New European Left Forum-13th Meeting-AthensNEW EUROPEAN LEFT FORUM

Athens, 21-23 November 1997

Athens was the venue of the 13th Meeting of the New European Left Forum, which was held on 21-23 November 1997. It was a well-attended meeting with some new elements on the agenda. This refers in particular to the dialogue on the problems of the Mediterranean and the prospects of Euro-Mediterranean co-operation. Also of special political significance was the adoption of an urgent appeal for Peace in the Middle East, which was published on November 29, 1997 to coincide with the UN Day of Solidarity with Palestine. On the final day the NELF members approved the proposal for Eco-taxes which had been discussed on previous meetings.

The 14th NELF meeting will take place in June 1998 in Denmark and its preparatory Group consists of the SF/Denmark, PDS/Germany and SYN/Greece.


List of Participants

NELF Members


Socialist People’s Party

Pernile Frahm, member of the Executive Committee, former MP

Per Henriksen, environmental and PR-secretary

Thorstein Theilgaard, member of the Executive Committee and EUU-secretary


Estonian Democratic Labour Party

Tiit Toomsalu, Chairman


Left Wing Alliance

Tapani Kaakkuriniiemi, member of the CC, Chairman of the International Section

Paulina Murto-Lehtinen, member of the EU Section


Citizens’ Movement

Alain Billon, National Secretary for the Mediterranean dialogue


Party of Democratic Socialism

Sylvia Yvonne Kaufmann, vice-President

Petra Blass, Member of the Bundestag

Dr.Karin Kulow

Vera Vordenbaumen, Women’s section



(See separate list)


Groen Links/Green Left

Crista Vonkeman, member of the board

Farah Karimi, member of the board


Democratic Left

Proinsias De Rossa, Leader

Jim O’Donnell, European Affairs Co-ordinator

Delma Mc Devitt, Women’s section


Movimento Comunisti Unitari

Giuseppe Napolitano, National Executive Board, responsible for organisation

Andrea Costa, Foreign Affairs dpt

Rifondazione Comunista

Marco Consolo, Member of the National Political Committee, responsible for international Co-operation.

Maria Cristina Perugia, Member of the Central Committee and the International Relations Dpt.


Left Socialist Party

Kyrre Lekve, Chairman of the International Comittee

Line Torvick, International Secretary, Women’s affairs secretary


Initiativa per Catalunya

Josep Vendrell, International Secretary

Sergi Alegre, Environment Councilor of El Prat Council House, member of the Environmental Committee

Izquierda Unida

Carlos Carnero, Foreign Policy Secretary,MEP

Jose Cabo, member of the CC, Coordinator of the Foreign Policy Committee

Kati Gutierez, Member of FC, Member of Vask country Parliament


Left party

Herman Schmid, C.C member, International Relations dpt

Annika Cullberg, Women’s Section


Democratic Left

Rosemary Bechler, Editor of the "New Times"



(For the three days proceedings or specially for the Euro-mediterranean dialogue)

Amina Mohamed Shafik Yousef, Member of the Central Committee, El Tagamou Party
Naguib Fakhry, former Ambassador, President of the Egyptian organisation of Human Rights


Socialist Party
Ilir Zela, MP, ΜP, member of Chairmanship
Flora Ylli Sakiqi, Secretary General of the Socialist Women’s Forum

Socialdemocratic Party
Ingrid Shuli, MP, Vice -chairman of Parliamentary Group, International Secretary
Engjell Bejtaj, MP, Interparliamentary Relations Secretary
Zhaneta Harka, General Secretary of Social Democratic Women Organisation (SDWA)
Xhuljeta Bequari, Vice President of SDWA
Shpresa Cela, member of the Head Committee of SDWA
Brizida Marku

Human Rights Party

Dimitri Stefo, Secretary General,
Nica Dhespo, President of the Women’s Forum in Tirana
Natasha Agora, member of the Presidency of the Women’s Forum

Sadek Hadjeres, Political Scientist

Walfraud Stiefsohn, Vice President of the Communist Party
Walfraud Fritz-Klackl, member of the PB of the Communist Party

Kr. Premianov, member of the Board of the Socialist Party

George Georgiou, member of the CC of AKEL
Eleni Kyprianou, member of the CC of AKEL, member of the Executive Bureau of the Women’s Organisation (POGO)
Vassos Lyssaridis, President of EDEK
Anna Yiannakou, Secretary General of the Socialist Women’s Movement
Costas Themistokleous, Secretary General of the United Democrats
Niyazi Kizilyurek, University Lecturer, Author

