Programme of the CPG
The foundation of the Communist Party of Greece (CPG) in 1918, which
was hastened by the Great October Socialist Revolution, was the mature product of the
growth of the labour movement in Greece and of its convergence with the theory of
scientific socialism.
The vanguard CPG, the class-conscious and organised segment of the working class, has as
its ultimate objective the overthrow of capitalism and the building of socialism and
It is guided by the world theory of Marxism-Leninism. It strives to assimilate this theory
and to develop it creatively, generalising the experience of the labour and popular
Decades of experience by the international communist movement and the CPG confirm that the
working class cannot accomplish its historic mission unless it has its own strong, well
organised and theoretically equipped party, a new type of party.
The CPG adheres to the principle of proletarian internationalism, of international
solidarity and co-operation with the working people all over the world. It fulfils its
internationalist obligations consistently, participates in the struggle for the
rebuilding, unity and strengthening of the international communist and labour movement.
From the time of its foundation, the CPG steadfastly defended the USSR, the socialist
system in Europe and the other socialist countries. It participated in the Communist
International and in subsequent efforts by the international communist movement to create
a common strategy against imperialism. It expressed its solidarity with the struggles of
the worldÆs working class, with the peoples fighting for national liberation, democracy
and socialism. The CPG in turn, at critical and difficult periods in its struggle, also
received international solidarity and support from the international communist and labour
The CPG, a profoundly patriotic party, is the genuine and worthy inheritor of the
national, democratic and revolutionary traditions of the Greek people. It fights against
every manifestation of fascism, nationalism, chauvinism and racism. It defends the rights
of minorities and migrants.
Throughout its history, the CPG has linked the struggle for socialism with the struggle
for national independence and democracy, for a Greece independent of imperialist economic,
political and military organisations. It refuted the theory of Greece as a ôpoor
relativeö. It proved that the Greek people can rely first of all on its own material and
intellectual forces. Communists were in the front ranks during the heroic years of EAM and
the National Resistance and in the fight of the Democratic Army.
The CPG, in its 78 years of heroic history, fought against the concept of class
collaboration between the exploiters and the exploited. Under difficult circumstances, it
was able to retain its revolutionary nature. Using open self-criticism, it fought against
and dealt with the consequences of the mistakes and deviations that have occurred during
its long and eventful history.
The CPG struggles against imperialist wars, defends peaceful co-existence between peoples.
The threat of war will be present as long as imperialism, the source of war, exists. The
fight to defend the peace is inextricably linked with the anti-imperialist struggle, the
struggle for socialism.
The CPG is a profoundly democratic party. Throughout its history it has proven to be an
unwavering defender of the peopleÆs democratic, civil and trade union rights. The way in
which it is organised, its principles and operating regulations, its links with the
masses, its recognition of the revolutionary role of the working class and the other
popular masses constitute a persuasive expression of its democratic character.
The CPG has proven to be a consistent and steadfast defender of the culture of the Greek
people. It has fought against obscurantism and bigotry, it has fought for a deeply
humanist, scientifically-based education for the people. It has supported the efforts and
scientific work of the progressive intelligentsia; it has promoted the lattrÆs role in
labour struggles, in the liberation, democratic struggle.
From the time it was founded, the CPG has stood by Greek youth. It has shown care and
concern over their problems and their future. It continues to look with confidence upon
the young generation and to count on their abilities to contribute to building the
socialist future. Its entire history proves the need for its existence in Greek society.
The CPG Programme presents, along general lines, its overall strategy for socialism and
the main tasks of the class struggle.
Modern world our era, the era
of the transition from capitalism to socialism
The modern revolutionary and anti-imperialist movement
Greece in the imperialist system
Nature of the revolution the Anti-imperialist Anti-monopoly democratic front
of struggle and the transition to socialism
Basic programme directions and goals of struggle
The Anti-imperialist,
Anti-monopoly front and the problem of power
The building of socialism