Here is Ghardeno, a "tasks/shopping/misc." list organizer for your Palm, which aims to replace (or complete) the built-in "To Do" application. Its approach to list management is quite different from other similar software: it is based on the concept of "information gardening" from the hypertext research community (more on that later). Basically, the idea is that it is easier to organize something by moving objects in a working space than by explicitly putting them in categories and/or assigning them numbers.
In Ghardeno you manage a list of items. Currently, an item is just one line of text, but in future versions I plan to support multi-line text, icons, separators and links to records in other applications.
Each item can be displayed in normal, bold or large font. You can change the font of an item by selecting it and choosing one of the three "A" at the bottom of the screen.
You can stroke an item by putting the stylus at the beginning of the line and dragging it to the end (you can also do this the other way around). The item is then stroked on screen. To "unstroke" an item, stroke it again.
You can move an item upward or downward in the list by putting the stylus on it and dragging it (vertically) upward or downward. If you hit the top or the bottom of the displayed portion of the list, it will scroll row by row.
You can delete an item by selecting it and hitting the "Del..." button at the bottom of the screen. You will be asked for confirmation.
You can delete all stroked items by choosing "Purge..." in the "Item" menu. You will be asked for confirmation.