Svcmon.exe: Service Monitoring Tool Topics | Previous
To facilitate troubleshooting, Service Monitoring Tool provides program tracing or logging. You can enable logging by modifying the entries in the following registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ResKit\Service Monitoring Tool\Logging
Set to T for True. The default value is F for False.
Leave the default, Svcmon.lg. The resulting log file will be Svcmon.lgN where N corresponds to the day of the week. For example, 1 would be Monday, 2 would be Tuesday, and so on.
Set to 7. The default value is 1, which provides no logging information; 7 provides the highest degree of logging possible.
After you enable logging, you must stop and restart the Service Monitoring Tool service to activate logging. Use the Services option in Control Panel to stop and start the service. The log file is written to the %SystemRoot%\System32 directory on the current computer.
Service Monitoring Tool might cause the following error message:
"Could not start service Service Monitor. Because (Logon Failed)"
If you see this message, try this solution:
Run the Service Monitoring Tool Configuration Wizard (Smconfig.exe) again, making sure to correctly re-type your password. If the problem persists, go to the Services option in Control Panel, select the Service Monitoring Tool service and then click the Start up button. Verify your user name and re-enter your password. Then start the service again from the Services option in Control Panel.