version features
The full version is only $15 and includes:
- 10 main levels, containing over 40 mazes!
- Different ghost houses with animation!
- Smart ghosts that hunt you!
- New mazes and colors for each level!
- Cool new music for each level!
- Bigger mazes on higher levels!
- More ghosts on higher levels!
- Create and play your own levels!
- New fruit on each level!
- Free maze down-loads from the web repository.
- Free email notifications of future updates.
Order NOW Online Securely via Credit
Goto this web-site
to place your order for a registration code to get the full version of Chomper3D.
Payments are handled by Kagi, you can order by going to https://order.kagi.com/cgi-bin/r1.cgi?S98&&lang=en
After your order is processed, you will receive a registration code to release the full
set of features in your Chomper3D game, no additional downloads are necessary.
Please allow four days to receive your registration code, however most codes are sent
within one day.
A Typical transaction will look like this
- Goto the order page above and enter your information. Be sure to include the
Chomper3D SERIAL NUMBER when ordering, as your registration code WILL NOT be sent without
it. (See Below for more information)
- You will then receive a registration code within 4 days (usually within 1).
- Enter the registration code, your name, and email into the register box in Chomper3D.
- Click on Register, and then play the full version and have a lot of fun!
Please note that you must include the Chomper3D Serial Number when ordering, simply
copy and paste the Chomper3D Serial Number by selecting it and hitting Alt-C to Copy the
text, then press Alt-V to paste this information into the Enter any additional
comments for the vendor here: box on the web order form at the Kagi web

Figure 1. The Ordering Dialog Box.
Other payment options
Other purchasing options are available, just email jbgraphics@kagi.com
for more info.
Any donations are gladly welcome, email for information.
After you get your registration code
Click the Click Here to Register button in Figure 1 above.
Then, simply cut and paste the registration code that was sent to you into the
Registration box, along with the exact information you entered in the Kagi ordering page
(name, and email). Now press the Register button and start
playing all 10 levels!

Figure 2. Registration Dialog Box.
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