
- Car Talk
I used to date their Head of Computer Services, Dot Matrix
- The Caverns
of Carnac
You're in a twisty little maze of web pages, all alike.
- Chew Magazine
Yeah, I know, it's useless on purpose - the domain name is a dead
- The Chomskybot
To Noam is to Lovem.
- Computer Animation Society
This page's graphics aren't quite as impressive as those in "Toy
- Computer Workplace
Oooh, now HERE are people I would trust to do computer work for
- Connecticut
Technical Community College
I know it's not fair to pick on pages that are admittedly
"under construction", but in this case, I"ll make an exception.
- Custom Persian
I want a rug that looks like Conway's Game of Life!
- Data On the
Trekkies scare me, but some more than others.
- Dick the
Computer Consultant
What is it about this page that makes me not want to hire him?
Is it the fact he considers a page like this "World Wide Web Publishing"?
Or that if he's so experienced in Excel, why can't he spell it? No,
it's that I would NOT trust a so-called consultant who uses AOL.
- Domestic
Duties I'm Neglecting
I'm glad I'm not the only one with these problems.
- Eric's State of
I wonder how being listed on this page will affect it.
- Find the
Pope in the Porsche
- Flammability
of Household Products
What the hell! Go ahead, kids, TRY it at home!
- Giant Hatpin Collection
Is it a very large collection of hatpins, or a collection of hatpins
that are very large? I don't know!
- The Great Wallpaper
What about (shudder) paneling?
- Guess the
It's worth playing to the end just for the nude picture of
Bea Arthur you get when you win.
- The Home Page of the
Gee, and I always thought it was at
- How to
Use the World Wide Web
Let's see...I click on the Netscape icon then click on this
link to teach me how to click on the Netscape icon and click
on a link...
- The Idiot Confessional
Do AOL users get a bulk discount?
- Inspired Words
William S. Burroughs, eat your heart out!
- Jeff's
Flat Tire Page
- Jeff's T-Shirt
EVERYBODY should have a page like THIS!
- Maya's Home Page
She's been featured here so many times that I figured I would
save myself the time and just link to her home page rather than
the dozens of more times she'll be here in the future.
- Mind Reader
Is this what they mean by "fuzzy logic"?
- Name Jon's
- Name
the New Barbies
Personally, I'm waiting for the Andrea Dworkin Barbie.
- The Nicole Simpson/Ron
Goldman Reward Fund
Obvious OJ jokes aside, this page states that there is a huge reward
to find the killer of Nicole Simpson. It also states you can send a
contrabution to the person running this page. However, it does NOT
say there is ANY correlation between these two statements!
- Ostrich/Emu Infonet
Proving, once again, the Web is for the birds.
- The Pentomino Page
WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP! Geek Alert! Geek Alert!
- Pee Wee's
I know you are, but what am I?
- The Physics
But tell us how you REALLY feel...
- Pong
Yes, it's exactly what you think it is.
- Random Internet
Access Provider
Uh...but you need to have access to the Internet to see any of
these pages...Oh, God, I'm so confused...
- Reasons to
Love Microsoft
The sad part is he's serious!
- Rodney Dangerfield's Home Page
I really have no respect for this page.
- Sea Monkeys
Sea Monkeys are NOT primates! (That's a Sam and Max quote)
- Social
Security Number Origin Finder
Mine is from Mars!
- The Soundex Code
Wow! I never knew there were any nerds at MIT!
- Stuff Alf the Poet
is Looking For
Hey, I still haven't found what I'm looking for! (That's a
Negativland reference)
- Stupid
Questions to Ask Pilots
Is nice to know computer consultants don't have a monopoly...
- The Squid
Dress-up Contest
The REAL challenge is to dress up a squid so it DOESN'T look
like Senator Exon.
- Three
Part Names
Everybody email them and tell them they left off "Charles Nelson
Reilly" until they get him on this list!
- Urban Decay
Cyberpunk makeup tips!
- Useless
Is there any other type?
- A
Useless Page
Ah, I see "The Spot" has a new URL.
- What's in
Jeremy's Wallet
I can hardly wait to see what he does with his glove compartment.
- Where's
the Nearest Wal-Mart?
Sometimes it's SO hard not just leaving
a comment of "Who CARES?"
- The Winkie
Mommy, they scare me...
- Xkeycount
Top List
Place your bets!
Everything that was here before is now in the
Home for Retired Useless Pages - over 450 links to the utterly useless!
Please visit them, they get so lonely. Now with Retired Food
People have commented to me
about the Useless pages. Their thoughts are brilliant and you
must view them.
Last modified: 01/14/96/EM>