Svcmon.exe: Service Monitoring Tool topics | Next
To install and configure the Service Monitoring Tool
Wizard Page 1
The first page of the Service Monitoring Tool Configuration Wizard provides a brief overview of the tool. Click Next to proceed with installation or configuration.
Wizard Page 2
The second page helps you to set up Exchange information. Typically the default Domain, User Name and Profile given are adequate. You must enter a password: if you are on a Windows 2000 network, use your Domain\UserName password. To complete the Exchange information, add the e-mail names of any other people who should be notified when the selected services change state.
Wizard Page 3
On the third and final page, you select the services to be monitored. The computer name defaults to the local computer. To monitor services on another computer, enter the computer name and press the TAB key. From the services list, select a service to monitor. Next, modify the polling interval if necessary. The polling interval specifies in seconds how frequently the service should be polled for a state change.
After selecting a computer, service and polling interval, click the Add Service button to add the service to the list of services to be monitored. Continue adding services until all of the services that you wish to monitor have been added to the list. Service Monitoring Tool supports a maximum of 99 services.
After adding all of the services to be monitored to the list, click the Finish button to complete the installation or re-configuration of Service Monitoring Tool.
To remove a stopped service, use Srvinstw.exe: Service Installation Wizard, a tool included in the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit.