IV. The party's base organisation (BO)

Article 35
The PartyÆs Base Organisation (BO) is the foundation of the Party; it is the Party in the field of the organisationÆs activity.
BOs are created in every self-sufficient area in which there are at least three Party members, with the approval of the higher body.
Where BOs do not exist, they are created upon the responsibility of the higher body, and consist of Party members who blong to other BOs.
BOs which do not fulfil their purpose are dissolved by decision of the higher body and with the approval of the Central Committee.

Article 36
Once a year the BO meets in a general account-and-election assembly to elect the secretary and Bureau who are accountable to the BO.
In BOs with up to ten (10) members, one secretary is elected together with one alternate. In BOs with ten and more members, a Bureau is elected. The number of its members is determined by the assembly, in proportion to the number of BO members.
The BO secretary is elected directly by the general assembly of BO members.

Article 37
To improve their operation, BOs can create sections or working groups based on the criterion of place of residence, occupation, specialisation. Sections and working groups elect their head, meet to particularise BO decisions and to monitor their implementation by members in their field, and are accountable to the BO assembly.

Article 38
The BO assembly is convened at least once a month by decision of the BO Bureau or its higher body. To call an assembly requires the full briefing of all its members in good time.
The assembly is in quorum when 50% +1 of its members are present. The BO assembly approves the agenda either when the items proposed by the Bureau or with whatever items it may decide to discuss.
The main reports at the assembly are presented by the BO Bureau, the higher leading bodies and Party members, on approval by the Bureau. The assembly expresses views on the main report, concludes with concrete decisions and practical measures and distributes the task of implementing the decisions of the BO and higher bodies. At every assembly, and during the period between two assemblies, systematic checks are conducted as to the implementation of decisions and the mobilisation of members, on the responsibility of the BO Bureau and the assembly itself.

The main competencies of the BO are:
a) It looks after bringing new members into the Party and into the corresponding bodies of KNE.
b) It is responsible for deciding on issues in its field within the framework of the PartyÆs policies and decisions.
c) It works out and promotes positions and proosals on the problems in its field, seeking their broadest possible acceptance by the working people. It contributes to and is in the front ranks of organising the fight to solve these problems.
d) It participates responsibly and actively in working out the PartyÆs policy and decisions. It particularises, popularises and applies the PartyÆs policy and the decisions of the leading bodies in a creative manner.
e) It organises ideological and informative work among its members and more generally among working people and youth.
f) It takes care of the daily dissemination and study of Rizospastis and the PartyÆs other printed matter.
g) It makes an effort to gather and build the PartyÆs financial resources and takes responsibility for managing the amount allocated to it to cover its financial neds.
h) It is linked with the mass organisations in its field and seeks to coordinate the common struggle. It knows, is in direct contact with and utilises the PartyÆs followers, friends and voters. It ensures that they are kept informed on political matters, on the PartyÆs policy, decisions and activity.
i) It offers its full ideological, political and organisational assistance to the corresponding KNE bodies. It ensures continuing creative collaboration. It discusses the problems of youth and fosters the daily interest of its members in KNE.

Article 40 
All the BO members undertake specific duties and work to accomplish them. They give an account, follow up and are followed up with respect to their action and to the activity of the BO.
Party cadres, to whichever leading body they may belong, participate regularly in their BO, are given duties by the BO and contribute to its exemplary activity.

Article 41
A BO may address itself to the leading bodies and to the CC to request information and identify issues to be solved.
The leading bodies, within a short period of time, must provide or convey responsible replies to the BO assembly in the presence of a member of the above leading body.

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