Windows ATM ARP Server Information
Adapter: {EB535D2A-8044-11D2-AFE3-A9CC1F4296B4}
Arp Server Statistics
Elapsed Time: 1250 seconds
Recvd. Pkts.: 24 total (0 discarded)
Entries: 2 current (2 max)
Responses: 4 acks (0 naks)
Client VCs: 1 current (2 max)
Incoming Calls: 7 total
Mars Server Statistics
Recvd. Pkts.: 20 total (1 discarded)
MCData Pkts.: 21 total (0 discarded, 21 reflected)
Members: 2 current (2 max)
Promis.: 1 current (1 max)
Add Party: 2 total (0 failed)
Registration: 2 requests (0 failed)
Joins: 11 total (4 failed, 5 dup's)
Leaves: 1 total (0 failed)
Requests: 6 total
Responses: 5 acks (0 naks)
VC Mesh: 2 joins (1 acks)
Groups: 2 current (2 max)
Group Size: 1 max
View all field descriptions.
Elapsed time:
Seconds elapsed since the ARP/MARS/MCS service was started, or the last time AtmArp/reset was executed.
Recvd. Pkts.:
total number of control packets received by the server on this adapter. This total includes both ARP and MARS control packets.
discarded: the number of packets that are discarded before they were classified as ARP or MARS control packets. These packets were discarded either because they were badly formed, or because the server has run out or resources. A high number of discarded packets indicates a communications or resource related problem.
current: Number of ARP entries currently in the internal ARP table.
max: Maximum number of entries in the ARP table since the start of statistics collection.
acks: Total number of ARP ACK response sent.
naks: Total number of ARP NACK responses sent since the start of statistics collection.
Client VCs:
current: Current number of incoming client VCs.
max: Maximum number of incoming client VCs at any one point of time since the start of statistics collection.
Incoming Calls:
total: Sum total of incoming client VC calls since the start of statistics collection.
Recvd. Pkts.:
total: Total number of MARS control packets received.
discarded: Total number of MARS control packets that were discarded, either because they were invalid or because the server has run out of resources. A high number of discarded packets indicates a communications, or resource-related problem.
MCData Pkts.:
total: Total number of multicast data packets received from clientsdiscarded: Number of multicast data packets that were discarded, either because they were invalid or because the server has run out of resources. A high number of discarded packets indicates a communications or resource-related problem.
reflected: Total number of multicast data packets that were reflected on the cluster control VC.
current: Current number of multicast clients.
max: Maximum number of multicast clients at any one time since the start of statistics collection.
current: Current number of clients that have requested promiscuous join, which is a request to receive all multicast data.
max: Maximum number of multicast clients that have requested promiscuous joins, at any one time since the start of statistics collection.
Add Party:
total: Total number of times an attempt was made to add a party to the cluster control VC
failed: Number of times that add party attempt failed. A high number of failures indicates a communications, or resource-related problem.
requests: Total number of multicast client registrations requests received.
failed: Number of registration requests that failed.
total: Total number of request by clients to join a multicast group (includes promiscuous join requests).
failed: Number of join requests that were denied.
dup's: Number of join requests which were (1) a duplicate of, or (2) a subset of an earlier join request by the same client, or (3) for an address range that is MCS-served.
total: Total number of requests to leave a multicast group (includes promiscuous leave requests).
failed: Number of leave requests that were denied.
total: Total number of MARS requests, which are requests asking for the ATM addresses associated with a particular IP multicast group address.
acks: Total number of MARS requests which were successfully answered, for example, there was at least one ATM address associated with the IP multicast group address.
naks: Total number of MARS requests which were NACK'd, because no ATM addresses were associated with the IP multicast group address.
VC Mesh:
joins: Total number of successful joins involving VC-Mesh IP multicast group addresses.
acks: Total number of MARS requests for one of these VC-Mesh-served IP multicast group addresses. If this number is 0, it typically means that no client has attempted to send to a VC-Mesh served address.
current: Current number of VC-Mesh IP multicast group addresses.
max: Maximum number of VC-Mesh IP multicast group addresses at any one time since the start of statistics collection.
Group Size:
max: Maximum number of clients that had requested to receive the same VC-Mesh IP multicast address group at any one time.
atmarp /c
Windows ATM ARP Server Information
Adapter: {EB535D2A-8044-11D2-AFE3-A9CC1F4296B4}
Arp Cache -> 47.0000.00.00003c.0000.a000.0000.0000c1100879.01 -> 47.0000.00.00003c.0000.a000.0000.0020480811da.01
Mars Cache
promiscuous -> 47.0000.00.00003c.0000.a000.0000.0020480811da.01 -> 47.0000.00.00003c.0000.a000.0000.0000c1100879.01:q