The Certificate Services Add-on for Cisco Enrollment Protocol (CEP) runs on Windows 2000 Server.
This tool is not installed by the Windows 2000 Resource Kit Setup. To install it, use the following procedure:
You must install the Certificate Services Add-on for CEP on a root certification authority (CA). Both enterprise root CAs and stand-alone root CAs are supported. You can install the Certificate Services Add-on for CEP on a subordinate CA. However, as of October 1999, existing versions of Cisco routers are not able to request certificates from the subordinate CA.
The CA should be in a separate certification hierarchy from all other CAs in your organization.
You need to have proper administrative privileges to install the Certificate Services Add-on for CEP. By default, you need to be a member of the Enterprise Administrators group or the root Domain Administrators group to install this add-on on an enterprise CA, or you need to be a member of the computer administrators group to install this add-on on a standalone CA.
The Certificate Services Add-on for CEP cannot be installed on a Windows 2000 CA that has any non-alphanumeric characters (for example: &,*, :, ;, ', ") in its name.