V. Communists in mass organisations and in public offices

Article 42
The CPG pays particular attention to developing the class orientation of the mass movement, and above all in the labour movement.
To assist Party membersÆ coordination and united action and generally to help them fulfil their mision through the corresponding mass workersÆ and popular organisations, the leading Party bodies may form Party groups which act under their guidance. These groups are composed of members elected by their executives and other Party members. If there are no elected Party members, a small Party group is formed of members belonging to and working actively in the particular organisation.
Party groups, with the consenting opinion of the Party organisations, may hold meetings of Party members ane followers belonging to and active in these fields.
Party groups discuss the problems in their sector of activity on the basis of the PartyÆs general positions and the directions handed down by the corresponding leading bodies. They defend their self-sufficiency and democratic operation and develop the class orientation of the organisations mobilised.

Article 43
The Party members who are elected to legislative bodies, to representative or other elected bodies, shall apply the policy and decisions of the Party and defend the peopleÆs general interests consistently.
For Party members to be nominated for elected office, the opinion of the BO and other organisations to which they belong must be obtained.
The post they occupy shall be at the disposition of the Party.
The salaries, compensations and pensions, or other financial benefits deriving from the elected office, are to be disposed of according to a decision by the Central Committee. The Party takes into account the cadresÆ needs arising from the demands of the office and takes care that they are covered to the degree possible.
Members of Parliament and of the Europarliament who are Party members constitute the Parliamentary Group. Its operation and the content of its activity are determined by the PartyÆs Central Committee.

VI. Relations between the party and KNE

Article 44
The CPG throughout its history has always paid special attention to the training and problems of Greek youth.
a) The Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) is a mass, organisationally self-sufficient political organisation of Greek youth. It is guided ideologically and politically by the CPG, accepts its programmes and promotes its policy.
b) The leading bodies of the Party take care to ensure that the action of the Party is coordinated with that of the counterpart KNE bodies, from its Central Council to its BOs. They are responsible for providing the KNE organisations with every possible political and ideological assistance needed to rally young people and achieve their militant mobilisation, to defend their rights and to broaden its influence among the youth, for the militant training of its members and their preparation for admission to the ranks of the CPG.
c) The counterpart KNE organisations are represented at the Party congress, at its Conferences and at its BO conferences by a delegation that has the right to speak.

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