The ranks of the worldÆs working class are expanding. New countries and peoples who have experienced the heavy dependence on and cruel exploitation by the transnationals are swelling the ranks of the forces which objectively have a place in the great front of the anti-imperialist struggle, opening the road to socialism. The right of every people to decide what road they will take to development, and to participate on an equal basis in the international division of labour, is synonymous with the struggle against the imperialist centres, the capitalist associations and their various international mechanisms. It is integrally linked with the need for socialist change, which it proposes as a topic for urgent discussion.

Rallying together and struggling against the new imperialist world order and its expressers are today the main links in the modern revolutionary process. This is the way for the international working class and the peoples to defend their gains and rights, to bring about a positive change in the international correlation of forces and to create the conditions for the new upward and winning course for the revolutionary movement.
In these directions the following will objectively come together:

The revolutionary labour movement in the capitalist countries.

The countries that are building socialism under the particularly difficult conditions of domination by international capital.

The anti-imperialist movements in the countries that are oppressed by imperialist centres.

Common action by these forces is capable of combating imperialist expansionism and impunity.
A decisive role can and must be played by the international communist movement. The struggle against imperialism and for socialism cannot have substantial and firm successes if the communist movement is organisationally and ideologically fragmented. The rebuilding of the international communist movement and its emergence from its present state of crisis and retreat, the restoration of its unity on the basis of Marxism-Leninism, of its proletarian internationalism, and of united strategy and its particular expression, are the most urgent tasks required by the present conditions of struggle against the international unity of capital. In this direction, co-ordination and common action, dialogue and discussion about its ideological identity, and the strategy of the modern anti-imperialist and revolutionary struggle can and must go forward. This is a process which is absolutely linked with the resolute struggle against and refuting of reformist and opportunist viewpoints, as well as the various theories that aim to assimilate and manipulate the working class.

The CPG will go forward and, with all its forces, will support initiatives that reinforce and express these directions. It will continue and intensify its own initiatives, particularly in favour of co-ordination and common action against the new world order in the Balkans, Europe and the Mediterranean.

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