discussing the signficance of local authority
A large number of experts from Greece and abroad have presented their
ideas in those events. The aim of the Society is to allow wider public
access to the questions and concepts posed in those events via a series
of special publications. The first two books have already been published
and became part of the "Library of Nikos Poulantzas Society".
In the same vein, the Society has undertaken the electronic publication
on its Internet site of all available material from papers or speeches
presented during each of its public meetings.
Since autumn 1999, the Society has established a series of Seminars aiming at providing in depth information on current political issues.
Furthermore, the Society intends to offer support to research studies
and to help disseminate their findings.
In designing and organizing the above public functions, the Society
has collaborated with various other organizations, such as the Council
of Europe, the Ecology Movement (Gr), the Goethe Institute, the SYN Youth
Organization, the "Espace Marx", the Federation of Conscience Objectors
etc. These collaborations have been purposeful as it is the Society's aim to support and reinforce initiatives
within the wider domain of the Left, Ecology and Social Movements.
Collaboration with institutions and societies from abroad the aims of which are similar to those of Nikos Poulantzas Society is considered of particular importance.
Georgios Tsiakalos
of Nikos Poulantzas Society