PSXCard allows you to keep track of Playstation memory cards. I realized that an application such as PSXCard was needed when I bought a 24x memory card. I could no longer keep track of what saves were kept on which pages on the card. So, I decided to write PSXCard to help me tackle this problem. The application keeps track of multiple memory cards and the saves that are kept on them. |
This is the screen that you will see when the application is started. The bold title at the top of the scrren gives the name of the current memory card, and the two lines at the bottom of the screen display the number of available blocks on the card and the number of used blocks on the card, respectively. The list on the left hand side shows the names of the saves that exist on the card and the number of blocks required. To add a save to the currently viewable card, select the "Add" button and fill in the required information. To delete a save, select the save title from the list and then select the "Delete" button. Make sure you are sure about deleting the save, because there is no confirmation dialogue. To edit the information associated with a save, select the save from the list and then select the "Edit" button. This will display the save information in a new window and you can then edit the save information. You can also edit the card information from this screen. To change the currently viewable card, puch one of the harware arrow keys. This will change the current card in a circular fashion. If there is only one card, the view will not change. To change the properties of the card, select the "Edit Card" option from the menubar. Adding and deleting cards is done in the same fashion. |
This window appears when you select "Add a Card" or "Edit a Card" from the menubar. The "Title" field contains the title of the memory card and the "Blocks" field contains the total number of blocks that the memory card can contain. |
This window appears when you select "Add a Save" or "Edit a Save" from the menubar. The "Title" field contains the title of the save (usually the name of the game) and the "Blocks" field contains the number of blocks used by the save. |
This window appears when you select "Find" from the menubar. Input the name of the save that you are searching for and the application will search through all the save entries trying to find a match. The program will try and match the input to the save titles as closely as possible. The main window will then switch the current view to the card containing the save that matched the input. |
If you find this application to be helpful, please register it at Palm Gear. By registering the application, you will recieve free upgrades and any kind of tech support that I can offer. When you register the applicaion you will be asked for either the HotSync ID or the Registration ID. These two pieces of data are displayed in the middle of the screen. To unlock the application, enter the Registration Code provided. If the code is correct, the application should unlock and all the features will become available. |
Some information about myself :) |