Ran Cohen, Member of Parliament , member of the leadership of the MERETZ party

Gianfranco Brusasco, member of the International Relations Dpt - Mediterranean Desk, Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS)
Agostino Spataro, director of the Mediterranean Studies Centre

Hamid Saba, Communist Party

Hani Al-Hassan, member of the CC of FATAH, responsible for International Relations

Larissa Protchenko, Member of the CC, International Secretary of the Socialist Party of the Working People

Ertugrul Kurkcu, Founding member and member of the Executive Board of the Freedom and Solidarity Party (ODP)

Andrew Hammer, International Secretary of the Socialist Party

Participants from Greece

Delegation of SYNASPISMOS:

  • Nicos Constantopoulos, President
  • Stella Alfieri, MP, Member of the CPC
  • Nicos Bistis, Member of the Political Secretariat, Responsible for Foreign Policy and European Affairs
  • Fotiini Sianou, Member of the Political Secretariat, Women’s Section
  • Eva Cotamanidou, Former MP, member of the Culture and Civilisation Dpt.
  • Litsa Doudoumi, Member of the CPC, Secretariat of International Relations Dpt.
  • Soula Panaretou, Head of the Women’s Section, Member of the CPC
  • Aliki Papadomihelaki, Co-ordinator of the Foreign Policy Dpt.
  • Electra Raizi, Member of the CPC, Thessaloniki SYN organisation
  • Yiannis Tolios, Member of the CPC, Head of the Economic policy Dpt
  • Panos Trigazis, International Secretary, member of the CPC
  • Tassos Trikkas, Head of the Foreign Policy dpt., member of the CPC


  • Christos Papoutsis, EU Commissioner
  • Yiannis Souladakis, MP, Member of the Executive Bureau of PASOK
  • Marietta Yiannakou-Koutsikou, MP, Secretary for foreign and European Affairs of the New Democracy party
  • Manolis Bakopoulos, Member of the Political Secretariat of the Democratic Socialist Movement (DIKKI)
  • Akis Gerontopoulos, ex-MEP, Press Secretary of Political Spring
  • Yiannis Banias, Secretary of the Renovative Communist and Ecological Left (AKOA)


  • Theodoros Batrakoulis, International Relations analyst and researcher, Paris 8 University
  • Mary Bossi, political analyst and researcher
  • Lykourgos Kallergis, Former MP, Gen.Sec. of the Kallergis Foundation
  • Panos Grigoriou, political analyst and researcher
  • Vassilis Konstantineas, President of the Mediterranean Studies Foundation
  • Stathis Loukas, director of the "Nicos Poulantzas" Society
  • Harris Papamargaris, Middle East expert, Chairman of the Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity
  • Despina Saggana, political scientist, "Women’s Rights watch" Committee
  • Prof. Georgios Tsiakalos, President of the "Nicos Poulantzas" Society


The political parties participating in the European New Left Forum have actively supported, from the outset, the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians as a historic step towards a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East.

It is, therefore, with regret and profound concern that we follow the setbacks to this process which have occurred especially after the coming to power of the Netanyahu government in Israel.

We express our solidarity with all those in Palestine and Israel who struggle for peace and unequivocally condemn acts of terror from wherever they come.

We deplore the continuation of settlements by the government of Israel and demand the solution of the refugee question and the release of prisoners and detainees.

We call for an urgent mobilisation in Europe and internationally to save, revitalise and speed-up the implementation of the Oslo accords so that the peace process can lead to full recognition of the legitimate rights of the Palestinians, including the establishment of their own state.

We call upon the UN, EU and other international organisations, as well as our national governments to support actively the peace process along the above lines.

Peace is the only choice for the two peoples, Israelis and Palestinians, and at the same time it is a precondition for a comprehensive peace in the Middle East which requires the implementation of the UN resolutions and the withdrawal of Israel from the occupied Arab territories.

We also support initiatives for a nuclear - free zone in the Middle East, for the control of arms exports in the region, which is one of the most militarised regions on Earth, for regional economic co-operation, sustainable developments with full respect of human rights.

[Approved by the 13th Meeting of the New European Left Forum
held in Athens, 21 - 23 November 1997]