IIS Host Helper Service Topics

Using IIS Host Helper Service

Installing IIS Host Helper Service

To Install IIS Host Helper Service

  1. Copy Iishostsvc.exe from the Windows 2000 Resource Kit CD to the %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv directory of your hard disk.


    If you selected Internet Information Services Tools during Resource Kit installation, this step has already been done.

  2. Open a command window and change the current directory to the %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv directory.
  3. Type iishostsvc install, and then press ENTER.

Starting the Host Helper Service

To start IIS Host Helper Service

  1. Follow the procedure for installing the service, as described previously in this document.
  2. Open a command window and change the current directory to the %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv directory.
  3. Type net start iishostsvc, and then press ENTER.

Stopping IIS Host Helper Service

To stop the IIS Host Helper Service

  1. Open a command window and change the current directory to the %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv directory.
  2. Type net stop iishostsvc, and then press ENTER.

Uninstalling IIS Host Helper Service

To uninstall IIS Host Helper Service

  1. Open a command window and change the current directory to the %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv directory.
  2. Type iishostsvc uninstall, and then press ENTER.